Edin Dzeko

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BringBackSwales said:
Rather than slag off Edin (i.e. negativity), why not simply praise the job that Sergio and Alvaro are doing (i.e. positivity), and at the same time have a look at what Edin's minutes per goal ratio is since he joined us, and you will see that all 3 have done a great job for the club. Why all this negativity and nastiness abounds in here I will never get

i think aguero and negredo are doing very well and should start every important game. but i dont say anything bad about dzeko. why should i ? just because aguero/negredo are playing well, doesn't mean dzeko is "shit" as some despicable people assume.
football-fan said:
I needed about first 6 month of Dzekos city career to see what his problem is/was. I didnt want to say that before knowing it can damage his career. Now that he is 95 % off this club i will finally tell you the reason.
But before that i want to tell you something else. Pellegrini did not give him proper chance.
He was very good at pre season, won chinese barclays league trophy something like that, score 2 against Milan ....
Than in FIRST game he was MOTM by your club and league.
At second Cardiff game he scored beautiful opener and was subed by Negredo at 69 min ( ??????????? )
In next game agains Hull he was changed at half time ( again Negredo ?????? )
Than he gave a few games to Negredo.
Than he played tham both against Aston Villa. Dzeko scored that game, Negredo din not and he took Dzeko away at 74 min ( ??????? ).
The only BAD games that Dzeko had was aginst Bayern who played baiscaly 4 6 0 against Citys 4 4 2. Negredo in first 60 min with the same team would not do anything better.

Conclusion Pellegrini was much more unfair to Dzeko than Mancini. If you take Dzekos Bayern incident then Pellegrini is much much much much more unfair. Mancini at least ROTATED 4 top strikers. Pellegrini dont wont do rotate 1 pair of strikers Dzeko/Negredo. Pellegrini is absolutly the one to take all the credits and the blame on Dzeko. Or maybe Pellegrini 90 % and Dzeko 10 %.
I knew that Dzeko interview would happen and i fear for wors things to come.

both mancini and pellegrini's intention was to use dzeko as backup. in the same way that mourinho used shaun wight phillips as back up.

it is not illegal for managers to use players in this way, but its also not illegal for dzeko to become frustrated and angry.
football-fan said:
I needed about first 6 month of Dzekos city career to see what his problem is/was. I didnt want to say that before knowing it can damage his career. Now that he is 95 % off this club i will finally tell you the reason.
But before that i want to tell you something else. Pellegrini did not give him proper chance.
He was very good at pre season, won chinese barclays league trophy something like that, score 2 against Milan ....
Than in FIRST game he was MOTM by your club and league.
At second Cardiff game he scored beautiful opener and was subed by Negredo at 69 min ( ??????????? )
In next game agains Hull he was changed at half time ( again Negredo ?????? )
Than he gave a few games to Negredo.
Than he played tham both against Aston Villa. Dzeko scored that game, Negredo din not and he took Dzeko away at 74 min ( ??????? ).
The only BAD games that Dzeko had was aginst Bayern who played baiscaly 4 6 0 against Citys 4 4 2. Negredo in first 60 min with the same team would not do anything better.

Conclusion Pellegrini was much more unfair to Dzeko than Mancini. If you take Dzekos Bayern incident then Pellegrini is much much much much more unfair. Mancini at least ROTATED 4 top strikers. Pellegrini dont wont do rotate 1 pair of strikers Dzeko/Negredo. Pellegrini is absolutly the one to take all the credits and the blame on Dzeko. Or maybe Pellegrini 90 % and Dzeko 10 %.
I knew that Dzeko interview would happen and i fear for wors things to come.

Looking forward to him being replaced. Touch of an elephant, the workrate of a sloth and the mental strength of a mouse. And a whiner to boot.
I was at Cardiff and I can tell you he was shocking, he got the goal but that was all. That game epitomizes the Dzeko issue. Until he realizes that he needs to perform every week he will get nowhere in this league.

