Edin Dzeko

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Sarajevoice said:
He is simply not good enough.- He has proven to be a great scorer for City unlike Negredo who has shown F all

First touch.Never seems to control it closely,the ball always bounces off him 2-3 yards giving the opponent a chance to challenge him - Show me the forward in City or anywhere else that scores with his head the way Dzeko does and is great at handling the ball like Xavi or Iniesta...Strenghts of a striker differ from player to player.

Heading. I have never seen a big centre forward win so few headers in a one on one aerial challenge. - This is a complete nonsense 'cose he comes of the bench cold and you want him to run like the rest of the team... He was scoring miracle goals for the City long enough coming of the bench cold - the player has to play, build confidence and score ..starting of occasional game(s) 10-15 minutes before the end of the game is bull@*

Goalscoring-No one can argue with his goals for city but being a striker is more than just that in the modern game,surely.
Desire-Never seen a city player with so little desire on the pitch,his body language is all wrong.It is like he doesn't want to be here.His challenge yesterday on the edge of our box was utterly disgraceful.To just stick a leg out half heartedly-pathetic.
- See my prevous comment. He does not play the last game or is introduced 10- 20 min before the end of the game... not to mention that Negredo did F all and he is playing a starter ..that is how you F your players. Dzeko was saving City continously w Tevez was an idoit that he was, but he was playing and with the minutes he played altogether he was scoring every F time.. and all you forget that.

Urgency - Strolling around the pitch as he does is just not good enough.He has to want to be a better player and succeed. - think about the points I'm making.

Blame - He blamed Mancini for not loving him enough.Pellegrini has put his arm around him yet there is no change in his attitude. - What sort of games are you watching he's not starting the games and is continously introduced late(r) or never..and Mancini never put a team together in the first place and Pellegrini brough Navas and Negredo as he's building the Spanish style of the team - the only one he knows. The problem here is that this is not a Spain....

Conversion of chances - The 2 sitters he missed yesterday summed it up.Not sure what his stats are percentage wise but the fan boys will be all over it I am sure. - Right - easy for you to say that sitting in front of a TV screen and as for the fan boys you mention they should check the states minutes he was introduced late(r) and number of goals he scored. he was the top goal scorer in Bundesliga where players run more that they will ever run in PL but he was playing every game.

The future for Edin IMO - Sell in Jan if poss or summer and get a world class replacement in.
I F-in hope so, because he is a great guy and he scores when he's given a chance and a respect he deserves - He was the second highest scorer of the W Cup qualifiers this year..'cose he played some games. The City needs to identify what kind of a striker do they need and what kind of a team they want to be....and finally build a team that will play together without trying new things every other game.... learn a thing or two from Bayern or Mourinho.

Finally, I was not trying to offend anyone here but to offer a different perspective ...I really respect Milner - great guy...:).

I have no doubt dzeko shows great passion and aggression when playing for your country , but i watch him most weeks when i get to the games , and he doesnt show any passion for our club . negredo has shown he is ten times the player dzeko will ever be , technically a better player , shows a great work ethic , and doesnt complain to the referee every time a defender breathes on him , so please take your patriotic ramblings elsewhere
gmckennasell said:
Dzeko has had plenty of chances , Pellegrini gave him confidence at the beginning of the season , by saying he was first choice etc , and he has not taken his chance Dzeko is a selfish player who plays to raise his own profile , he is not a team player , he does not chase a lost cause , when he loses the ball , he makes no effort to regain possession , and when he gets the slightest touch from the opposing centre half , he goes down easily and then moans to the referee.
Get rid of him , the £25m fee , would buy a great right sided centre back as cover for our injury prone skipper , and i would give lopes and guidetti a chance to shine .

Selfish player is Tevez and/or Aguero.
Center striker is not a player in position to pass frequent balls to other players 'cose that's not what is expected of him. He should be getting balls from other players like Silva and/or Aguero and score. Now, for that he needs to play (more). Just look at the stats of how many minutes he played - when introduced 'cold' of the bench and how many goals did he score for F sakes.
I sure hope he goes anywhere else ..gets a real chance and becomes the top scorer as he was in Bundeslilga
I really think a lot of posters on this thread need to come and meet in the middle. So many extremes on both sides a casual observer could be forgiven for thinking they're talking

For me Dzeko is a top centre forward. My biggest criticism of him is that he hasn't managed to develop a real understanding with any of the other forwards at the club. This is something which is wholly down to him. One of the most impressive things about Negredo is that he seems as willing to be an assist maker as he does a goal scorer, which is why IMO Kun is playing so well. Edin has tried at times to be less selfish but ultimately I always end up feeling like when he takes the pitch he's trying to prove that he should be first choice forward by doing too much himself.

