Discuss Pellegrini

In regards to Hart, this is probably just me being a dick but as soon as players showing up on TV commercials that aren't part of their contract like Nike or Adidas, or they start a fashion brand/record company/film company, I always think that their top class career is coming to an end. They seem to be focused on other things than "working my bollocks off to get better every single day".

Happened to Ferdinand and Cole too a few years back. They started getting involved heavily in projects outside of football and before you know it they went from world class to wank.
Happened to Lescott too. Was one of our top defenders when his fashion brand was just a few sketches and a dream him and his mate had. Soon as it took off a bit he became wank aswell.
Damocles said:
In regards to Hart, this is probably just me being a dick but as soon as players showing up on TV commercials that aren't part of their contract like Nike or Adidas, or they start a fashion brand/record company/film company, I always think that their top class career is coming to an end. They seem to be focused on other things than "working my bollocks off to get better every single day".

Happened to Ferdinand and Cole too a few years back. They started getting involved heavily in projects outside of football and before you know it they went from world class to wank.
Happened to Lescott too. Was one of our top defenders when his fashion brand was just a few sketches and a dream him and his mate had. Soon as it took off a bit he became wank aswell.

How long has Garcia been an entrepreneur then? ;-)

Joking aside i get your point
Big Swifty said:
What worries me is that other clubs will have watched, learned and noted.
We can expect more of the same, esp. in away games, so we'd better get this defence sorted a.s.a.p.
And don't feed me that "best defence 3 years running" crap. This is now, not then.

Why does it worry you?

I reckon that if teams set up against us like Cardiff did we will tear them apart. There will not be many games where we are missing Richards, Kompany and Nastasic. We are also going to learn from our mistakes and hopefully if certain players have repeat performances as yesterday they will be dropped.
city91 said:
Pellegrini has been brought in to do it his way and by being more attacking it will inevitably leave more space for teams to exploit at the back. If having a good defence was our prime target then Mancini would never have been sacked.
.That'd be great except we didn't do "more attacking" yesterday, we did what we've done against similar teams for 2 years we played sideways sideways backwards in front of a packed defence, and took off the only descernible change (Navas) when the game was far from safe.

city91 said:
We dominated possession, scored two goals and created a lot of chances however we were let down by 3 individual mistakes. Zaba, Yaya, Hart and Clichy were all responsible for Cardiff's goals yesterday. Any City fan has to acknowledge that under yesterdays circumstances they were our best available players for their positions.
We may have dominated possession, but we certainly didn't create a lot of chances, in fact the stats show we created less than Cardiff, and we only scored a second as a very late consolation. Their goals were down to individual mistakes, but the poor defending of set peices is far from new. Finally our players yesterday were probably the best we had available, but equally they were far better than those on the team that won the game, unfortunately they didn't put in the kind of effort and commitment required. Its not the first time.
Lancet Fluke said:
Lucky13 said:
dctid said:
We dont have a pair of centre backs that can deal woth a high line - Vinny is the only one whom can play such a tactic.

Chelski under AVB defended with a high line and got picked off - that Romanian chap or whatever he is called changed that to suit the players and they won the CL

Sorry but if this silly fuckers tries to adapt a style of play we simply dont have the players to play then someone needs to give hm a slap

The "silly fucker" was let down by Hart and our defence.

He has been let down by the club as well, really. He highlighted the need for another centre half about a month ago and we still haven't got one. It was all well and good the club getting a couple of forwards, a winger and a holding midfielder (who doesn't appear to hold) bought quickly but the fact is that we have 3 genuine, reasonably experienced centre backs at the club, Chelsea have 4 and united have 5. I have read all summer in the transfer forum how apparently Garcia and Richards are adequate back up but they aren't, Richars is always injured and Garcia is poor in his proper position so is never going to be good enough out of position. Having said that, imo once Pellegrini had decided to pick the slowest central defensive pairing in world football, he should have adapted the defensive tactics, horses for courses and all that. But even if he had, the sad fact is that as soon as Kompany is out, we have nobody who can organise and lead the defence and if we don't rectify that quickly then we have no chance of the title unless Kompany plays in pretty much every league match from now on.

