Discuss Pellegrini

Gaylord du Bois said:
Stood in The South Stand said:
Stood in The South Stand said:
Why do you bother replying to him, it gives him a sense of self-importance? The irony of him telling us to get behind the manager and that most of us are wanting Manuel to fail, you couldn't make it up. Everytime we got beat in the last 2 years we've had to put with his hatred of "The Italian" and even now it's Mancini's fault. I've also noticed only 2 of the 3 Amigos in here, where's Dismal hiding?

Just to add, I want Manuel to be the most successful manager in our history, I just can't help feeling we've got a downgrade.
It does feel a bit like John Major coming in for Margaret Thatcher.

Timothy Dalton for Roger Moore
BillyShears said:
Apologise Bob, I took your Tesco comment out of context. Here it is in full:

Mancini irrespective of what some people think has demonstrated through actual silverware that he can bring success at the top level. We can argue if that success is enough or whether other managers like Jose could bring even bigger success at this level - which is fair and legitimate debate - but not the Pellegrini's of this world. Some people can run a corner shop and others can run Tesco's. But don't think doing well at the former makes you even close to being competent at running the latter.

So it's been clear for a while you simply don't rate Pellegrini. Stands to reason then that after two games you'd be making sweeping generalisations about how we can't defend anymore and it's all the managers fault.

I don't rate Pellegrini. I didn't rate him before he was appointed, since he was appointed or now. I have seen Pellegrini in action 3 times in competitive games. His last for Malaga (they were shit), Newcastle (we were good) and Cardiff (fill in the blank).

I do not have enough evidence to rate Pellegrini anymore than I rated Mancini when he first arrived. I knew little about Mancini and I am in the same position with Pellegrini. I will form an opinion on Pellegrini after more games. Its not a difficult concept.
PMSL!!!!! What the fuck?

Just glanced through this thread and I see several references to "Where are you Dave?" and all this.

Is this Bluemoon logic now? City's success under Pellegrini is entirely on my head (and I presume Billy's of course)? Anything that goes wrong is now a stick to beat me with because I didn't rate Mancini?

Comedy, pure unadulterated Bluemoon Comedy. The warped and childlike logic of the forum in full effect. Magnified tenfold by the fact that we are two games into the season. Count them. Two.


Let me get one thing straight here. It doesn't matter if Pellegrini loses every game between now and Christmas and is on the plane back to Chile before the transfer window. That has no impact whatsoever on the decision to sack Mancini. It just means that his replacement was wrong. The two aren't interlinked. This is not X Factor. It's football. Mancini was deemed to have run his course. He wasn't seen as good enough. If his replacement fails too then that doesn't change a thing about that decision.

From my point of view I'm not concerned so far at all. I'm impressed with the man and think he'll get it right. But if he doesn't he goes. One thing's for sure. If we get Pam and SHB and Ducado popping up with smug Mancini pictures and "Where's Dave?" jibes every time we don't play well this forum is going to be a poisonous place. I appreciate there are people who are still smarting from the summer, and even a tiny number who haven't opened their minds to the realities of Mancini.

I'll simplify it for the avoidance of doubt: If Pellegrini turns out not to be good enough, it doesn't mean Mancini suddenly was. It means they both weren't good enough and that's bad news for MCFC.

I don't believe this will happen, by the way.
Didsbury Dave said:
What the fuck?

Just glanced through this thread and I see several references to "Where are you Dave?" and all this.

Is this Bluemoon logic now? City's success under Pellegrini is entirely on my head (and I presume Billy's of course)? Anything that goes wrong is now a stick to beat me with because I didn't rate Mancini?

Comedy, pure unadulterated Bluemoon Comedy. The warped and childlike logic of the forum in full effect. Magnified tenfold by the fact that we are two games into the season. Count them. Two.


Let me get one thing straight here. It doesn't matter if Pellegrini loses every game between now and Christmas and is on the plane back to Chile before the transfer window. That has no impact whatsoever on the decision to sack Mancini. It just means that his replacement was wrong. The two aren't interlinked. This is not X Factor. It's football. Mancini was deemed to have run his course. He wasn't seen as good enough. If his replacement fails too then that doesn't change a thing about that decision.

From my point of view I'm not concerned so far at all. I'm impressed with the man and think he'll get it right. But if he doesn't he goes. One thing's for sure. If we get Pam and SHB and Ducado popping up with smug Mancini pictures and "Where's Dave?" jibes every time we don't play well this forum is going to be a poisonous place. I appreciate there are people who are still smarting from the summer, and even a tiny number who haven't opened their minds to the realities of Mancini.

