Discuss Pellegrini

dctid said:
waspish said:
Ducado said:
Could you try writing that in English please

I understood every word ;)

I guess the point is that apart from the Arsenal loss to Villa on the opening day the teams whom are likely to compete for the title / top 4 ie our peers have all lost to their peers ie equivalent teams or lost at grounds which are difficult ie Anfield and Goodison

None of them have dropped points against Cardiff and Stoke - we have had a relatively easy opening 4 games compared to many yet we have still strived to screw up.

Most of these teams will take more than one point from Cardiff and Stoke

Maybe they will we won't know till they have played them
SkyBlueUSA said:
WIn the derby next week, and people will be saying Pellegrini is the best thing since sliced bread lol. However, things could get real nasty if we lose, and this pretty much sums up my mindset about City. I feel we are one good performance away of putting it together, but I also feel we are one good hiding away of a collapse.

Got a massive game tuesday first could shape our season madrid away really set us back last season as for pellers he, s getting used to the players and viceversa if were in touching distance by xmas I really do think we will piss the lge!
NipHolmes said:
The cookie monster said:
hilts said:
Your post doesn't make any sense old bean you have made a pretty big contradiction
It's called covering all your bases
Nip first said top 4 will be fine
Then started a thread that we WILL win the league aft the Newcastle match
Now top 3 is o.k again

Tbf most of us have done the same

I made that thread before the Newcastle game.

You know full well I said that top 4 and progression in Europe was my requirement. However I believe we can win the league.

I'm not fussed what others think, remember last season when 40k sang Bobbys name. Some good that did. What counts is what the people upstairs think and right now I am sure they aren't propping the ceiling up with acroprops waiting for the sky to fall in. Instead they are probably waiting for next week which is a crucial time for us.
The people upstairs also are firm in their belief that Barry needed to go. How do you feel about that?
Pellegrini isn't a problem... neither was Mancini. There's an attitude amongst the players that they are bigger than the manager and until that's stamped out, players will continue to put in half arsed performances. Too often has there been passengers in the side.

People on here are way too critical of management level but are incredibly defensive of players. It was the same with Adebayor, he walked all over the club and people continued to kiss his ass. It was only until he left did people finally admit what a twat he was. I'll probably get shot down for this, but I think it's a good example, THEM across the road. Anyone who pissed Ferguson off was instantly in the fireing line... Rooney being the obvious and look at the shit Bebe got. Chelsea are a club that also share the same problem as us, perhaps even worse for them as they seem to have the holy trinity (Terry, Lampard & Cole) calling the shots. Endless amounts of managers come and go but the game never changes, even now for Chelsea, Mourinho has returned but Terry, Lampard and Cole will always come first, despite their inconsistant performances. Load of new tactics, new management, new players brought in but the core of the problem always around like a bad smell. I think longetivity is the solution, if a manager is around for a good solid eight years... he instantly has a presence. Wenger at Arsenal is another, there's no way they'll ever have the balls to sack him... not just because he is the core of the club, but despite Arsenal being pretty damn crap, they still manage to blag their way into the top four no matter how mediocre they look. Liverpool also currently share our problem, probably worse as they don't have the financial muscle to compete with us, Saint Gerrard or some racist twat comes before the manager. Dalglish had to go through all sorts of sh*t to defend Suarez, still cost him his job and Suarez sails on happily.

Barcelona? Another core of players, however, they've benefited from it. Xavi, Messi, Iniesta, Puyol etc. Piss any of them off and you're probably out the door... not such a bad thing as the only way you'll be out the door is if you're not pulling your weight.

Real Madrid? Things not what they once were for them. Zidane, Raul and Casillas once the core. New signings were always monster fees hence putting them under the spotlight, they HAD to perform or once again, they're in the sh*t. Probably similar to ourselves right now.

