Discuss Pellegrini

It's the player's at fault all day long for me.
Today's performance was a carbon copy of some of
dire away (and a few home) games under the other bloke
last season.
I can't for the life of me understand why players like Toure
still seem totally surprised that teams like Cardiff are going to be in your
face,snapping at your heels for the full ninety minutes.
Jumanji said:
Marvin said:
grim up north said:
It was Cardiff,s cup final, first game back they would have been up for that against anybody
They just wasted time and put in a couple of corners.

If the quality of the opposition and the motivation is the issue then God help us when we go to Everton, Anfield, Stoke etc
I don't worry about those grounds, yes they will be hard, but you won't get the tireless, defensive, inspired perfornance we saw from Cardiff tonight. You probably won't even see Cardiff work that hard again, truth be told.

Cardiff were nothing special but have a team full of British players and this league means everything to them and their fans, and it showed.

First home game in the prem for nigh on 50 years? Cardiff were bound to run endlessly induced by adrenaline.
Your having a laugh
nobody can eat fifty eggs said:
No one was busting a gut today to impress the new manager and that's worrying. Maybe we'll see a few changes against Hull to keep the players on their toes (can't believe I'm saying this after two games ffs) Roll on Saturday for a good result and put this terrible result in the past.

Very worrying,
The team as a whole are seem to be in an "I can't be arsed" malaise when things don't go well.. Not seeming able to go through the gears against inferior opposition - a problem we had all last season (and some games in the spring the season we won the title too - to be honest)
- Aguero stank the place out today.
- Silva was in mega over elaborate mode and didn't defend well.
- YaYa either got to close to opponents or didn't close folks down quickly enough.
- Nasri was Mr woeful after he came on.
- Only Dzeko and Navas pressed the opposition when they had the ball,

In short we totally underestimated Cardiff and couldn't be arsed
Certain players have to pay for their complacency and be dropped for Hull.
Anyone remember this?

Manchester City manager Manuel Pellegrini says the club's summer transfer business has made his squad the best in the Premier League.

The Chilean, who took charge at Etihad Stadium in June, has spent almost £90m on four signings and says Jesus Navas, Alvaro Negredo, Fernandinho and Stevan Jovetic make City the team to beat.

He said: "I think we have the best squad in England.

"We already had a very good team and, with these four players, we improved."

He added: "We hope that we will start winning from the first match against Newcastle at home. We will try to bring another trophy here."

He talks a good talk but today he's been given a reality check. Let's hope him and the team come out fighting otherwise it's gonna be a very long season.
strongbowholic said:
thenabster said:
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
^^ THIS ^^

That's BS. We are playing for the title not for the top half. If you play for the title there are only a certain number of defeats you can afford and if we lose away at Cardiff what will happen when we're playing away at Old Trafford or at Chelsea. Why are the players allowed to be blamed but not the manager?
When was the last time a league title was won after the second game of the season?

Or lost. Rags lost their first away last season, by the way.
Maybe we needed a day like today nice and early in the season just to "introduce" to this league and what it's all about. He's experienced the best and worst of English(and Welsh!) football in the space of a week and instead of seeing it as a negative we should look at it as a positive. Newcastle at home was always gonna be a fairly easy start as they wouldn't have known how to play us, Cardiff did and got it spot on. People say the rags wouldn't drop points in a game like this, well that was because they had a manager who knew the league like the back of his hand and had done it for 20 odd years, ours is in his second game. This is a perfect opportunity for Pellegrini to learn how difficult this league really is. A few more performances like last Monday and there would be a danger he might start thinking it was piss easy in the Prem, which would be more damaging to us in the long run than today was. Better get a performance like today out of the way early on, gives us plenty of time to learn from it and improve. If we continue to perform like this throughout the season and it loses us the title again, that's the time to panic, not after two games.

Welcome to Manchester Manuel. Don't worry, if we beat Hull you'll be the best thing since sliced bread again, that's how it works around here.

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