Edin Dzeko

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OK, with all the childish "my view is right and your wrong" going on in this thread, I thought I'd give my two penneth for what it's worth.

This view is purely from my observation of him "from the outside", I don't profess to have any ITK insider track on him. All views are based on what I see of him on the pitch (for City, Bosnia and limited rememberance from Wolfsburg) and also what we are privaledged to witness via CityTV.)

As a footballer
(Technical Skill wise)
I don't think I will be challenged on my opinion that he is the least technically skilful player of our "Strikers" He isn't a player who is comfortable with the ball at his feet with the willingness to dribble past a defender. but I'm pretty sure it wasn't his silky skills that he was bought for, and nor should he be hung drawn and quartered for neither like he does so many times on BM. 4/10
(Target Man)
With his back to goal and asked to bring others into the game etc etc, due to his lack of technical ability as previously mentioned, it limits him in this role. 5/10
Probably one of the best at converting chances into goals. I don't have any stats at hand, but I think he would be up there at putting away clear chances. His awareness in the box, his acuracy, his lethal poaching abilities puts him as our best goalscorer in respect of numbers. Cross a ball into the danger zone, 100% everyday I would want it to fall to Dzeko to put it away, and I'd say he would have the highest ratio of doing that. Left foot, right foot, header, arse shin etc etc. 1 on 1s with keeper, I'd back Dzeko to slot it home (or at least make the keeper work) nearly all the time. You set your style of play to provide crosses and through balls to a striker, I would say he is one of the worlds best at putting them home. 9/10

(Tracking Back)
Awful. Sheer awful. This is my biggest gripe with the big man. If He/We lose posession, he is so lazy. He spends all his time complaining to the ref rather than getting on with winning the ball back. He needs a rocket up his arse in this area. He needs to take a leaf out of Tevez's book in this part of the game. Now, because this is purely a flaw in attitude, this part of his game can change dramatically very quickly given the right encouragement and mentoring.

("Team Mate")
Couldn't think of what else to call this. It seems from the footage we see behind the scenes, he gets on with the squad members, wears a smile and works hard in training. He comes across as a likeable guy. Has had tantrums, but are they down to fustrations with himself and or the previous alouf management

All in all, he is here as a striker. Scoring goals is what he does very well given the right provision and supply.

Id be more than happy to keep him and use him in the best way possible

Smack his lazy arse and give him the ball infront of goal and we will outscore every other team in this league

Here endeth my sermon on the Bosnian
pominoz said:
adorado30 said:
pominoz said:
He gets the shit given to him because of what we see him play, simple as.

Since you bark loudest on here all the time, do you have the balls to take me on the charitable donation of 50AUD or what ? 23 Goals for City in all comp next season ? You keep on talkin shit but i am still waiting for your answer.

I have just caught up with the thread, seeing as you have such a hard on for him make it 25 goals and you are on.
My original bet was to Phuketblue who reckons goldenboy, will score 30 in the league.

I will have 50AUD with you as we'll whatever that is in pounds, if you're so confident he's sh@t then surely you will take that same bet from me as we'll, and if you won't, then why slag a player who can score 25 goals a season?
Blue Mooner said:
pominoz said:
adorado30 said:
Since you bark loudest on here all the time, do you have the balls to take me on the charitable donation of 50AUD or what ? 23 Goals for City in all comp next season ? You keep on talkin shit but i am still waiting for your answer.

I have just caught up with the thread, seeing as you have such a hard on for him make it 25 goals and you are on.
My original bet was to Phuketblue who reckons goldenboy, will score 30 in the league.

I will have 50AUD with you as we'll whatever that is in pounds, if you're so confident he's sh@t then surely you will take that same bet from me as we'll, and if you won't, then why slag a player who can score 25 goals a season?

Your on, for charity.
25 goals in all comps should not be a stretch for a world class striker.
I hope i am wrong and will gladly pay up, i do not "hate' him, i really hope we see the best he can do, we have not yet and that is what frustrates me.
That and the fact that his fanboys have a hissy fit if you say he should/could do better.

edit- all comps mean for Manchester City, internationals not included.
Graceyboy said:
OK, with all the childish "my view is right and your wrong" going on in this thread, I thought I'd give my two penneth for what it's worth.

This view is purely from my observation of him "from the outside", I don't profess to have any ITK insider track on him. All views are based on what I see of him on the pitch (for City, Bosnia and limited rememberance from Dortmund) and also what we are privaledged to witness via CityTV.)