I'll simplify it for the avoidance of doubt: If Pellegrini turns out not to be good enough, it doesn't mean Mancini suddenly was. It means they both weren't good enough and that's bad news for MCFC.

I don't believe this will happen, by the way.

Oooohhhh - touchy!
Skashion said:
BillyShears said:
If anything the last 12 months has been a procession of ***** lining up to tell me what a **** I am. I've got the message ... ;)
This place is full of *****?

Last time I checked this wasn't breaking news ... :)

On your post from earlier, I should've used a different analogy because my point wasn't to denigrate Mancini for looking at other jobs (even though I know I've done that in the past). Within the context of me taking piss out of St Helen, I was just pointing out to him that he was pining for someone who was gone, which if you do it about a woman is almost forgivable, but doing it about a football manager when the new guy hasn't even had a chance is embarrassing.

-- Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:02 pm --

BobKowalski said:
BillyShears said:
Apologise Bob, I took your Tesco comment out of context. Here it is in full:

Mancini irrespective of what some people think has demonstrated through actual silverware that he can bring success at the top level. We can argue if that success is enough or whether other managers like Jose could bring even bigger success at this level - which is fair and legitimate debate - but not the Pellegrini's of this world. Some people can run a corner shop and others can run Tesco's. But don't think doing well at the former makes you even close to being competent at running the latter.

So it's been clear for a while you simply don't rate Pellegrini. Stands to reason then that after two games you'd be making sweeping generalisations about how we can't defend anymore and it's all the managers fault.

I don't rate Pellegrini. I didn't rate him before he was appointed, since he was appointed or now. I have seen Pellegrini in action 3 times in competitive games. His last for Malaga (they were shit), Newcastle (we were good) and Cardiff (fill in the blank).

I do not have enough evidence to rate Pellegrini anymore than I rated Mancini when he first arrived. I knew little about Mancini and I am in the same position with Pellegrini. I will form an opinion on Pellegrini after more games. Its not a difficult concept.

Good luck forming an opinion to challenge the uninformed one you currently have. Let me know when the formation is complete and informed and we'll have an informed discussion.
BillyShears said:
Skashion said:
BillyShears said:
If anything the last 12 months has been a procession of ***** lining up to tell me what a **** I am. I've got the message ... ;)
This place is full of *****?

Last time I checked this wasn't breaking news ... :)

On your post from earlier, I should've used a different analogy because my point wasn't to denigrate Mancini for looking at other jobs (even though I know I've done that in the past). Within the context of me taking piss out of St Helen, I was just pointing out to him that he was pining for someone who was gone, which if you do it about a woman is almost forgivable, but doing it about a football manager when the new guy hasn't even had a chance is embarrassing.

-- Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:02 pm --

BobKowalski said:
BillyShears said:
Apologise Bob, I took your Tesco comment out of context. Here it is in full:

So it's been clear for a while you simply don't rate Pellegrini. Stands to reason then that after two games you'd be making sweeping generalisations about how we can't defend anymore and it's all the managers fault.

I don't rate Pellegrini. I didn't rate him before he was appointed, since he was appointed or now. I have seen Pellegrini in action 3 times in competitive games. His last for Malaga (they were shit), Newcastle (we were good) and Cardiff (fill in the blank).

I do not have enough evidence to rate Pellegrini anymore than I rated Mancini when he first arrived. I knew little about Mancini and I am in the same position with Pellegrini. I will form an opinion on Pellegrini after more games. Its not a difficult concept.

Good luck forming an opinion to challenge the uninformed one you currently have. Let me know when the formation is complete and informed and we'll have an informed discussion.

Ok Billy - I'm in a fairly reasonable mood, so I'll humour you awhile.
Could you possibly explain to a simple soul like myself exactly why BobKowalski, ( a poster I think talks a lot of sense and makes his case well ), is 'uninformed', whereas you, who live in another country and come over for a handful of games a year, presumably is clued-up and has his finger on the pulse.
Oh, and it's grossly unfair to tar us all with the same Johnny-Come-Lately brush in thinking you are a **** for the last 12 months.
A fair few of us have thought it for an awful lot longer.

Whoops - nearly forgot - :)
Thread is getting off topic and I'm just as guilty.

The fact is that none of us can know if Pellegrini is going to be a success or not. Some may argue his credentials aren't impressive and some like Billy will look at the same credentials and believe that given the correct platform he will succeed.
Then of course there are your Didddy Daves ( and please don't inflate his ego anymore by asking where he is!!), who are careful not to ever allow themselves to be proved wrong.

