Edin Dzeko

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adorado30 said:
pominoz said:
kara54 said:
It's not only about opinion. Everyone has his own opinion. You can love this or that player more, hate the other one, and so on.
I love Dzeko and I am happy when he plays well. I also do not have problems when someone thinks Ballo/Aguero/Negredo is better than Dzeko.
(Well imo Aguero for sure is better, and Balo is not, but that's off topic).

But pudge does not skip a single game, without trying to diminish Dzeko's effort.
When Dzeko scored that screamer against Cardiff, he spent 10 pages in this thread, trying to explain everyone how the ball was deflected.
But who cares?!? As a "real City fan" he is supposed to be happy about that goal. Simple.

When Dzeko scores a tap-in, then it was simple, everyone could have done that. But when Negredo does the same, then he is a match winner.
And Dzekos' assist AND goal weighs less than Negredo's tap-in (nothing against Negredo, great player).

Still, he has right on his own opinion. But his opinion does not change, so I don't get why he has to repeat himself week in week out.
Would he be so critical about all other City players like he is about Dzeko, then he would have to spend 100h/day only to write all this stuff.

But who cares. I mostly ignore his posts, because they are far from being objective.

I think Pudge's, and many other poster's problem is that every other City player has been criticised on here at one time or another, but it is only Dzeko that has such a fanatical fan base, that to post that he had a bad game results in the type of shit we have seen in the last 100+ pages. Dzeko had a bad game, "no, you are anti-Bosnian, racist, know fuck all about football, not real City fans", on and on it goes.
No one hates Dzeko on here, but he has more bad games than good, and we should have the right to say so without the bullshit from his fanboys.

Criticizing a player it's all good and deserving and i certainly dont have a problem with that. However, the constant fucking nitpicking that he gets if just beyond warranted. Kara54 certaintly has a valid point with all the nitpicking,and you are one of the loudest on here with your regular bullshit. Against Villa, he scored a goal, and you kept on how the ball went of his shoulder. End of the day he put us in lead @ 2-1 and who fucking cares how he scored the goal and of what body part it bounced. Just to summarize it quickly" His goals are either put on plate on him, scored of deflections or just bounce of his donkey body..
The question has to be asked, "Why are people nitpicking with regards to Dzeko"? They don't when other players, Garcia and Kolarov being prime examples, have poor games, so why when Dzeko does? I'd postulate that the nitpicking is as a direct result of the vigorous, zealous and overly confrontational defending of Dzeko whenever anyone says something even slightly uncomplimentary about him.

Garcia plays badly, a few people will post highlighting his poor player and having a dig at his abilities as a footballer. Then the matter blows over and we move on. That's the basic timeline of events.

Dzeko plays badly, a few people will post highlighting his poor player and having a dig at his abilities as a footballer. A host of Dzeko fans jump all over the thread, either defending Dzeko without any real substance, pointedly refusing to accept the facts in front of their face, or accusing those who think Dzeko played poorly of having an agenda against him based on him being Bosnian. The matter doesn't blow over as, those who originally posted comments about Dzeko's poor display, take umbrage at the overly robust nature of the responses, and at the complete lack of objectivity, and further posts are made. Suddenly what would have been a handful of posts turns into 10's of pages. Look at yesterdays match as a case in point, Dzeko didn't play very well, that's really pretty indesputable to anyone without an unhealthy level of obsession with Dzeko. He scored and assisted, but his general play wasn't the best. All that merited was a few posts discussing the issue, and then it would have been over. However along came the normal bunch of Dzeko apologists, and the matter escalated. We wouldn't mind of cogent arguments were put forward, examples of how Dzeko's display might have been misinterpreted, etc, but instead all we get are accusations of being haters, of having an agenda against Bosnia etc. I honestly believe that Dzeko could start a game, sit down in the centre circle for 90 minutes refusing to join in and there would be some who would come on here and claim it was Dzeko's right to do so, that it was the fault of City, of the management, of the club as a whole, because they hadn't treated him with respect. I mean, how can he be expected to move around the pitch when he doesn't get to start games very often? It's this kind of biased, blinkered posting that drives the sane amongst us to distraction.

