Donald Trump

As always, I shake my head at the number of people who seem to think they understand a culture of a nation they don’t live in, and have never been to. But they have the internet, so they have a “right” (and apparently they think the experience) to express their “views.”

You want to know what I think is wrong with the world? An epidemic of chronic-lack-of-judgment-before-one-expresses-an-opinion disease.
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He's a scumbag. There it is again, in full technicolor. Contrast this to the reaction from democrats this morning.
Again, Democrats are equally as bad for it
Where’s the evidence of this? So far every senior democrat politician has unambiguously condemned the assassination attempt. There’s no comparison.
As always, I shake my head at the number of people who seem to think they understand a culture of a nation they don’t live in, and have never been to. But they have the internet, so they have a “right” (and apparently they think the experience) to express their “views.”

You want to know what I think is wrong with the world? An epidemic of chronic-lack-of-judgment-before-one-expresses-an-opinion disease.
Well we actually do have a right to express our views, whether they are right or wrong, it’s a public forum

I’m not sure I understand your main point. Are you saying you can’t have an opinion or understand a culture, if you don’t live there?

We may as well shut the politics forum down then.

Where’s the evidence of this? So far every senior democrat politician has unambiguously condemned the assassination attempt. There’s no comparison.

This one shows a lot of moronic comments. The first one is Nancy Pelosi just a few days ago, albeit there are much worse comments in the video. Both parties must be held accountable. That also includes Trump, of course.
I think the inevital break up of the states is maybe 80-100 years away, no land mass that size has successfully stayed a cohesive and functioning nation for more than a couple of centuries before something or someone has caused fractures in society and eventual partition or independance movements

Very good point you’re probably right
As always, I shake my head at the number of people who seem to think they understand a culture of a nation they don’t live in, and have never been to. But they have the internet, so they have a “right” (and apparently they think the experience) to express their “views.”

You want to know what I think is wrong with the world? An epidemic of chronic-lack-of-judgment-before-one-expresses-an-opinion disease.
Well tbf since social media became global americans has been foisting it's percieved expert views and opinions of other nations, cultures and behaviours on the rest of the world, just like others do.

Plus most people now, again thanks to social media get to give their opinions refardless of knowledge of the subject matter so the choice is remove the media or accept it's curse

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