Having said that he is still one of the best centre forwards in the world right now, and I really can't get my head around City supporters saying we should get rid or that he's shit etc. He's a fantastic option to have, and whilst he's happy to stay at the club we should be delighted to have him. Come next summer he'll have a year left on his contract and if the club and he decides that it's time to part ways he'll go with my blessing.

But for now he's a Blue and part of a squad which could achieve big things this season. For that reason alone we should get behind him and not slate him unnecessarily.
gmckennasell said:
Sarajevoice said:
He is simply not good enough.- He has proven to be a great scorer for City unlike Negredo who has shown F all

First touch.Never seems to control it closely,the ball always bounces off him 2-3 yards giving the opponent a chance to challenge him - Show me the forward in City or anywhere else that scores with his head the way Dzeko does and is great at handling the ball like Xavi or Iniesta...Strenghts of a striker differ from player to player.

Heading. I have never seen a big centre forward win so few headers in a one on one aerial challenge. - This is a complete nonsense 'cose he comes of the bench cold and you want him to run like the rest of the team... He was scoring miracle goals for the City long enough coming of the bench cold - the player has to play, build confidence and score ..starting of occasional game(s) 10-15 minutes before the end of the game is bull@*

Goalscoring-No one can argue with his goals for city but being a striker is more than just that in the modern game,surely.
Desire-Never seen a city player with so little desire on the pitch,his body language is all wrong.It is like he doesn't want to be here.His challenge yesterday on the edge of our box was utterly disgraceful.To just stick a leg out half heartedly-pathetic.
- See my prevous comment. He does not play the last game or is introduced 10- 20 min before the end of the game... not to mention that Negredo did F all and he is playing a starter ..that is how you F your players. Dzeko was saving City continously w Tevez was an idoit that he was, but he was playing and with the minutes he played altogether he was scoring every F time.. and all you forget that.

Urgency - Strolling around the pitch as he does is just not good enough.He has to want to be a better player and succeed. - think about the points I'm making.

Blame - He blamed Mancini for not loving him enough.Pellegrini has put his arm around him yet there is no change in his attitude. - What sort of games are you watching he's not starting the games and is continously introduced late(r) or never..and Mancini never put a team together in the first place and Pellegrini brough Navas and Negredo as he's building the Spanish style of the team - the only one he knows. The problem here is that this is not a Spain....

Conversion of chances - The 2 sitters he missed yesterday summed it up.Not sure what his stats are percentage wise but the fan boys will be all over it I am sure. - Right - easy for you to say that sitting in front of a TV screen and as for the fan boys you mention they should check the states minutes he was introduced late(r) and number of goals he scored. he was the top goal scorer in Bundesliga where players run more that they will ever run in PL but he was playing every game.

The future for Edin IMO - Sell in Jan if poss or summer and get a world class replacement in.
I F-in hope so, because he is a great guy and he scores when he's given a chance and a respect he deserves - He was the second highest scorer of the W Cup qualifiers this year..'cose he played some games. The City needs to identify what kind of a striker do they need and what kind of a team they want to be....and finally build a team that will play together without trying new things every other game.... learn a thing or two from Bayern or Mourinho.

Finally, I was not trying to offend anyone here but to offer a different perspective ...I really respect Milner - great guy...:).

