Do you mind us being called "Manchester"?

should we change our name to REAL MANCHESTER

We had a little dalliance with that some seasons ago when there were some adverts along the lines of THIS IS OUR CITY, REAL MANCHESTER, with the emphasis on real rather than ray-al!

To put the record straight with Rags and other souther cnuts I always say we are the only PL team which plays its home games within the geographical boundary of the City of Manchester.
I like us just being called 'City', I love the fact that there are many clubs with City in their name but we are the ones who everyone thinks of when they say it. This City Is Ours.
Finally a thread in which I can contribute something... (it's been a while)

Real Madrid CF are called just Madrid sometimes because that was their original name (actually it was Madrid FC) before some king bestowed the title of "Real" (Royal) on the club. They even reverted back to just Madrid FC during the Republican years of the 1930s.

AC Milan are called Milan because that's their name. AC is just the I-talian version of FC.

If some people want to use just "Manchester" to refer to City...well that's just lazy...but still amusing nonetheless as it assumes there's no other team from Greater Manchester.

And all City fans should know that the use of "Man City" is something akin to calling a barm a muffin (coat please)

C'mon El City
On holiday in Florida about 10 years ago sat in a resturaunt.
Guy sat there in a Utd shirt and had bet with my beloved about where he was was from. Looking at him my first guess was New Mills!
Wandered over and politely asked him if he was a supporter of Man U to which he replied yes, I then said do you live near Manchester, his reply was yes Carlisle.
Says it all really

Just out of curiosity (mainly because I live in Whaley Bridge), why was New Mills your first guess?
Was there a scent of Swizzells Parma Violets?
Manchester has always been the name for the rags rather than us. And it annoys me. Because it suggests there is only one team (which there is, but it's us!).

I have a lot of foreign friends that now call us City - that's what I prefer. We've always been City. Man City doesn't bother me - it's standard and a lot better than what the rags get from their cockney fans saying Man U!
I quite like it and I`m certain no one uses it in a derogatory way, but we are lazy with our use of the English language anyway,so not a problem at all for me.Too may people nowadays get upset by fuck all and this thread falls into it unfortunately.

Forgive me if I am wrong, but as Sir Baconface pointed out, Man City tends to be used, though not exclusively, by non-Mancunians. You're not Mancunian are you? :-)

It does grate a little with me the Man City moniker. Don't know why, it just does.
In Madrid, even the locals refer to the two teams as "Athletic" and "Madrid"

Doesn't really bother me either way, "Manchester" gives us identity, but "City" is quite endearing.

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