Anyway, I've finished work for the day, and I'm off out tonight, so I'll bid you adieu. No doubt this "debate" will continue in my absence.
kara54 said:
pominoz said:
kara54 said:
It's not only about opinion. Everyone has his own opinion. You can love this or that player more, hate the other one, and so on.
I love Dzeko and I am happy when he plays well. I also do not have problems when someone thinks Ballo/Aguero/Negredo is better than Dzeko.
(Well imo Aguero for sure is better, and Balo is not, but that's off topic).

But pudge does not skip a single game, without trying to diminish Dzeko's effort.
When Dzeko scored that screamer against Cardiff, he spent 10 pages in this thread, trying to explain everyone how the ball was deflected.
But who cares?!? As a "real City fan" he is supposed to be happy about that goal. Simple.

When Dzeko scores a tap-in, then it was simple, everyone could have done that. But when Negredo does the same, then he is a match winner.
And Dzekos' assist AND goal weighs less than Negredo's tap-in (nothing against Negredo, great player).

Still, he has right on his own opinion. But his opinion does not change, so I don't get why he has to repeat himself week in week out.
Would he be so critical about all other City players like he is about Dzeko, then he would have to spend 100h/day only to write all this stuff.

But who cares. I mostly ignore his posts, because they are far from being objective.

I think Pudge's, and many other poster's problem is that every other City player has been criticised on here at one time or another, but it is only Dzeko that has such a fanatical fan base, that to post that he had a bad game results in the type of shit we have seen in the last 100+ pages. Dzeko had a bad game, "no, you are anti-Bosnian, racist, know fuck all about football, not real City fans", on and on it goes.
No one hates Dzeko on here, but he has more bad games than good, and we should have the right to say so without the bullshit from his fanboys.

Well, as I already said, everyone is entitled to have his opinion. My problem is really not somebody slagging Dzeko off after a bad game. Oh boy, he had enough bad games in the City shirt.

But here I made concrete examples: 1) That "deflection" by Cardiff goal. 2) Dzeko's tap-ins vs. Negredo's tap-in yesterday.
See pudge's comments after that. If you then still think they are objective judgements on Dzeko's display, then well, I dont know.

Besides, calling a player "shit", "donkey", "touch of an elephant" is disrespectful. Not a single player in the City squad is shit, probably not a single player in the Premier League, Bundesliga, Serie A, Liga BBVA etc. All these guys know how to play football. They might have bad days, not suit the system, be out of form etc. But for sure, no one is shit. So, if you have to criticize someone, there are betters ways to do it.

So we have to be respectful of a player wearing the shirt of the club we love, even if he plays like he does not give a fuck and sulks for being benched for it?

Sorry, but that is not the Mancunian way. A spade will be called a spade.
Matty said:
adorado30 said:
pominoz said:
I think Pudge's, and many other poster's problem is that every other City player has been criticised on here at one time or another, but it is only Dzeko that has such a fanatical fan base, that to post that he had a bad game results in the type of shit we have seen in the last 100+ pages. Dzeko had a bad game, "no, you are anti-Bosnian, racist, know fuck all about football, not real City fans", on and on it goes.
No one hates Dzeko on here, but he has more bad games than good, and we should have the right to say so without the bullshit from his fanboys.

Criticizing a player it's all good and deserving and i certainly dont have a problem with that. However, the constant fucking nitpicking that he gets if just beyond warranted. Kara54 certaintly has a valid point with all the nitpicking,and you are one of the loudest on here with your regular bullshit. Against Villa, he scored a goal, and you kept on how the ball went of his shoulder. End of the day he put us in lead @ 2-1 and who fucking cares how he scored the goal and of what body part it bounced. Just to summarize it quickly" His goals are either put on plate on him, scored of deflections or just bounce of his donkey body..
The question has to be asked, "Why are people nitpicking with regards to Dzeko"? They don't when other players, Garcia and Kolarov being prime examples, have poor games, so why when Dzeko does? I'd postulate that the nitpicking is as a direct result of the vigorous, zealous and overly confrontational defending of Dzeko whenever anyone says something even slightly uncomplimentary about him.