I have no doubt dzeko shows great passion and aggression when playing for your country , but i watch him most weeks when i get to the games , and he doesnt show any passion for our club . negredo has shown he is ten times the player dzeko will ever be , technically a better player , shows a great work ethic , and doesnt complain to the referee every time a defender breathes on him , so please take your patriotic ramblings elsewhere

He was never really given the opportunity, except for the time when Tevez was not playing and he was playing and scoring quite well....how many goals did Negredo score for the club and how many minutes he played ..the stats may give you an answer and compare that to Dzeko's..
I love City and I also watch every single game and we saw what happened in w Bayern ..so good luck w great work ethic ..stats never lie
BillyShears said:
I really think a lot of posters on this thread need to come and meet in the middle. So many extremes on both sides a casual observer could be forgiven for thinking they're talking

For me Dzeko is a top centre forward. My biggest criticism of him is that he hasn't managed to develop a real understanding with any of the other forwards at the club. This is something which is wholly down to him. One of the most impressive things about Negredo is that he seems as willing to be an assist maker as he does a goal scorer, which is why IMO Kun is playing so well. Edin has tried at times to be less selfish but ultimately I always end up feeling like when he takes the pitch he's trying to prove that he should be first choice forward by doing too much himself.

Having said that he is still one of the best centre forwards in the world right now, and I really can't get my head around City supporters saying we should get rid or that he's shit etc. He's a fantastic option to have, and whilst he's happy to stay at the club we should be delighted to have him. Come next summer he'll have a year left on his contract and if the club and he decides that it's time to part ways he'll go with my blessing.

But for now he's a Blue and part of a squad which could achieve big things this season. For that reason alone we should get behind him and not slate him unnecessarily.

And we do at the ground. You must know Billy that the one unforgivable sin in English football is not giving your all and with Pellegrini's pressing game that extra effort becomes more important. If he looked or played like he gave a shit he'd get even more support at the ground and way less criticism on here.
without a dream said:
BillyShears said:
I really think a lot of posters on this thread need to come and meet in the middle. So many extremes on both sides a casual observer could be forgiven for thinking they're talking

For me Dzeko is a top centre forward. My biggest criticism of him is that he hasn't managed to develop a real understanding with any of the other forwards at the club. This is something which is wholly down to him. One of the most impressive things about Negredo is that he seems as willing to be an assist maker as he does a goal scorer, which is why IMO Kun is playing so well. Edin has tried at times to be less selfish but ultimately I always end up feeling like when he takes the pitch he's trying to prove that he should be first choice forward by doing too much himself.

Having said that he is still one of the best centre forwards in the world right now, and I really can't get my head around City supporters saying we should get rid or that he's shit etc. He's a fantastic option to have, and whilst he's happy to stay at the club we should be delighted to have him. Come next summer he'll have a year left on his contract and if the club and he decides that it's time to part ways he'll go with my blessing.

But for now he's a Blue and part of a squad which could achieve big things this season. For that reason alone we should get behind him and not slate him unnecessarily.

And we do at the ground. You must know Billy that the one unforgivable sin in English football is not giving your all and with Pellegrini's pressing game that extra effort becomes more important. If he looked or played like he gave a shit he'd get even more support at the ground and way less criticism on here.

I'm talking more about the comments saying "he's shit" "get rid" "not good enough" etc. The fact is once again we're blessed to have the attacking options we have. Because Edin isn't number 1 choice at City doesn't make him shit and doesn't mean we should get rid of him. Comments like that I find childish in the extreme. It's a bit like the criticism of Garcia. Both him and Dzeko aren't first choice, they are in fact 3rd/4th choice players in a squad game and both of them when called upon so far have done a job for us.
Sarajevoice said:
He is simply not good enough.- He has proven to be a great scorer for City unlike Negredo who has shown F all

Negredo has shown F all? Let me get this straight, you're using previous seasons to judge that Dzeko has "proven" to be a great scorrer for City I assume, as he hasn't shown that this season thus far, and you're suggesting Negredo hasn't shown he can be a great scorer for City as well. Perhaps the fact that Negredo has been here for all of about 12 matches might have something to do with that, eh? 12 matches in which he's shown he's performing far more consistently than Dzeko over the same period (cue the "Dzeko NEEDS to start" argument, an argument that simply ignores the numerous times Dzeko has been given the start and has been lacklustre and poor. If you don't earn the right to start then you lose the privilege, and it's then not an acceptable excuse to cry "but it's because he's not starting").

First touch.Never seems to control it closely,the ball always bounces off him 2-3 yards giving the opponent a chance to challenge him - Show me the forward in City or anywhere else that scores with his head the way Dzeko does and is great at handling the ball like Xavi or Iniesta...Strenghts of a striker differ from player to player.

