Edin Dzeko

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noise said:
pudge said:
kara54 said:
Imo, he did never really shine in City. That's on the style of the play, I posted it a few games after that Spurs game. It did never suit him, and unfortunately for him it did not change much under the new manager. For City, we'll still see.
And Negredo fits better in at the moment, that's true. Being on the bench behind Negredo and Kun is actually fair. But being behind of Balo, I think, was not.

Nevertheless, one cannot deny Dzeko's quality. It's nothing about crosses, nothing about touch, head, left or right foot. When used to his strengths, he is lethal and he is "world-class". Create him space where he can run into and send him balls there. Pass or cross the ball to him when in the box. Then, he can create chances, and he can score even better. That's actually it.
Never have, never will. Like I said, you don't achieve what he has in his career if you're not a quality player.

But as much as we'd all love it, we'll never see the 'Wolfsburg Dzeko' here because we won't ever suit his qualities as much as that team or league did.

Yes he scores goals and nobody can deny or knock that but when you see someone like Negredo who's scoring as frequently but, and I don't mean this in a hateful or mean way, is offering more then it kinda makes Dzeko look expendable if not just knocking him down the pecking order. Negredo's style suits this league and our play, whereas that's not the case for Dzeko.

If he stays then he'll continue to bag 10-15 goals a season but not much else, which at City would equate to 3rd/4th choice and ultimately it would seem like a waste of talent because he's proven he's better than as he's won player of the year awards, and not for no reason.

But at the same time it's frustrating because you feel a player of that level could adapt his game, especially given he's been here for 3+ years, hence the frustration.
I actually agree with your assessment here. and I must admit I really like Negredo, he's really grown on me. But I still think Dzeko is a huge untapped potential. Which he will only realize if he leaves imo.
City were just never the club for him, Mancini seemingly tried to put a square peg in a round hole.

If he leaves and goes to a club that will build around him he'll not only score more but enjoy himself more, which is why it would be best all round. Not because people want him out for the sake of it.

Before his goals were crucial but now we have Negredo it maybe allows us to go after a lesser, actual 3rd/4th choice striker and not 'waste' a quality player like Dzeko who was never and more than likely won't see his potential fulfilled here or in this league.

BUT, it doesn't completely excuse some of his performances or attitude which again leads to much frustration, because you feel sometimes he can do more but it's him, not the system, that's preventing it.
Jazzy.ba said:
He was bought to score goals for Gods sake he isn't Messi or Aguero. You can't expect him to dribble like those two are doing. He's doing what he's paid for. Some City fans on here are just ungrateful spoiled kids. I don't see these kind of posts on Bayern Munich forums towards Gomez or Mandzukic.

Oh, there is. Believe me. I do not know about the English Bayern forums as all what I have seen there is "player praise" - but in the German forums there is. Especially when it means Gomez. He probably is the most critisized German player...
I think TedyKGB wrote probably the best assessment of Dzeko on this forum.

Dzeko can indeed appear to be invisible, useless, slow, idea-less, almost lost for about 60-70 minutes of game (but just appear, not actually be), because then when you just think that he is going to be awful and useless, he starts a sprint, makes passes between the legs of defenders, setting up a quick goal or scores without anyone seeing it happen.

Its almost like Dzeko embraces a style of play that is parallel to Mike Tyson's "pik a boo" style in boxing. Tyson used to cover his face, you think he is scared, or he is defensive, or he is done, and when you relax and he knocks you out. Same thing with Dzeko, he looks slow, he looks useless, defenders get encouraged (because he is under control), and then suddenly, when everything looks really bad, Dzeko moves it into overdrive and BOOM - its a goal.

He does this all the time.
That's why I say - he is not useless - he only appears to be useless, and uses that appearance to his advantage when he needs to surprise you with a score. He does it so well.
pominoz said:
kara54 said:
pominoz said:
For a non Bosnian (allegedly) Liverpool/City supporter, what is it with you and trying to prove that the majority of City fans are wrong when it comes to Dzeko?

It's not only about opinion. Everyone has his own opinion. You can love this or that player more, hate the other one, and so on.
I love Dzeko and I am happy when he plays well. I also do not have problems when someone thinks Ballo/Aguero/Negredo is better than Dzeko.
(Well imo Aguero for sure is better, and Balo is not, but that's off topic).

But pudge does not skip a single game, without trying to diminish Dzeko's effort.
When Dzeko scored that screamer against Cardiff, he spent 10 pages in this thread, trying to explain everyone how the ball was deflected.
But who cares?!? As a "real City fan" he is supposed to be happy about that goal. Simple.

When Dzeko scores a tap-in, then it was simple, everyone could have done that. But when Negredo does the same, then he is a match winner.
And Dzekos' assist AND goal weighs less than Negredo's tap-in (nothing against Negredo, great player).

Still, he has right on his own opinion. But his opinion does not change, so I don't get why he has to repeat himself week in week out.
Would he be so critical about all other City players like he is about Dzeko, then he would have to spend 100h/day only to write all this stuff.

