Discuss Pellegrini

This is hopefully the manager getting to know his squad ans what they are and most importantly are not capable of....I don't expect the title with a manager who us new to the league but I do expect it to be close especially with the players he has brought in.....luckily the adaptations that pellers has ri make ate pretty simple so it shouldn't rake too long but what he could not legislate for us losing a player of kompany stature in the first game!!
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
Ducado said:
Pablo1 said:
I'm sure you will do your utmost to keep it flowing along nicely mate..(yep, I appreciate the irony of my post! Ha!)
Anyone trying to point score after today needs to take a look at themselves. Mancini has gone, and even if he was still here the evidence points to us not doing a great deal better than how we got on today. I'm gutted about the result, and in many ways our overall performance was identical to many of last seasons aways - however there are loads of things to stay positive about and as long as we buy some quality back up for Vinny/Nasty we will finish there or thereabouts.

That said if we fail to bring somebody else in at the back I genuinely worry about us.

There has been nothing more than point scoring on an epic scale tonight, which is something I feared would happen, especially after Dave and Billy were rubbing peoples noses in it after Monday, it's all a bit sad really
Hopefully it's just people venting their anger rather than people's real thoughts, which would be pretty sad.
Fear that rot is not tactical or Mancini, but the casual mentality of the players we saw last season. That's not easy to fix.

I didn't expect to see it all soon in our first away game
Marvin said:
Fear that rot is not tactical or Mancini, but the casual mentality of the players we saw last season. That's not easy to fix.
I didn't expect to see it all soon in our first away game

I agree,
Jumanji said:
26 pages on the manager from 1 game?

I fucking despair.
My comment is not about Pellegrini but the players who turned in a performance the like of which saw Mancini sacked
Danamy said:
Jumanji said:
26 pages on the manager from 1 game?

I fucking despair.

I'm in shock with this thread, in all my years........ah fuck it, i can't be bothered

Haha ... c'mon, you must've had a giggle at some of the usernames who are flapping ... :)
BillyShears said:
Danamy said:
Jumanji said:
26 pages on the manager from 1 game?

I fucking despair.

I'm in shock with this thread, in all my years........ah fuck it, i can't be bothered

Haha ... c'mon, you must've had a giggle at some of the usernames who are flapping ... :)

If i get time tomorrow i might make a spreadsheet up ;-)
Re: What the f**k have we done?!?!?

riggymcfc123 said:
I've been a season ticket holder for 32 years, i,ve also taken a keen interest in Malaga CF for the past 3 years. If, twelve months ago someone would have told me that Mancini would be replaced by Pellegrini i would have been fucking mortified!
As you can tell by my post count i don't post too often, although i do look in pretty much every day. I've spent most of the summer reading comments from Billy Shears & Didsbury Dave and the like about how shit Mancini was and how wonderful MP is.
let me tell you this, Mancini was a WINNER whilst Pellegrini is the Latin version of Kevin Keegan (Entertaining...but NO trophies!!) he has spent ( backed by Cheeky & Sorry)£84m on attack-minded players.
Last season Mancini wanted Van Persie, Hazard And De Rossi.....Total cost about £90m, instead he was given Garcia, Sinclair and 'injury prone' Rodwell!!
Had Mancini got his men last summer we could, probably WOULD have won the double and progressed further in the Champions league!!
It seems to me that we have got the best owner in football, Also in Al Mubarak we have the best chairman. trouble is, since the takeover we've lacked someone with a general understanding of premier league football who can run the club on a day-to-day basis!
Firstly we had that bungling bafoon Gary Cook, then the incompetent Brian Marwood and now we have the two Spanish 'wide boys' handing out jobs for the boys!
I hope to god I'm wrong but i believe sacking Mancini will come back to haunt us and all us 'fan boys' will be shaking our heads in disbelief at the Cheeky & Sorry 'fan boys' (Billy and Co) thinking "what the fuck have we done!!!"

Great post
simon23 said:
This is hopefully the manager getting to know his squad ans what they are and most importantly are not capable of....I don't expect the title with a manager who us new to the league but I do expect it to be close especially with the players he has brought in.....luckily the adaptations that pellers has ri make ate pretty simple so it shouldn't rake too long but what he could not legislate for us losing a player of kompany stature in the first game!!

Yes but Txiki and co knew we were short on defensive cover if they let Kolo go who had some cracking games last season.

Pelligrini is no mug and we will be a formidable team before long.

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