Garcia plays badly, a few people will post highlighting his poor player and having a dig at his abilities as a footballer. Then the matter blows over and we move on. That's the basic timeline of events.

Dzeko plays badly, a few people will post highlighting his poor player and having a dig at his abilities as a footballer. A host of Dzeko fans jump all over the thread, either defending Dzeko without any real substance, pointedly refusing to accept the facts in front of their face, or accusing those who think Dzeko played poorly of having an agenda against him based on him being Bosnian. The matter doesn't blow over as, those who originally posted comments about Dzeko's poor display, take umbrage at the overly robust nature of the responses, and at the complete lack of objectivity, and further posts are made. Suddenly what would have been a handful of posts turns into 10's of pages. Look at yesterdays match as a case in point, Dzeko didn't play very well, that's really pretty indesputable to anyone without an unhealthy level of obsession with Dzeko. He scored and assisted, but his general play wasn't the best. All that merited was a few posts discussing the issue, and then it would have been over. However along came the normal bunch of Dzeko apologists, and the matter escalated. We wouldn't mind of cogent arguments were put forward, examples of how Dzeko's display might have been misinterpreted, etc, but instead all we get are accusations of being haters, of having an agenda against Bosnia etc. I honestly believe that Dzeko could start a game, sit down in the centre circle for 90 minutes refusing to join in and there would be some who would come on here and claim it was Dzeko's right to do so, that it was the fault of City, of the management, of the club as a whole, because they hadn't treated him with respect. I mean, how can he be expected to move around the pitch when he doesn't get to start games very often? It's this kind of biased, blinkered posting that drives the sane amongst us to distraction.
I think everyone can agree that his first 90 minutes wasn't the best football he's ever played but it was nowhere near as bad as the match thread would suggest, considering the general lack of cohesion in the game due to skeleton crew we put up against Newcastle.

In fact it wasn't until Silva and Zaba came on that Dzeko and Negredo started to look good. But virtually all the blame is directed at Dzeko the entire time.

A bench warmer who just got his first starting minutes in a month. Being out of form for the lack of playing maybe? Not a chance. The player is an utter shiite according to many.
Dzeko isn't a donkey but he isn't the type of striker we expected or wanted when we bought him.
AntiUnited said:
pominoz said:
AntiUnited said:
His goal record for us, the amount of clutch goals, his form for the national, german side says otherwise . Give him the ball and he will score he will keep scoring till he quits football. The only players I would gladly replace him with is lukaku ( I rate him already world class) , ibra or messi

And on that note, i am out!

For now ;)
Like it or not lukaku is world class and the scariest thing about him is that he still has lots to learn hes the next big superstar in the making. Watching him dismantel united and many rrespectable teams on his own proves this.
The further this thread goes, the more shit you talk.
pominoz said:
kara54 said:
Besides, calling a player "shit", "donkey", "touch of an elephant" is disrespectful. Not a single player in the City squad is shit, probably not a single player in the Premier League, Bundesliga, Serie A, Liga BBVA etc. All these guys know how to play football. They might have bad days, not suit the system, be out of form etc. But for sure, no one is shit. So, if you have to criticize someone, there are betters ways to do it.

So we have to be respectful of a player wearing the shirt of the club we love, even if he plays like he does not give a fuck and sulks for being benched for it?

Sorry, but that is not the Mancunian way. A spade will be called a spade.
From the human point of view, well, I think that depends on how eloquent you are and what you are trying to achieve with your post.
If you are going for a respectful discussion, then I'd at least try to go without such epithets.

And technically, all those guys, not only Dzeko, play and know more about football than everyone of us. For sure, they are not shit. And it is one thing to say it when watching a game, but another to write it down for eternity.

OT: tbh, I have a suspicion that Rooney also might post here. But I don't want to tell who I think it is.
kara54 said:
pominoz said:
AntiUnited said:
Pudge is not the problem now hes been even keeled for a while its the other clows that need watching

For a non Bosnian (allegedly) Liverpool/City supporter, what is it with you and trying to prove that the majority of City fans are wrong when it comes to Dzeko?

