Edin Dzeko

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pominoz said:
SWP's back said:
pominoz said:
Tevez does more in 1 game than your goldenboy does in 5, it is not just about knocking in tap ins, you will never see this though.
Don't fall for his strawman of comparing Edin to Tevez Pom. All he does is deflect.

True, but this Edin walks on water shit piss's me off.
Why bother trying to discuss Dzeko with a Liverpool supporter
EricBrooksGhost said:
pominoz said:
SWP's back said:
Don't fall for his strawman of comparing Edin to Tevez Pom. All he does is deflect.

True, but this Edin walks on water shit piss's me off.
Why bother trying to discuss Dzeko with a Liverpool supporter

O look its u. its been a while since u had a go at me. Continue with the selective memory.
AntiUnited said:
EricBrooksGhost said:
pominoz said:
True, but this Edin walks on water shit piss's me off.
Why bother trying to discuss Dzeko with a Liverpool supporter

O look its u. its been a while since u had a go at me. Continue with the selective memory.
Congratulations you've posted without using "fuk"; nothing selective about my memory, now maybe you should go back to flipping your 'who should I support today coin'.
EricBrooksGhost said:
AntiUnited said:
EricBrooksGhost said:
Why bother trying to discuss Dzeko with a Liverpool supporter

O look its u. its been a while since u had a go at me. Continue with the selective memory.
Congratulations you've posted without using "fuk"; nothing selective about my memory, now maybe you should go back to flipping your 'who should I support today coin'.

EricBrooksGhost said:
AntiUnited said:
EricBrooksGhost said:
Why bother trying to discuss Dzeko with a Liverpool supporter

O look its u. its been a while since u had a go at me. Continue with the selective memory.
Congratulations you've posted without using "fuk"; nothing selective about my memory, now maybe you should go back to flipping your 'who should I support today coin'.

Good aren't they?
Phuket Blue said:
Graceyboy said:
OK, with all the childish "my view is right and your wrong" going on in this thread, I thought I'd give my two penneth for what it's worth.

This view is purely from my observation of him "from the outside", I don't profess to have any ITK insider track on him. All views are based on what I see of him on the pitch (for City, Bosnia and limited rememberance from Dortmund) and also what we are privaledged to witness via CityTV.)

As a footballer
(Technical Skill wise)
I don't think I will be challenged on my opinion that he is the least technically skilful player of our "Strikers" He isn't a player who is comfortable with the ball at his feet with the willingness to dribble past a defender. but I'm pretty sure it wasn't his silky skills that he was bought for, and nor should he be hung drawn and quartered for neither like he does so many times on BM. 4/10
(Target Man)
With his back to goal and asked to bring others into the game etc etc, due to his lack of technical ability as previously mentioned, it limits him in this role. 5/10
Probably one of the best at converting chances into goals. I don't have any stats at hand, but I think he would be up there at putting away clear chances. His awareness in the box, his acuracy, his lethal poaching abilities puts him as our best goalscorer in respect of numbers. Cross a ball into the danger zone, 100% everyday I would want it to fall to Dzeko to put it away, and I'd say he would have the highest ratio of doing that. Left foot, right foot, header, arse shin etc etc. 1 on 1s with keeper, I'd back Dzeko to slot it home (or at least make the keeper work) nearly all the time. You set your style of play to provide crosses and through balls to a striker, I would say he is one of the worlds best at putting them home. 9/10

(Tracking Back)
Awful. Sheer awful. This is my biggest gripe with the big man. If He/We lose posession, he is so lazy. He spends all his time complaining to the ref rather than getting on with winning the ball back. He needs a rocket up his arse in this area. He needs to take a leaf out of Tevez's book in this part of the game. Now, because this is purely a flaw in attitude, this part of his game can change dramatically very quickly given the right encouragement and mentoring.

("Team Mate")
Couldn't think of what else to call this. It seems from the footage we see behind the scenes, he gets on with the squad members, wears a smile and works hard in training. He comes across as a likeable guy. Has had tantrums, but are they down to fustrations with himself and or the previous alouf management

All in all, he is here as a striker. Scoring goals is what he does very well given the right provision and supply.