But who cares. I mostly ignore his posts, because they are far from being objective.

I think Pudge's, and many other poster's problem is that every other City player has been criticised on here at one time or another, but it is only Dzeko that has such a fanatical fan base, that to post that he had a bad game results in the type of shit we have seen in the last 100+ pages. Dzeko had a bad game, "no, you are anti-Bosnian, racist, know fuck all about football, not real City fans", on and on it goes.
No one hates Dzeko on here, but he has more bad games than good, and we should have the right to say so without the bullshit from his fanboys.

But every fucking day...??? some lives need to be got.. seriously...

Right..its back to the United thread for me.. I prefer to slag off our rivals rather than our own..especially a player who had a big hand in getting us one step closer to Wembley..
He scores goals, some crucial ones and some not so crucial ones but if I was manager then Jovetic and Negredo play ahead of him every time, never mind Aguero.

When Pellegrini took over for some a few convinced themselves that Dzeko would be the main man and be this all conquering striker. I just couldn't see it and so far have been proven correct.

Can't see him staying around much longer than Jan/Summer at the latest.
I don't see Dzeko leaving any time soon and certainly not based on the strange logic that I've seen employed on BM.
BlueTG said:
AntiUnited said:
pominoz said:
And on that note, i am out!

For now ;)
Like it or not lukaku is world class and the scariest thing about him is that he still has lots to learn hes the next big superstar in the making. Watching him dismantel united and many rrespectable teams on his own proves this.
The further this thread goes, the more shit you talk.

HAHAHAHH. hes only scoring a goal a game and shitting on most CH's in the league 2 years in a row at the age of 20. His last game for the national side. he just just simply waltz outran, outmuscled defenders for 2 world class goals( which led to belg going into the wold cup). Do me a favor and watch him play before u start talking shit. knowing you wont ill just post these here.

no doubt dzeko is a great player , but his attitude and worth ethic reminds me of adebayor , he plays for himself , he basically couldnt give a shit about city , he constantly falls on his backside and whinges to officials ,i would rather have a player with half his ability giving 100% every game . But i repeat dzeko is a great player , he just doesnt want to play for city.
pominoz said:
I think Pudge's, and many other poster's problem is that every other City player has been criticised on here at one time or another, but it is only Dzeko that has such a fanatical fan base, that to post that he had a bad game results in the type of shit we have seen in the last 100+ pages. Dzeko had a bad game, "no, you are anti-Bosnian, racist, know fuck all about football, not real City fans", on and on it goes.
No one hates Dzeko on here, but he has more bad games than good, and we should have the right to say so without the bullshit from his fanboys.

It depends what you mean by "bullshit". If you mean personal attacks on you, then I agree, and in the same vein, posters ("fanboys" or otherwise) have the right to say he had a good game without the same "bullshit" from his detractors.

If "bullshit" just means a very passionate disagreement, then that's a different matter. If I say that I think he had a good game against Newcastle and played a critical role in our victory, the odds are that my opinion will immediately be contradicted by someone who thinks otherwise. And if it is, what's the problem? - it's a forum after all, where all respectful views are welcomed. I may want to continue the discussion if I still hold my opinion despite the counter-arguments, and I might try to explain why I think I'm right and s/he's wrong, but that's all part of it. If anyone has a problem with someone else telling them they're wrong, and then explaining why, they shouldn't be on a forum (and yes, if someone disagrees with me, I necessarily think they're wrong, just as they think I'm wrong - if I didn't think they were wrong, then I'd have the same opinion as they do in the first place and we wouldn't be having an argument).

When reasoned argument, made with some attempt to persuade, degenerates to back-and-forth contradiction, I usually check out for a bit as people's positions have become so calcified at that point that there's no longer anything productive to be gained from it, and it's a lot less interesting.

As a final thought, sometimes posters come on here (in various threads) to vent or to celebrate - they're not looking to discuss anything or have their opinions challenged. Without wanting to unnecessarily proliferate threads, it would be nice if there were places to do this - imagine the peace and harmony if there was a "Celebrate Dzeko" thread and a separate "Criticize Dzeko" thread, where both sides could do their thing in the aftermath of a game and get it off their chests without getting sucked into a 10 page argument. Just a thought.
Do one of you blokes work for the Manchester Evening News? I've noticed in the past Dzeko's rating is always harsh on that web site, especially in cases where the whole team is shit and the midfield provides no service.

Their player ratings for the match:

7 DZEKO Long periods of absence punctuated by the odd moment of real class – he did brilliantly to create Negredo’s goal, and nicked one himself

NEGREDO (for Jovetic 10) Always likeliest to score 7

It is clear some of you have a double standard when it comes to Negredo and Dzeko. It sounds like the whole team did nothing worthy in the first 90 (and really, any half-knowledgable City fan should have seen that coming with that starting midfield) - yet Negredo's thread on the forum has no comments on the match, but Edin's has many people saying he was mostly absent despite him being the main contributor for the victory. Unreal.
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