A thumping win and impressive performance against Hull please Manuel.
GaudinoMotors said:
Thread is getting off topic and I'm just as guilty.

The fact is that none of us can know if Pellegrini is going to be a success or not. Some may argue his credentials aren't impressive and some like Billy will look at the same credentials and believe that given the correct platform he will succeed.
Then of course there are your Didddy Daves ( and please don't inflate his ego anymore by asking where he is!!), who are careful not to ever allow themselves to be proved wrong.

A thumping win and impressive performance against Hull please Manuel.

The kind of diplomacy this thread needs. Thanks GM!

For the record I do think he has the credentials to give us the correct platform to succeed. I think we'll be a better team and less reliant on individual brilliance as the season progresses. As disappointing as Sunday was, it hasn't really got the worry barometer past 1 if I'm honest.

If anything, and I said this yesterday, it will have given Pellegrini a chance to see the weaknesses/limitations in our game when teams sit deep, up close and personally. Also, another thing I've said, anyone who watched Pellegrini's teams with any amount of regularity will know that the performance against Cardiff was not how his teams play. The tempo wasn't there, the movement wasn't there, the flying fullbacks weren't there. I suspect he second guessed himself, felt he needed to keep things tight because of having Garcia/Lescott pairing, and ultimately will have regretted it. Can't see us being cautious in that way again all season.
This is, of course, getting very acrimonious. Many supporters are not “behind” Pellegrini: Billy Shears et al were certainly never “behind” Mancini. I admit frankly that I am not “behind” Pellegrini, but my loyalty has always been to the club and the team. I was never “behind” Mancini, or, for that matter, Mark Hughes. I wanted them to be successful, I wanted City to play well. And I wanted them to win trophies. I still want that and I hope that Pellegrini can do that. But I have no personal loyalty to anyone; the team as a team comes first.

The club felt that Mancini wouldn't do it again for one reason or another and felt that, far from progressing, the team was going backwards. That was their judgement and on that basis they sacked the manager. There's no point in crying over spilt milk; I want the team to win so I want Pellegrini to be a success in the job. But there was never a “Pellegrini in” movement either at the club or among the fans. Billy Shears & Co simply didn't like Mancini and wanted him out for a very long time. They were never “behind” Mancini in the way they expect people to be “behind” Mancini. Nor did they ever really want Pellegrini. Their candidates were “Pep” (we're all apparently personal friends) Mourinho then Klopp – the second had no support whatsoever from the board and the third would not leave Dortmund. But in the end anyone would do. Guardiola was the board's choice, but he wouldn't come. The “outers”, of course, rallied to him. Only when reports of City contacts with Pellegrini emerged from Malaga did anyone consider him and begin to tell us that he was a clear upgrade on Mancini. There was even a thread in August, when rumours spread of discontent with “Pep” at Munich, asking if we should sack Pellegrini immediately if “Pep” became available! Right “behind” you, Manuel!

I was impressed last Monday: I was horrified on Sunday. Those opposed to Mancini's dismissal are bound to ask, in the wake of Sunday's debacle, in what way he is an upgrade on Mancini. He's had £90 million spent on the players he wants (which Mancini didn't get last August), he's had a full pre-season but lost his second PL match to a team of players who wouldn't get anywhere near our club let alone the first team. At set pieces we were a shambles. Doubters are entitled to ask what exactly it is in his CV which suggests he can do anywhere near as well as Mancini. He managed in Spain for 9 years and won nothing. He got to the semi-final and quarter final of the CL but he didn't win it. He has to prove that he can make City better than they have been under Mancini before many of us will give him our confidence, and you can rant all you like Billy, but you won't change anything. A view expressed by one City fan, and he was a real fan Billy whatever you say, on Sunday evening was that he was no different to a Chilean David Moyes. Only results will change that perception, held by some real City fans.

-- Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:28 am --

This is, of course, getting very acrimonious. Many supporters are not “behind” Pellegrini: Billy Shears et al were certainly never “behind” Mancini. I admit frankly that I am not “behind” Pellegrini, but my loyalty has always been to the club and the team. I was never “behind” Mancini, or, for that matter, Mark Hughes. I wanted them to be successful, I wanted City to play well. And I wanted them to win trophies. I still want that and I hope that Pellegrini can do that. But I have no personal loyalty to anyone; the team as a team comes first.