Id be more than happy to keep him and use him in the best way possible

Smack his lazy arse and give him the ball infront of goal and we will outscore every other team in this league

Here endeth my sermon on the Bosnian

It's so refreshing to see a well written and thought out post on Edin Dzeko. Good effort Gracey for rating Dzeko where it matters!

Where it doesn't matter:
Back to goal play......good for Liverpoo,l Everton and Leeds circa 1975 and Blackburn with RSC.
Tracking back....who the f*** cares. Show me a striker consistently tracking back and I'll show you one who is often out of position to take best advantage of a fast break.
Dribbling and technical skill.......He's a foot too tall for that and anyway, that's what Navas and Isco are for.

As long as his lousy first touch gets a goal every 2nd or third game, he has a place in our squad.

What I mean by tracking back is more around fighting back to get the ball back after losing possession rather than purely picking up a defensive position when not in possession.
pominoz said:
So am i ;)
I am talking about the dire performances after he was "benched for no reason" and he lost his confidence, he was benched for an upcoming champs league game.
The "rounded/committed striker" comment was more to do with his contribution to the team, for the price we paid i expected more than a " stand in the 6 yard box, waiting for a gift goal to be presented" player, maybe that's just me .
Like i posted before, i would love to pay out at the end of the season, just can not see it.

For me an important issue, and it's one I alluded to in a thread I started about our current three strikers, is that although you could argue that they all have certain deficiencies, Edin obviously being the least rounded, to improve on any one of them you need to go and sign RVP/Falcao/Cavani. Basically you need to buy a ready made world class out of the box centre forward. Which for me says that the three we've got are pretty fucking good and between them good enough to win the league and the CL if our goals from midfield tally improves.
SWP's back said:
AntiUnited said:
SWP's back said:
Yes it is called rotation and never seems affect good players. Of course the countries you mention have a winter break, unlike the PL (we don't call it EPL over here seeing as, well, we are in Enlgand).

Are you really saying that resting for 48 hours made this "world class player" fall apart?

Ye they have a ''winter break" while i watched AC-MILAN, Munich, and Stuttgart play al ahli(uae club) in dubai.
Strawman after strawman,

You said Edin was dropped, he wasn't. He was rested for 48 hours.

You say players don't get rested on the continent (which they do) - so I point out there is a winter break.

You say they still play during the winter break, ignoring the difference between and exhibition kick around and 90 minutes of toil in the toughest league in Europe.

Meh! Such a ridiculous argument.

Edin was not dropped. A world class player does not lose his touch in 48 hours. And united have managed to rotate for years without doing too badly with their world stars. Cole, Yorke, RVN, Tevez, Rooney, Ronaldo never went shit for 6 months because they were rested in one match for another coming up 48 hours later.

I like Edin as a person, I hope he does great next year, I really do, but lets call a spade a fucking spade eh? He wasn't dropped.
It's not about football really. It's about paradigm. The human creature tends to make a decision in regards to their personal paradigm and then craft the world around them via their perception to suit said paradigm.

It's a no-win situation you're arguing. Dzeko gets rested for a supremely important Champions League match roughly 48 hours after and it's a "benching" if he loses form. If he doesn't lose form, it's all credit to Dzeko. Either way, nothing is Dzeko's fault and all credit goes to him. Confirmation bias reigns supreme.

Now flip the situation. Dzeko isn't rested. He's played in both games. If he does poorly, Mancini would have taken all the blame especially from Dzeko fans for running him into the ground. If Dzeko does well, it's all credit to Dzeko. Either way, nothing is Dzeko's fault and all credit goes to him. Confirmation bias reigns supreme.
taconinja said:
Confirmation bias reigns supreme.

To be fair it's hardly exclusive to those who support Dzeko. Confirmation bias reigns supreme across the forum!
pominoz said:
AntiUnited said:
pominoz said:
If he is that fucking delicate he should look for another line of work.
I bet he will not find one paying the same as he is getting now, do your job and get on with it.

a so he sould have went on a golfing trip then :S. cuz he seems to be in everyone's good books.
Tevez does more in 1 game than your goldenboy does in 5, it is not just about knocking in tap ins, you will never see this though.

Actually it is quite easy to argue that's exactly what it is about.....if you were bought to score goals, you do it often enough and that's exactly what your team requires of you!
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