It's not only about opinion. Everyone has his own opinion. You can love this or that player more, hate the other one, and so on.
I love Dzeko and I am happy when he plays well. I also do not have problems when someone thinks Ballo/Aguero/Negredo is better than Dzeko.
(Well imo Aguero for sure is better, and Balo is not, but that's off topic).

But pudge does not skip a single game, without trying to diminish Dzeko's effort.
When Dzeko scored that screamer against Cardiff, he spent 10 pages in this thread, trying to explain everyone how the ball was deflected.
But who cares?!? As a "real City fan" he is supposed to be happy about that goal, and worried about our defense and the game outcome. Simple.
But for him it is much more important to prove the deflection :)

When Dzeko scores a tap-in, then it was simple, everyone could have done that. But when Negredo does the same, then he is a match winner.
And Dzekos' assist AND goal weighs less than Negredo's tap-in (nothing against Negredo, great player).

Still, he has right on his own opinion. But his opinion does not change, so I don't get why he has to repeat himself week in week out.
Would he be so critical about all other City players like he is about Dzeko, then he would have to spend 100h/day only to write all this stuff.

But who cares. I mostly ignore his posts, because they are far from being objective.

No I didn't.

My God, now I know how Dzeko feels...
Matty said:
adorado30 said:
pominoz said:
I think Pudge's, and many other poster's problem is that every other City player has been criticised on here at one time or another, but it is only Dzeko that has such a fanatical fan base, that to post that he had a bad game results in the type of shit we have seen in the last 100+ pages. Dzeko had a bad game, "no, you are anti-Bosnian, racist, know fuck all about football, not real City fans", on and on it goes.
No one hates Dzeko on here, but he has more bad games than good, and we should have the right to say so without the bullshit from his fanboys.

Criticizing a player it's all good and deserving and i certainly dont have a problem with that. However, the constant fucking nitpicking that he gets if just beyond warranted. Kara54 certaintly has a valid point with all the nitpicking,and you are one of the loudest on here with your regular bullshit. Against Villa, he scored a goal, and you kept on how the ball went of his shoulder. End of the day he put us in lead @ 2-1 and who fucking cares how he scored the goal and of what body part it bounced. Just to summarize it quickly" His goals are either put on plate on him, scored of deflections or just bounce of his donkey body..
The question has to be asked, "Why are people nitpicking with regards to Dzeko"? They don't when other players, Garcia and Kolarov being prime examples, have poor games, so why when Dzeko does? I'd postulate that the nitpicking is as a direct result of the vigorous, zealous and overly confrontational defending of Dzeko whenever anyone says something even slightly uncomplimentary about him.

Garcia plays badly, a few people will post highlighting his poor player and having a dig at his abilities as a footballer. Then the matter blows over and we move on. That's the basic timeline of events.

Dzeko plays badly, a few people will post highlighting his poor player and having a dig at his abilities as a footballer. A host of Dzeko fans jump all over the thread, either defending Dzeko without any real substance, pointedly refusing to accept the facts in front of their face, or accusing those who think Dzeko played poorly of having an agenda against him based on him being Bosnian. The matter doesn't blow over as, those who originally posted comments about Dzeko's poor display, take umbrage at the overly robust nature of the responses, and at the complete lack of objectivity, and further posts are made. Suddenly what would have been a handful of posts turns into 10's of pages. Look at yesterdays match as a case in point, Dzeko didn't play very well, that's really pretty indesputable to anyone without an unhealthy level of obsession with Dzeko. He scored and assisted, but his general play wasn't the best. All that merited was a few posts discussing the issue, and then it would have been over. However along came the normal bunch of Dzeko apologists, and the matter escalated. We wouldn't mind of cogent arguments were put forward, examples of how Dzeko's display might have been misinterpreted, etc, but instead all we get are accusations of being haters, of having an agenda against Bosnia etc. I honestly believe that Dzeko could start a game, sit down in the centre circle for 90 minutes refusing to join in and there would be some who would come on here and claim it was Dzeko's right to do so, that it was the fault of City, of the management, of the club as a whole, because they hadn't treated him with respect. I mean, how can he be expected to move around the pitch when he doesn't get to start games very often? It's this kind of biased, blinkered posting that drives the sane amongst us to distraction.

