Discuss Pellegrini

Fucking hell, is this really how we're going to go on? Pellegrini being slagged off by Inners, Mancini being slagged off by Outers. I knew it was inevitable on a small-scale level. After all, there are some absolute numpties who refused to support Mancini because they supported Hughes, they were just very few in number. But fook me, really, this is how this forum's going to be from now on after every result? Good result = Outers scoring points. Bad result = Inners scoring points. Get over yourselves and support the club not your fucking egos.
It's very early days yet - I think we have concentrated too much on forwards rather than the real weak areas of the tm

Early observations - 34 million seems huge for fernadinio, we will struggle to keep negredo, Aguero, jovetic and dzecko happy.

We are light with cover in central midfield.

At the back - lescott and Clichy (would be fine as bck up) are not good enough, nor are garcia and hart.

We are really missing a strong nutter at the back - like a good michel bonk, van buten, mick McCarthy. We needs keeper who inspires like schmeical, (I massively rated David james) or van de sar or Buffon.

As for the manager - dare I say he seems a bit dull?
Ducado said:
blue underpants said:
cleavers said:
There's plenty of evidence over the last 3 seasons that suggests he wouldn't have won it, and could quite easily have lost it.
There is also evidence that Mancini would have sorted that shower out tactically and gone on to win it.....comfortably
Are you still pissed Norris? It was just a carbon copy of some away games last season
No im still pissed off that we sacked a man who wasnt afraid of having a go at these under performing couldnt give a shit so called footballers
Imagine Grandad Pellers laying into this lot at Carrington today, it willbe like being savaged by a dead sheep
Ducado said:
It was a freak result I am sure he will earn his corn now he has seen the team perform

It was and unexpected result, not least by me. But not a freaky one. A freak result is one where you would not expect the same outcome if played again. Something spurious that caused a weird result - the Peter Crouch 35 yard volley at Stoke, for example.

There was nothing freaky about that game. We were just beaten, fair and square. Unless changes are made to formation, tactics, personnel, player motivation, whatever, we would lose that tie again and again and again.

But I agree, Pellegrini will fix it.
Skashion said:
Fucking hell, is this really how we're going to go on? Pellegrini being slagged off by Inners, Mancini being slagged off by Outers. I knew it was inevitable on a small-scale level. After all, there are some absolute numpties who refused to support Mancini because they supported Hughes, they were just very few in number. But fook me, really, this is how this forum's going to be from now on after every result? Good result = Outers scoring points. Bad result = Inners scoring points. Get over yourselves and support the club not your fucking egos.
It's not often I agree with you but you are a 100% spot on and I have been saying similar, last week we had Dave & billy gloating and trying to rub people's noses in it, this week we have the most vociferous inners at it, nothing to do with the club they claim to support
Skashion said:
Fucking hell, is this really how we're going to go on? Pellegrini being slagged off by Inners, Mancini being slagged off by Outers. I knew it was inevitable on a small-scale level. After all, there are some absolute numpties who refused to support Mancini because they supported Hughes, they were just very few in number. But fook me, really, this is how this forum's going to be from now on after every result? Good result = Outers scoring points. Bad result = Inners scoring points. Get over yourselves and support the club not your fucking egos.
Good post skas
Unfortunately like ducado said it started last week with some point scoring
And as you say it was inevitable it was going to go the other way after a poor display

I think we all just need to get behind the new gaffer.
Ducado said:
It was a freak result I am sure he will earn his corn now he has seen the team perform
Sadly with this group of players it was anything but a "freak result" it was one you could see coming right from kick off, just as we had seen with the previous manager. The common denominator was the players, well 11 of the 14 used anyway.
We played against a very difficult team," Pellegrini said, "they had ten players near their own box in the first-half and it was difficult for us to try to score.

For him to not know how teams will set up and play against us is worrying, lets hope he can sort it out he needs to Learn quickly because 90% of teams will play like this against us!
The cookie monster said:
Skashion said:
Fucking hell, is this really how we're going to go on? Pellegrini being slagged off by Inners, Mancini being slagged off by Outers. I knew it was inevitable on a small-scale level. After all, there are some absolute numpties who refused to support Mancini because they supported Hughes, they were just very few in number. But fook me, really, this is how this forum's going to be from now on after every result? Good result = Outers scoring points. Bad result = Inners scoring points. Get over yourselves and support the club not your fucking egos.
Good post skas
Unfortunately like ducado said it started last week with some point scoring
And as you say it was inevitable it was going to go the other way after a poor display

I think we all just need to get behind the new gaffer.

The inner- outer point scoring is all noise though, and irrelevant noise at that. Most people - the vast majority of people - have accepted that Pellegrini is our manager and will support him and the team through thick and thin, whether they wanted him here or not.

But that doesn't mean we can't have a moan when our fabulous players - our fabulous team in fact - play like Grove United and get their arses handed to them. I don't want to see a performance like that ever again.
cleavers said:
Ducado said:
It was a freak result I am sure he will earn his corn now he has seen the team perform
Sadly with this group of players it was anything but a "freak result" it was one you could see coming right from kick off, just as we had seen with the previous manager. The common denominator was the players, well 11 of the 14 used anyway.
Fair point but having seen it with his own eyes it's up to him to make sure it dose not happen again

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