So just who is dictating the transfer policy & activity at the club? Mancini as we all know didn't get what he asked for and now its the same for the new manager. Also who is dictating 'the style of play'? From what we hear RM was told to play with a back 3 which was a disaster! Now we are being told we will play 'a more attractive' type of football than the team that won trophies. It does make you wonder....
cleavers said:
city91 said:
Pellegrini has been brought in to do it his way and by being more attacking it will inevitably leave more space for teams to exploit at the back. If having a good defence was our prime target then Mancini would never have been sacked.
.That'd be great except we didn't do "more attacking" yesterday, we did what we've done against similar teams for 2 years we played sideways sideways backwards in front of a packed defence, and took off the only descernible change (Navas) when the game was far from safe.

city91 said:
We dominated possession, scored two goals and created a lot of chances however we were let down by 3 individual mistakes. Zaba, Yaya, Hart and Clichy were all responsible for Cardiff's goals yesterday. Any City fan has to acknowledge that under yesterdays circumstances they were our best available players for their positions.
We may have dominated possession, but we certainly didn't create a lot of chances, in fact the stats show we created less than Cardiff, and we only scored a second as a very late consolation. Their goals were down to individual mistakes, but the poor defending of set peices is far from new. Finally our players yesterday were probably the best we had available, but equally they were far better than those on the team that won the game, unfortunately they didn't put in the kind of effort and commitment required. Its not the first time.

Their keeper once again hardly had a save to make, very similar to many away games last year.

Other than their goals, the next two best chances both fell to Cardiff. Now I am not having this parking the bus crap. They scored 3 and could have had more. They defended as a team yet got forward when the opportunity arose. Teams from Everton below will all do this to us at homelike they did last year.

The most disappointing thing was we actually went 1-0 up!

It should have been us going on to win 2 or 3 nil after that but oh no, the players once again let themselves, their manager and the fans down with 30 minutes of division 1 quality football.
Danamy said:
Damocles said:
In regards to Hart, this is probably just me being a dick but as soon as players showing up on TV commercials that aren't part of their contract like Nike or Adidas, or they start a fashion brand/record company/film company, I always think that their top class career is coming to an end. They seem to be focused on other things than "working my bollocks off to get better every single day".

Happened to Ferdinand and Cole too a few years back. They started getting involved heavily in projects outside of football and before you know it they went from world class to wank.
Happened to Lescott too. Was one of our top defenders when his fashion brand was just a few sketches and a dream him and his mate had. Soon as it took off a bit he became wank aswell.

How long has Garcia been an entrepreneur then? ;-)

Joking aside i get your point

Doesn't really account for the various businesses which Vinny is involved in. I think it's very easy to criticise England players because of how high profile they are in England. I daresay if you were to go to Portugal, Spain, and Italy, you'd find some of their biggest international players involved in off the field commercial stuff.

Anyway the discussion on Joe feel moot to me. Think it's nigh on impossible he'll be dropped anytime soon.
Not at all panicking ,but a plan B is required when coming up against packed defences, every team in the prem will have noted that performance yesterday.
TGR said:
Lancet Fluke said:
Lucky13 said:
The "silly fucker" was let down by Hart and our defence.

He has been let down by the club as well, really. He highlighted the need for another centre half about a month ago and we still haven't got one. It was all well and good the club getting a couple of forwards, a winger and a holding midfielder (who doesn't appear to hold) bought quickly but the fact is that we have 3 genuine, reasonably experienced centre backs at the club, Chelsea have 4 and united have 5. I have read all summer in the transfer forum how apparently Garcia and Richards are adequate back up but they aren't, Richars is always injured and Garcia is poor in his proper position so is never going to be good enough out of position. Having said that, imo once Pellegrini had decided to pick the slowest central defensive pairing in world football, he should have adapted the defensive tactics, horses for courses and all that. But even if he had, the sad fact is that as soon as Kompany is out, we have nobody who can organise and lead the defence and if we don't rectify that quickly then we have no chance of the title unless Kompany plays in pretty much every league match from now on.

So just who is dictating the transfer policy & activity at the club? Mancini as we all know didn't get what he asked for and now its the same for the new manager. Also who is dictating 'the style of play'? From what we hear RM was told to play with a back 3 which was a disaster! Now we are being told we will play 'a more attractive' type of football than the team that won trophies. It does make you wonder....

I'm guessing the two Spaniards are now, it won't have been them last summer though, they arrived during the season didn't they? We really need to get the balance of the squad right though and it is horribly evident that we are lacking at least one centre back. And when we get one in during the next week or so (I assume we will?!) he has to have some pace and be a bit of a leader not just be a half decent defender. I was quite critical of Kolo over the last two years but I'm afraid I'm eating my words now because he was able to talk to the rest of the defence and try to organise them through the game. We are lacking that so badly as soon as VK is out.<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:29 am --<br /><br />
Hanger said:
Not at all panicking ,but a plan B is required when coming up against packed defences, every team in the prem will have noted that performance yesterday.

Isn't Jesus supposed to be the Plan B?

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