As a footballer
(Technical Skill wise)
I don't think I will be challenged on my opinion that he is the least technically skilful player of our "Strikers" He isn't a player who is comfortable with the ball at his feet with the willingness to dribble past a defender. but I'm pretty sure it wasn't his silky skills that he was bought for, and nor should he be hung drawn and quartered for neither like he does so many times on BM. 4/10
(Target Man)
With his back to goal and asked to bring others into the game etc etc, due to his lack of technical ability as previously mentioned, it limits him in this role. 5/10
Probably one of the best at converting chances into goals. I don't have any stats at hand, but I think he would be up there at putting away clear chances. His awareness in the box, his acuracy, his lethal poaching abilities puts him as our best goalscorer in respect of numbers. Cross a ball into the danger zone, 100% everyday I would want it to fall to Dzeko to put it away, and I'd say he would have the highest ratio of doing that. Left foot, right foot, header, arse shin etc etc. 1 on 1s with keeper, I'd back Dzeko to slot it home (or at least make the keeper work) nearly all the time. You set your style of play to provide crosses and through balls to a striker, I would say he is one of the worlds best at putting them home. 9/10

(Tracking Back)
Awful. Sheer awful. This is my biggest gripe with the big man. If He/We lose posession, he is so lazy. He spends all his time complaining to the ref rather than getting on with winning the ball back. He needs a rocket up his arse in this area. He needs to take a leaf out of Tevez's book in this part of the game. Now, because this is purely a flaw in attitude, this part of his game can change dramatically very quickly given the right encouragement and mentoring.

("Team Mate")
Couldn't think of what else to call this. It seems from the footage we see behind the scenes, he gets on with the squad members, wears a smile and works hard in training. He comes across as a likeable guy. Has had tantrums, but are they down to fustrations with himself and or the previous alouf management

All in all, he is here as a striker. Scoring goals is what he does very well given the right provision and supply.

Id be more than happy to keep him and use him in the best way possible

Smack his lazy arse and give him the ball infront of goal and we will outscore every other team in this league

Here endeth my sermon on the Bosnian

It's so refreshing to see a well written and thought out post on Edin Dzeko. Good effort Gracey for rating Dzeko where it matters!

Where it doesn't matter:
Back to goal play......good for Liverpoo,l Everton and Leeds circa 1975 and Blackburn with RSC.
Tracking back....who the f*** cares. Show me a striker consistently tracking back and I'll show you one who is often out of position to take best advantage of a fast break.
Dribbling and technical skill.......He's a foot too tall for that and anyway, that's what Navas and Isco are for.

As long as his lousy first touch gets a goal every 2nd or third game, he has a place in our squad.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

AntiUnited said:
pominoz said:
EaglesFan said:
Forward's primary task - score goals.

Edin Dzeko = goals. Bags of goals. Crucial goals.

So when guys like Benarbia, Seosa etc. call this guy a "donkey" I ask myself do they realize how ridiculous they sound? It is downright funny :-)

It's like calling Bolt a snail. Or calling Ray Lewis "soft". Its just unbelievably dumb...so it is all getting kind of funny to me :-)

As a reminder: If it wasnt for Edin Dzeko you wouldnt be holding League Cup trophy (equalizer at Notts at 80th minute) or PL title (equalizer vs QPR, 89th minute)...

The choice is yours. I hope you choose to talk sense.

Who is to say that if we had another striker, that cost about the same but was more consistent, that we would not have had the title sown up weeks earlier?
Your golden boy did not win the title on his own.

The fuk u on about ?
Hope he do better
Let it be known here that I am a Dzéko fan. Yes, he does have weak points, but most strikers do. I've been a fan long before City signed him, and will be a fan long after he's left us. People tend to forget that without his header against Rangers, Kun's goal would have been worthless.

Dzéko is also the only player in the EPL who I've recently seen score a hattrick using first his right foot, then a header, then his left. He then followed with a beatiful one-two with Barry to show an excellent first touch and score with his left again.

That match showed how good he can be, if used right. And I believe Pellegrini knows exactly how to use him to get him to his best!
Maverick said:
Let it be known here that I am a Dzéko fan. Yes, he does have weak points, but most strikers do. I've been a fan long before City signed him, and will be a fan long after he's left us. People tend to forget that without his header against Rangers, Kun's goal would have been worthless.

Dzéko is also the only player in the EPL who I've recently seen score a hattrick using first his right foot, then a header, then his left. He then followed with a beatiful one-two with Barry to show an excellent first touch and score with his left again.

That match showed how good he can be, if used right. And I believe Pellegrini knows exactly how to use him to get him to his best!

This piss's me off more than anything, if we had of had a more rounded and committed striker, we would not have been in that position, we would have had the title sown up by then. Imo.
pominoz said:
Maverick said:
Let it be known here that I am a Dzéko fan. Yes, he does have weak points, but most strikers do. I've been a fan long before City signed him, and will be a fan long after he's left us. People tend to forget that without his header against Rangers, Kun's goal would have been worthless.

Dzéko is also the only player in the EPL who I've recently seen score a hattrick using first his right foot, then a header, then his left. He then followed with a beatiful one-two with Barry to show an excellent first touch and score with his left again.

That match showed how good he can be, if used right. And I believe Pellegrini knows exactly how to use him to get him to his best!

This piss's me off more than anything, if we had of had a more rounded and committed striker, we would not have been in that position, we would have had the title sown up by then. Imo.

nope being benched for fuk all reasons after scoring 4 goals or going on a hot streak then getting sent on the bench did that. (also kolo african champs thing + tevez golfing trip didnt help either)
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