I think we're building some sort of core, but we have to stick to them. Hart, Kompany & Zabaleta are the big ones. But the club has to keep hold of them aswell as the manager. We've got to have expectations and aim high, but it's down to Pellegrini, Hart, Kompany and Zabaleta to enforce them. If you feel someone isn't pulling their weight, you call them out. Mancini did the same last season with Nasri, even getting to a point where he made it public. It's evident that behind the scenes no player backed him or supported his motion, instead they all turned on him and drove him out the door. Yet Mancini was right, Nasri was being lazy and as soon as Mancini did call him out, he finally got his finger out. As I said, people on here and even the stands are too defensive of the players.
uwe rosler 28 said:
SkyBlueUSA said:
WIn the derby next week, and people will be saying Pellegrini is the best thing since sliced bread lol. However, things could get real nasty if we lose, and this pretty much sums up my mindset about City. I feel we are one good performance away of putting it together, but I also feel we are one good hiding away of a collapse.

Got a massive game tuesday first could shape our season madrid away really set us back last season as for pellers he, s getting used to the players and viceversa if were in touching distance by xmas I really do think we will piss the lge!

Agreed. We need to stay in touch and then when the new system clicks and we get everyone back fully fit I think it will be a case of light the blue touch paper and step well back.
The cookie monster said:
NipHolmes said:
hilts said:
Your post doesn't make any sense old bean you have made a pretty big contradiction

I've given my thoughts but my belief is that Pellegrini needs time due to the overhaul of the squad. I do however believe he just change the formation and that we fucked up by giving Barry away whilst retaining Garcia.

I also believe the vocal posters are still pining for Mancini. The same guy who wasn't even linked to a top job in Euope. Just saying.
Mancini the guy you said give 5 years too after he son the league

Oh and Mourinho & pep had double the time off than bobby after losing the league

Just saying!

Mancini deserved fuck all the moment we crashed out of Europe. The story of his career. I named mg dog after him and I was over the moon winning the league, pardon me for being overwhelmed and irrational. However Mancini soon reverted to negative type and that my friend cost him his job, rightfully. As I said, Europe was disgraceful and we've spoken about this too many times to do so again. He's history and the present is Pellegrini, like it or not. There will be teething problems but we will get through it.
Clearly any calls for Pellegrini's head after four games are nonsense but I feel most people have had the pre-season confidence well & truly knocked out of them as I have. So far he has shown a tactical rigidity & a lack of a defined style of play with no obvious idea of how to change these deficiencies.

He will get a season to show what, if anything, he brings to the party as who could replace him mid-season?
BillyShears said:
Rammy Blue said:
Exeter Blue I am here said:
We did give him £80m. In fact we gave him £130m. He spent it on Garcia, Rodwell, Sinclair, Nasri, Dzeko, Kolarov and Balotelli, not one of whom he came close to eliciting anything remotely approaching consistency or value for money from. But having shite man management skills doesn't bother you, eh?!
Those best placed (ie Khaldoon) made the right call. We were on the slide under Mancini, looking increasingly limited and easy to thwart, and any amount of bleating on your behalfs won't change that fact. The great shame is that so far Pellegrini has tanked big time, with not only little sign of improvement, but rather active regression. It is my sincerest wish that he sorts it out pronto though, so we don't have to listen to any more bitter, retrospective, drivelling on this board.......


Haha. You beat me to it - was just looking for an appropriate gif!

Going back to your post earlier, it's definitely strange that he hasn't changed things round mid game. However it's just too early to make any real judgements right now. As I keep saying the league's much tougher this season and there will be no easy games. As Chelsea are currently finding out.

Chelsea created loads and loads of chances Billy.
And re the 80 million-we all know that the signings last summer were not his choices.
NipHolmes said:
The cookie monster said:
hilts said:
Your post doesn't make any sense old bean you have made a pretty big contradiction
It's called covering all your bases
Nip first said top 4 will be fine
Then started a thread that we WILL win the league aft the Newcastle match
Now top 3 is o.k again

Tbf most of us have done the same

I made that thread before the Newcastle game.

You know full well I said that top 4 and progression in Europe was my requirement. However I believe we can win the league.

I'm not fussed what others think, remember last season when 40k sang Bobbys name. Some good that did. What counts is what the people upstairs think and right now I am sure they aren't propping the ceiling up with acroprops waiting for the sky to fall in. Instead they are probably waiting for next week which is a crucial time for us.

You do know that you get 3 points if you beat stoke or the rags don't you? can you please tell me how you came to the conclusion that pelligrini is a good manager but you think he picks the wrong players and system, you seem to have missed this point

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