Discuss Pellegrini

I will guarantee one thing that all the knee jerkers will be nowhere to be seen when we get back to form, it's been the most embarrassing and cringeworthy few hours that I have ever seen on here, calling for the manager to be sacked after 4 games embarrassing
Ducado said:
spanishblue said:
dw7 said:
He's fucking shocking and I agree with dax-blue I think he is a yes man

I hope he turns it around and quick though

I hope he can turn things round but I don't think he has the capability
So your another who wants him out after 4 games

I am not one for changing managers but we have and I will still support my team RM has gone I will live with it .The fact that I personally don't think he has the capability to take us where we need to be.
If I am wrong I will hold my hands up sorry if my opinion upsets you and I really do hope I am wrong
Ducado said:
I will guarantee one thing that all the knee jerkers will be nowhere to be seen when we get back to form, it's been the most embarrassing and cringeworthy few hours that I have ever seen on here, calling for the manager to be sacked after 4 games embarrassing

Sometimes you get a sense of things very quickly Ducado.

Naturally we need to see how we play in Europe and how we back up and what develops when the new players bed in a little more and we have as many players to pick from but lets be honest you have to some concerns on what we have seen so far.

The pressure is on MP and the players ( those who actually give a stuff about their reputation and want to win things ) from the outset.

Its our worst start since the takeover and we have to improve dramatically in all facets of the game and quickly as the season can pass you by before you know it.
BobKowalski said:
Ducado said:
RandomJ said:
A world beater? What are you basing this on considering he's won sweet FA in his career? He seems like a likeable guy but he seems so out of his depth it's really worrying. Hope he turns it round with two big games coming up but it's not looking good.

You see, I don't think you and quite a few other do hope he turns it around, what your hoping for is some vindication that the hurt you felt would be justified when Roberto got the boot, I have read enough on here to draw my own conclusions about what is going on.

And when it does turn around which it will in my opinion you and the rest will be nowhere to be seen, it's exactly the same thing that happened before, we win a few games the outers are nowhere to be seen.

Sure it's fine to air your disappointment, I am not that happy with the last few games, but I know that 4 games in is not the time to be calling for the managers head on a platter

You keep pushing this button.

I don't think that Pellers can manage successfully at this level - for what its worth I don't think Moyes can either. I thought that long before either were appointed and have seen nothing so far to change my mind. Both can manage lower level teams and manage them successfully but I think the job at City and across the way is several levels above both men's capabilities.

The one thing that keeps crossing my mind watching Pellegrini is that I've seen this before and that was Hodgson at Liverpool. Both did well in Europe with unfashionable teams, both were lauded by media, pundits and players. Both followed managers who were successful but didn't score highly in man management skills. Yet Hodgson never looked right at Liverpool. Just didn't fit and never got what the job meant in the way that smarmy git Rodgers does.

The Cardiff game where we went 1-0 in the 60th and then lost it. Actually went 3-1 down. That shit shouldn't happen. Not against Cardiff. Bad enough chucking it away against Real Madrid but Cardiff? Then Hull came out and played football. Fucking football and at times better than us. As did Stoke. What happened to the parked bus and teams fearful of a spanking?

Its not about the football or the PR bollocks of playing attractive free flowing football. Its about the mental application. Sort of application where we were away at WBA and a man down and a goal down and won the game in the last minute. Or Norwich. Or just bossing the game and deciding today we wouldn't score for love nor money but at least we bossed the fucking thing.

So is Pellers the man? Nope. But then I never thought he was. You only had to check his CV to know that.

Yep you just have to read his after match comments Hodgson mark 2....
blue underpants said:
Ducado said:
blue underpants said:
No they are not, his body language today said as much
The guy might be a nice fella but he is miles out of his depth and will be gone before Christmas
Like I have said before you and others are making snap judgements
Sorry mate but i have never made a snap decision in my life i am too long in the tooth for that, i have watched this team since 1960 and this smacks of and is on a par with the late great Malcolm Allison replacing the even greater Joe Mercer, it stinks and if people think Pellers is anywhere near as good as Mancini they need to have a look at themselves
The people who came on this board and slagged Mancini off thinking the grass would be greener once we got rid of the best manager since Joe should hang their heads in shame, its 4 games in and its like a massive kick in the bollocks on a cold Winters day.....its fuckin painful

fantastic post. you are spot on. I posted earlier that this is like 1971 all over again.
Ducado said:
I will guarantee one thing that all the knee jerkers will be nowhere to be seen when we get back to form, it's been the most embarrassing and cringeworthy few hours that I have ever seen on here, calling for the manager to be sacked after 4 games embarrassing

I second and third that. Considering that it's more on the players getting familiar with each other and learning the system, than the manager having to "teach" these great players to play. Look at Real Madrid's game today.
dxb-blue said:
Mike N said:
Ducado said:
What's up? Is rag cafe down?

Absolutely no way on earth you are a City fan

Or may be just an idiot?

A Blue with a different opinion...must be an idiot?
Like many have already stated, so far we have seen absolutely nothing from our new Manager where he has effected the games we are struggling in. Continuing to play Garcia at CB is a classic example.

I'll tell you why you are an idiot. 'The Spaniards wanted a 'yes man'? How the fuck do you know if he's a 'yes man' or not. You dont. Id rather stick was a manager with experience than some herbert on Bluemoon who's pissing his pants because we havent won four games in a row.

Oh and the fact that you mention Moyes? Please explain why the 'jokes on us'.

4 games in and you want a new manager? As I said, idiot.
moomba said:
frothy said:
Berkovic_blue said:
I love these revisionist scenarios where IF something different had happened then X lol

People even used to beat Mancini with the stick that we were lucky to win the league bcos QPR blah blah blah. It's just nonsense and makes me wonder what goes on in people's heads.
did anybody else hear the attempt to get the Mancini chant going yesterday

What would be the point in that?
no point just saying what I heard
Ducado said:
I will guarantee one thing that all the knee jerkers will be nowhere to be seen when we get back to form, it's been the most embarrassing and cringeworthy few hours that I have ever seen on here, calling for the manager to be sacked after 4 games embarrassing

Here fecking here.

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