The club felt that Mancini wouldn't do it again for one reason or another and felt that, far from progressing, the team was going backwards. That was their judgement and on that basis they sacked the manager. There's no point in crying over spilt milk; I want the team to win so I want Pellegrini to be a success in the job. But there was never a “Pellegrini in” movement either at the club or among the fans. Billy Shears & Co simply didn't like Mancini and wanted him out for a very long time. They were never “behind” Mancini in the way they expect people to be “behind” Mancini. Nor did they ever really want Pellegrini. Their candidates were “Pep” (we're all apparently personal friends) Mourinho then Klopp – the second had no support whatsoever from the board and the third would not leave Dortmund. But in the end anyone would do. Guardiola was the board's choice, but he wouldn't come. The “outers”, of course, rallied to him. Only when reports of City contacts with Pellegrini emerged from Malaga did anyone consider him and begin to tell us that he was a clear upgrade on Mancini. There was even a thread in August, when rumours spread of discontent with “Pep” at Munich, asking if we should sack Pellegrini immediately if “Pep” became available! Right “behind” you, Manuel!

I was impressed last Monday: I was horrified on Sunday. Those opposed to Mancini's dismissal are bound to ask, in the wake of Sunday's debacle, in what way he is an upgrade on Mancini. He's had £90 million spent on the players he wants (which Mancini didn't get last August), he's had a full pre-season but lost his second PL match to a team of players who wouldn't get anywhere near our club let alone the first team. At set pieces we were a shambles. Doubters are entitled to ask what exactly it is in his CV which suggests he can do anywhere near as well as Mancini. He managed in Spain for 9 years and won nothing. He got to the semi-final and quarter final of the CL but he didn't win it. He has to prove that he can make City better than they have been under Mancini before many of us will give him our confidence, and you can rant all you like Billy, but you won't change anything. A view expressed by one City fan, and he was a real fan Billy whatever you say, on Sunday evening was that he was no different to a Chilean David Moyes. Only results will change that perception, held by some real City fans.<br /><br />-- Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:28 am --<br /><br />This is, of course, getting very acrimonious. Many supporters are not “behind” Pellegrini: Billy Shears et al were certainly never “behind” Mancini. I admit frankly that I am not “behind” Pellegrini, but my loyalty has always been to the club and the team. I was never “behind” Mancini, or, for that matter, Mark Hughes. I wanted them to be successful, I wanted City to play well. And I wanted them to win trophies. I still want that and I hope that Pellegrini can do that. But I have no personal loyalty to anyone; the team as a team comes first.

The club felt that Mancini wouldn't do it again for one reason or another and felt that, far from progressing, the team was going backwards. That was their judgement and on that basis they sacked the manager. There's no point in crying over spilt milk; I want the team to win so I want Pellegrini to be a success in the job. But there was never a “Pellegrini in” movement either at the club or among the fans. Billy Shears & Co simply didn't like Mancini and wanted him out for a very long time. They were never “behind” Mancini in the way they expect people to be “behind” Mancini. Nor did they ever really want Pellegrini. Their candidates were “Pep” (we're all apparently personal friends) Mourinho then Klopp – the second had no support whatsoever from the board and the third would not leave Dortmund. But in the end anyone would do. Guardiola was the board's choice, but he wouldn't come. The “outers”, of course, rallied to him. Only when reports of City contacts with Pellegrini emerged from Malaga did anyone consider him and begin to tell us that he was a clear upgrade on Mancini. There was even a thread in August, when rumours spread of discontent with “Pep” at Munich, asking if we should sack Pellegrini immediately if “Pep” became available! Right “behind” you, Manuel!

I was impressed last Monday: I was horrified on Sunday. Those opposed to Mancini's dismissal are bound to ask, in the wake of Sunday's debacle, in what way he is an upgrade on Mancini. He's had £90 million spent on the players he wants (which Mancini didn't get last August), he's had a full pre-season but lost his second PL match to a team of players who wouldn't get anywhere near our club let alone the first team. At set pieces we were a shambles. Doubters are entitled to ask what exactly it is in his CV which suggests he can do anywhere near as well as Mancini. He managed in Spain for 9 years and won nothing. He got to the semi-final and quarter final of the CL but he didn't win it. He has to prove that he can make City better than they have been under Mancini before many of us will give him our confidence, and you can rant all you like Billy, but you won't change anything. A view expressed by one City fan, and he was a real fan Billy whatever you say, on Sunday evening was that he was no different to a Chilean David Moyes. Only results will change that perception, held by some real City fans.

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