One word. Negredo. Now, whilst it's still early in his City career he's already proven he's an excellent header of the ball, whether it be trying to score or simply challenging for headers with the centre half. Allied to that his control on the floor, and his passing, are light years ahead of Dzeko's, regardless of how much "game time" the Bosnian gets. You don't expect your centre forward to be like Messi on the ball, but you demand a degree of control and skill, and Dzeko doesn't seem to possess it.

Heading. I have never seen a big centre forward win so few headers in a one on one aerial challenge. - This is a complete nonsense 'cose he comes of the bench cold and you want him to run like the rest of the team... He was scoring miracle goals for the City long enough coming of the bench cold - the player has to play, build confidence and score ..starting of occasional game(s) 10-15 minutes before the end of the game is bull@*

What has any of that got to do with the point being made? No-one mentioned running, the point was a simple one, Dzeko is a big centre forward, he should be winning the ball aerially, holding it up with his strength and generally making the centre halfs day a misery. He doesn't use those attributes anywehere near as well as he should. I don't expect him to be lightning quick, or go off on skillful, mazy, runs, that's not his style, I DO expect him to work the line and use his size/strength, which he fails to do far too often.

Goalscoring-No one can argue with his goals for city but being a striker is more than just that in the modern game,surely.
Desire-Never seen a city player with so little desire on the pitch,his body language is all wrong.It is like he doesn't want to be here.His challenge yesterday on the edge of our box was utterly disgraceful.To just stick a leg out half heartedly-pathetic.
- See my prevous comment. He does not play the last game or is introduced 10- 20 min before the end of the game... not to mention that Negredo did F all and he is playing a starter ..that is how you F your players. Dzeko was saving City continously w Tevez was an idoit that he was, but he was playing and with the minutes he played altogether he was scoring every F time.. and all you forget that.

You see, this is where my patience with you wears thin, and I can barely be bothered to argue the point. Your assertion that Negredo is a starter but has "done F all" is just biased bullshit. Anyone with even a vague grasp of football can see that Negredo's contribution this season has been far superior to Dzeko and, as such, he's more than earned his right to start games. No-one is arguing about Dzeko's scoring, his record is pretty decent, but as has been said before a striker needs to bring more than just some goals. Tevez, Aguero, Negredo (thus far) all score goals AND contribute elsewhere to the team, Dzeko doesn't do enough "other stuff". The continual argument that he isn't "starting enough games" doesn't wash either. Why should a lack of effort, drive, and a basic failure to utilise his ability and skills be accepted because "he didn't start the game". Guess what, only 11 players can start a game, the rest will be subs, they ALL need to be able to contribute if required. Dzeko is paid a SHIT LOAD OF MONEY to be a professional footballer, a lack of desire and effort simply because he isn't starting is, in no way, professional.

Blame - He blamed Mancini for not loving him enough.Pellegrini has put his arm around him yet there is no change in his attitude. - What sort of games are you watching he's not starting the games and is continously introduced late(r) or never..and Mancini never put a team together in the first place and Pellegrini brough Navas and Negredo as he's building the Spanish style of the team - the only one he knows. The problem here is that this is not a Spain....

Again, Dzeko isn't starting because his play doesn't deserve to earn him a starting spot. He started games earlier in the season, then he was rotated, as is the norm in the modern game, to give Negredo some starts. Negredo proved he was the one who deserved th get the majority of starts, as his form has been much better than Dzeko's. The fact that Dzeko scored some goals last season doesn't really matter if his form THIS season isn't great. As for Pellegrini building a "Spanish Style" team, well, I'm not convinced such a thing actually exists. If anything Pellegrini's style, getting forward quickly, attractive incisive football, isn't the Spanish style at all, where possession and methodical buildup play are the norm, in that respect Mancini was more Spanish in style.

Conversion of chances - The 2 sitters he missed yesterday summed it up.Not sure what his stats are percentage wise but the fan boys will be all over it I am sure. - Right - easy for you to say that sitting in front of a TV screen and as for the fan boys you mention they should check the states minutes he was introduced late(r) and number of goals he scored. he was the top goal scorer in Bundesliga where players run more that they will ever run in PL but he was playing every game.

