Discuss Pellegrini

Re: What the f**k have we done?!?!?

Good post mate
But Billy will shout you down fella!!<br /><br />-- Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:42 pm --<br /><br />
Skashion said:
I think you're expressing concerns plenty of people still have but dial it down a bit.

I am starting to agree with a lot of your posts Skash!!! Lol.............
blue underpants said:
Mike N said:
Two games into our new manager's reign and some fans are panicking like little girls.

Good God.
Some people are not panicking they are just concerned, a class team being beaten by a workman like team like Cardiff is worrying especially as we know that the rags, Chelsea, Spurs, lpool and the Arse would have rolled them over with ease

How do we know this? In no other game this season will they be able to replicate the atmosphere and effort from their players as in Cardiffs first ever PL game, no matter who they play.
blue underpants said:
Mike N said:
Two games into our new manager's reign and some fans are panicking like little girls.

Good God.
Some people are not panicking they are just concerned, a class team being beaten by a workman like team like Cardiff is worrying especially as we know that the rags, Chelsea, Spurs, lpool and the Arse would have rolled them over with ease

And that is just it mate..Arsenal,Spurs,Chelsea,United would not have lost there today and I am willing to place a wager that none of them lose at Cardiff!!<br /><br />-- Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:43 pm --<br /><br />
blue underpants said:
Mike N said:
Two games into our new manager's reign and some fans are panicking like little girls.

Good God.
Some people are not panicking they are just concerned, a class team being beaten by a workman like team like Cardiff is worrying especially as we know that the rags, Chelsea, Spurs, lpool and the Arse would have rolled them over with ease

And that is just it mate..Arsenal,Spurs,Chelsea,United would not have lost there today and I am willing to place a wager that none of them lose at Cardiff!!
Re: What the f**k have we done?!?!?

I second everything you say but let move on. Mancini has gone. Pelli needs time that's what I can see.
hilts said:
robbieh said:
The difference I have noticed is that we are a bit more direct than under Mancini, Yaya doing lots of not very accurate long passing. The defence seems to have gone from a pretty tight unit to a shambles.

What both Manuel and Roberto haven't seemed to grasp is that even Barca might struggle against Cardiff and their ilk.

We have several players who to my mind would be better in La Liga. Yaya, Silva, Edin. Not saying they are bad players.

We also have players who seem designed for the EPL. Milner, Negredo and Navas. Admittedly the last two have only played twice. But Navas has pace and Negredo is physical. Dzeko reminds me of Le Tissier. He is a bit of a soft boy. Lots of skill, great goals BUT...

We need to move the ball much quicker, this will allow Kun more space to use his speed and skill.

I reckon this may have been a shock for our new manager. Hope he learns quickly.

Dzeko reminds you of Le Tissier? bloody hell that is funny

Different types of players but both had or have lots of talent, score great goals but both hide when the going gets tough. Edin goes down clutching his leg while the game rolls on. He is a prima donna in my opinion. Would prefer Negredo up front. Less talented but looks like he'll get fouled and just roll his sleeves up.
Re: What the f**k have we done?!?!?

Distinct lack of these posts on Monday night.....

When everything is going well and we are cruising to a 4-0 victory, people can't wait to pile the praise on Pellegrini for doing things like playing/buying Navas, getting the best out of Dzeko, having the midfield play with tenacity and pace as well as playing a free flowing brand of football.

When everything goes badly and we lose ONE game, people can't wait to bash anyone and everyone!

Re: What the f**k have we done?!?!?

riggymcfc123 said:
I've been a season ticket holder for 32 years, i,ve also taken a keen interest in Malaga CF for the past 3 years. If, twelve months ago someone would have told me that Mancini would be replaced by Pellegrini i would have been fucking mortified!
As you can tell by my post count i don't post too often, although i do look in pretty much every day. I've spent most of the summer reading comments from Billy Shears & Didsbury Dave and the like about how shit Mancini was and how wonderful MP is.
let me tell you this, Mancini was a WINNER whilst Pellegrini is the Latin version of Kevin Keegan (Entertaining...but NO trophies!!) he has spent ( backed by Cheeky & Sorry)£84m on attack-minded players.
Last season Mancini wanted Van Persie, Hazard And De Rossi.....Total cost about £90m, instead he was given Garcia, Sinclair and 'injury prone' Rodwell!!
Had Mancini got his men last summer we could, probably WOULD have won the double and progressed further in the Champions league!!
It seems to me that we have got the best owner in football, Also in Al Mubarak we have the best chairman. trouble is, since the takeover we've lacked someone with a general understanding of premier league football who can run the club on a day-to-day basis!
Firstly we had that bungling bafoon Gary Cook, then the incompetent Brian Marwood and now we have the two Spanish 'wide boys' handing out jobs for the boys!
I hope to god I'm wrong but i believe sacking Mancini will come back to haunt us and all us 'fan boys' will be shaking our heads in disbelief at the Cheeky & Sorry 'fan boys' (Billy and Co) thinking "what the fuck have we done!!!"

Enjoyed that and can't disagree with any of it. Hoping for an improvement from pellers tho...
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Damocles said:
nobody can eat fifty eggs said:
Let's give him a season at least folks...

We will give him the same that we gave Mancini after winning the title.

So about two games then.

I for one am fully behind Pellegrini but was a staunch supporter of Mancini. I really didnt give a fuck if the players didn't like him. It clearly showed in their performances.
What I find funny is that the Mancini was shit coach/man managers posters are very very quiet this evening. We played well at home last season,we played well again on Monday.
We played very poorly away last season,we played very poorly away today.
What's changed..?? Not a lot really apart from Bobby sitting pretty on his 6 million pay off plus another 80 mill on 4 players!

certain posters must be washing their hair tonite or i am sure they would be here;)

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