Discuss Pellegrini

citymad said:
simon23 said:
Not knocking pellers at all but I could have told him 2 yrs ago that yaya is not a defensive midfielder and never should be used as one in the prem league....

The balance in midfield is key and the only way it will work with him and fernandinho in there is if fernandinho plays the holding role and is disciplined in doing so.

Plus....never ever play Garcia....the guy is useless

Can't argue with that. When Yaya plays defensive it gives him the excuse to have an easy time get rid of it with a side or back pass something your average midfielder can do just as well. We need to play Yaya further upfront to give him some responsibility. Never played or looked like a Captain today.


Yaya is not a defensive midfielder, never will be.

He should be played further forward or not at all. I cant believe this is still an issue.
Unlike a lot on here, he didn't get carried away after Newcastle and I am sure he will learn a lot from today. I hope he has the balls to drop the under-performers or the tactical nous to iron out the mistakes. He's had 180 minutes in a new League with new players and is still getting to grips with the demands of it all. The team still looks unbalanced to me and the midfield partnership of Toure and Fernandinho was hopeless against Cardiff. Surely 4-5-1 has to be used away from home with Milner and Rodwell bolstering the middle and giving us more energy and urgency.
Mike N said:
Two games into our new manager's reign and some fans are panicking like little girls.

Good God.

Yeah because everything is great isn't it. Our away performance today was just scintilating unlike last year...............Oh wait a minute...........
Damocles said:
bondsman said:
Damocles said:

Haha mcfc sharing the same ideals as the body shop. Fuck holistic I want to win things. Madrid and utd and Milan and Liverpool of old weren't arsed about holistic they did alright.

Bet he smells dead nice though

That's enough for the cabal it seems
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Mike N said:
Two games into our new manager's reign and some fans are panicking like little girls.

Good God.

Yeah because everything is great isn't it. Our away performance today was just scintilating unlike last year...............Oh wait a minute...........
It was a bad performance. Everyone accepts that.

Give Pellegrini a chance to sort it out.
It all depends on what Sheikh Mansour wants. Does he accept a gradual restructuring of the club ... the holistic approach ... meaning we could be potless for four or five years until the graduates come through, or does he demand instant success, the lack of which last season cost Mancini his job? If it is the latter, then the whole issue of Pelly winning nothing of note on this continent since his arrival is likely to raise it's ugly head unless today's debacle is immediately rectified and that City go on a long unbeaten run.
What the f**k have we done?!?!?

I've been a season ticket holder for 32 years, i,ve also taken a keen interest in Malaga CF for the past 3 years. If, twelve months ago someone would have told me that Mancini would be replaced by Pellegrini i would have been fucking mortified!
As you can tell by my post count i don't post too often, although i do look in pretty much every day. I've spent most of the summer reading comments from Billy Shears & Didsbury Dave and the like about how shit Mancini was and how wonderful MP is.
let me tell you this, Mancini was a WINNER whilst Pellegrini is the Latin version of Kevin Keegan (Entertaining...but NO trophies!!) he has spent ( backed by Cheeky & Sorry)£84m on attack-minded players.
Last season Mancini wanted Van Persie, Hazard And De Rossi.....Total cost about £90m, instead he was given Garcia, Sinclair and 'injury prone' Rodwell!!
Had Mancini got his men last summer we could, probably WOULD have won the double and progressed further in the Champions league!!
It seems to me that we have got the best owner in football, Also in Al Mubarak we have the best chairman. trouble is, since the takeover we've lacked someone with a general understanding of premier league football who can run the club on a day-to-day basis!
Firstly we had that bungling bafoon Gary Cook, then the incompetent Brian Marwood and now we have the two Spanish 'wide boys' handing out jobs for the boys!
I hope to god I'm wrong but i believe sacking Mancini will come back to haunt us and all us 'fan boys' will be shaking our heads in disbelief at the Cheeky & Sorry 'fan boys' (Billy and Co) thinking "what the fuck have we done!!!"
Mike N said:
Two games into our new manager's reign and some fans are panicking like little girls.

Good God.
Some people are not panicking they are just concerned, a class team being beaten by a workman like team like Cardiff is worrying especially as we know that the rags, Chelsea, Spurs, lpool and the Arse would have rolled them over with ease

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