Goals per minitues played is a totally different stat to goals per chances created. Lets say Negredo starts the game, plays 70 minutes, gets 1 chance to score and takes it. That's 1 goal in 70 minutes, but it's also 1 goal from 1 chance. Dzeko then comes on, he plays the last 20 minutes, scores 1 goal, but he has 6 chances to score. That's 1 goal in 20 minutes for Dzeko, on paper seemingly far better than Negredo. However it's 1 goal from 6 chances, so actually much worse than Negredo's 1 goals from 1 chance. As for Dzeko's record in Germany, well, he's been at City for getting on for 3 years now, I think it's time to ignore historical performances and look at what he's actually achieved for us now. It's been long enough for it to now be a pattern of play and not a learning curve, or teething problems.

The future for Edin IMO - Sell in Jan if poss or summer and get a world class replacement in.
I F-in hope so, because he is a great guy and he scores when he's given a chance and a respect he deserves - He was the second highest scorer of the W Cup qualifiers this year..'cose he played some games. The City needs to identify what kind of a striker do they need and what kind of a team they want to be....and finally build a team that will play together without trying new things every other game.... learn a thing or two from Bayern or Mourinho.

Finally, I was not trying to offend anyone here but to offer a different perspective ...I really respect Milner - great guy...:).

Dzeko is being given the "respect he deserves", the "respect" he deserves at City is to be the 3rd choice striker at present. Aguero is the first choice, clearly, and deservedly, Negredo's form means he is legitimately ahead of Dzeko too. You may not like, or agree, with this, but it is what it is. Personally I'd be happy to see Dzeko leave, he's had pretty much 3 years here now, he's not going to change his style, or his attitude, and for the price we need to be getting more from him than we have been doing.
Continues to be wasteful either in possession or in front of goal and despite his positives he just looks out of place whenever in our side. At the very highest level, the requirement of every player to 'put in a shift' separates the very best teams from the other top teams. Without this quality, in comparison to Aguero & Negredo, he simply cannot expect to be first-choice.
BillyShears said:
without a dream said:
BillyShears said:
I really think a lot of posters on this thread need to come and meet in the middle. So many extremes on both sides a casual observer could be forgiven for thinking they're talking

For me Dzeko is a top centre forward. My biggest criticism of him is that he hasn't managed to develop a real understanding with any of the other forwards at the club. This is something which is wholly down to him. One of the most impressive things about Negredo is that he seems as willing to be an assist maker as he does a goal scorer, which is why IMO Kun is playing so well. Edin has tried at times to be less selfish but ultimately I always end up feeling like when he takes the pitch he's trying to prove that he should be first choice forward by doing too much himself.

Having said that he is still one of the best centre forwards in the world right now, and I really can't get my head around City supporters saying we should get rid or that he's shit etc. He's a fantastic option to have, and whilst he's happy to stay at the club we should be delighted to have him. Come next summer he'll have a year left on his contract and if the club and he decides that it's time to part ways he'll go with my blessing.

But for now he's a Blue and part of a squad which could achieve big things this season. For that reason alone we should get behind him and not slate him unnecessarily.

And we do at the ground. You must know Billy that the one unforgivable sin in English football is not giving your all and with Pellegrini's pressing game that extra effort becomes more important. If he looked or played like he gave a shit he'd get even more support at the ground and way less criticism on here.

I'm talking more about the comments saying "he's shit" "get rid" "not good enough" etc. The fact is once again we're blessed to have the attacking options we have. Because Edin isn't number 1 choice at City doesn't make him shit and doesn't mean we should get rid of him. Comments like that I find childish in the extreme. It's a bit like the criticism of Garcia. Both him and Dzeko aren't first choice, they are in fact 3rd/4th choice players in a squad game and both of them when called upon so far have done a job for us.
I for one don't think "he's shit" but I do believe he needs to move on. He doesn't seem to really care for the club going off his efforts on the pitch and although I'm grateful for his efforts in the title winning season he's not done even close to enough since. I personally would be happy if he left in January(and wish him all the luck in the world especially next summer) and we just kept to the 3 strikers with maybe Guidetti if he gets fit enough.
He's a great player, just not our great player. We don't particulary play to his strengths nor should we have to considering our other options. Personally I think he's done well for us but the situation is untenable, if down to me I would replace him but that doesn't mean I don't think he's a great striker. Depending on where he'd go they'd be a lot of moaning on this forum about him banging them in.
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