So all this comes to Dzeko fan boys vs City fans.. In reality this has little to do with discussing Dzeko, as this seems very impossible. Dzeko fans defend him regardless of his display, and City fans then retaliate with the nitpicking of their own player, discrediting him with pretty much anything. Then the same cycle then continues week after week, and any possible normal discussion turns into the same nonsense arguments.
BlueTG said:
AntiUnited said:
pominoz said:
And on that note, i am out!

For now ;)
Like it or not lukaku is world class and the scariest thing about him is that he still has lots to learn hes the next big superstar in the making. Watching him dismantel united and many rrespectable teams on his own proves this.
The further this thread goes, the more shit you talk.
Not just this thread
Matty said:
adorado30 said:
pominoz said:
I think Pudge's, and many other poster's problem is that every other City player has been criticised on here at one time or another, but it is only Dzeko that has such a fanatical fan base, that to post that he had a bad game results in the type of shit we have seen in the last 100+ pages. Dzeko had a bad game, "no, you are anti-Bosnian, racist, know fuck all about football, not real City fans", on and on it goes.
No one hates Dzeko on here, but he has more bad games than good, and we should have the right to say so without the bullshit from his fanboys.

Criticizing a player it's all good and deserving and i certainly dont have a problem with that. However, the constant fucking nitpicking that he gets if just beyond warranted. Kara54 certaintly has a valid point with all the nitpicking,and you are one of the loudest on here with your regular bullshit. Against Villa, he scored a goal, and you kept on how the ball went of his shoulder. End of the day he put us in lead @ 2-1 and who fucking cares how he scored the goal and of what body part it bounced. Just to summarize it quickly" His goals are either put on plate on him, scored of deflections or just bounce of his donkey body..
The question has to be asked, "Why are people nitpicking with regards to Dzeko"? They don't when other players, Garcia and Kolarov being prime examples, have poor games, so why when Dzeko does? I'd postulate that the nitpicking is as a direct result of the vigorous, zealous and overly confrontational defending of Dzeko whenever anyone says something even slightly uncomplimentary about him.

Garcia plays badly, a few people will post highlighting his poor player and having a dig at his abilities as a footballer. Then the matter blows over and we move on. That's the basic timeline of events.

Dzeko plays badly, a few people will post highlighting his poor player and having a dig at his abilities as a footballer. A host of Dzeko fans jump all over the thread, either defending Dzeko without any real substance, pointedly refusing to accept the facts in front of their face, or accusing those who think Dzeko played poorly of having an agenda against him based on him being Bosnian. The matter doesn't blow over as, those who originally posted comments about Dzeko's poor display, take umbrage at the overly robust nature of the responses, and at the complete lack of objectivity, and further posts are made. Suddenly what would have been a handful of posts turns into 10's of pages. Look at yesterdays match as a case in point, Dzeko didn't play very well, that's really pretty indesputable to anyone without an unhealthy level of obsession with Dzeko. He scored and assisted, but his general play wasn't the best. All that merited was a few posts discussing the issue, and then it would have been over. However along came the normal bunch of Dzeko apologists, and the matter escalated. We wouldn't mind of cogent arguments were put forward, examples of how Dzeko's display might have been misinterpreted, etc, but instead all we get are accusations of being haters, of having an agenda against Bosnia etc. I honestly believe that Dzeko could start a game, sit down in the centre circle for 90 minutes refusing to join in and there would be some who would come on here and claim it was Dzeko's right to do so, that it was the fault of City, of the management, of the club as a whole, because they hadn't treated him with respect. I mean, how can he be expected to move around the pitch when he doesn't get to start games very often? It's this kind of biased, blinkered posting that drives the sane amongst us to distraction.

Could we somehow declare a ceasefire? :)
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