That's why he doesn't get more starts, he's had more than enough chances nothing to do with managerial bias.

The times article this morning has really pi@@ed me off.

I was also at Bayern, he was crap then as well - did f#ck all but give away a stupid free kick that resulted in a goal. Mancini had to get another midfielder on to stabilize the ship, how those tossers (him and Tevez ) have the gall to moan is beyond me... Get Rid.
Always stuck up for him, but sick of him now. He gets his chance every season and doesn't take it. The thing that pisses me off the most is that he just sulks and acts a victim. Had enough of the mard arse.
football-fan said:
I needed about first 6 month of Dzekos city career to see what his problem is/was. I didnt want to say that before knowing it can damage his career. Now that he is 95 % off this club i will finally tell you the reason.
But before that i want to tell you something else. Pellegrini did not give him proper chance.
He was very good at pre season, won chinese barclays league trophy something like that, score 2 against Milan ....
Than in FIRST game he was MOTM by your club and league.
At second Cardiff game he scored beautiful opener and was subed by Negredo at 69 min ( ??????????? )
In next game agains Hull he was changed at half time ( again Negredo ?????? )
Than he gave a few games to Negredo.
Than he played tham both against Aston Villa. Dzeko scored that game, Negredo din not and he took Dzeko away at 74 min ( ??????? ).
The only BAD games that Dzeko had was aginst Bayern who played baiscaly 4 6 0 against Citys 4 4 2. Negredo in first 60 min with the same team would not do anything better.

Conclusion Pellegrini was much more unfair to Dzeko than Mancini. If you take Dzekos Bayern incident then Pellegrini is much much much much more unfair. Mancini at least ROTATED 4 top strikers. Pellegrini dont wont do rotate 1 pair of strikers Dzeko/Negredo. Pellegrini is absolutly the one to take all the credits and the blame on Dzeko. Or maybe Pellegrini 90 % and Dzeko 10 %.
I knew that Dzeko interview would happen and i fear for wors things to come.

I have an answer for all your question marks

Negredo is better
Those pointing the finger at Pellegrini did the same with Mancini I imagine, but there's a common denominator.

If Dzeko finds himself playing second, or third, fiddle under 2 separate, accomplished managers then...
football-fan said:
I needed about first 6 month of Dzekos city career to see what his problem is/was. I didnt want to say that before knowing it can damage his career. Now that he is 95 % off this club i will finally tell you the reason.
But before that i want to tell you something else. Pellegrini did not give him proper chance.
He was very good at pre season, won chinese barclays league trophy something like that, score 2 against Milan ....
Than in FIRST game he was MOTM by your club and league.
At second Cardiff game he scored beautiful opener and was subed by Negredo at 69 min ( ??????????? )
In next game agains Hull he was changed at half time ( again Negredo ?????? )
Than he gave a few games to Negredo.
Than he played tham both against Aston Villa. Dzeko scored that game, Negredo din not and he took Dzeko away at 74 min ( ??????? ).
The only BAD games that Dzeko had was aginst Bayern who played baiscaly 4 6 0 against Citys 4 4 2. Negredo in first 60 min with the same team would not do anything better.

Conclusion Pellegrini was much more unfair to Dzeko than Mancini. If you take Dzekos Bayern incident then Pellegrini is much much much much more unfair. Mancini at least ROTATED 4 top strikers. Pellegrini dont wont do rotate 1 pair of strikers Dzeko/Negredo. Pellegrini is absolutly the one to take all the credits and the blame on Dzeko. Or maybe Pellegrini 90 % and Dzeko 10 %.
I knew that Dzeko interview would happen and i fear for wors things to come.
Thanks Edin but you need to let it go now son.
In future let your football do your talking.
All the best
pudge said:
Those pointing the finger at Pellegrini did the same with Mancini I imagine, but there's a common denominator.

If Dzeko finds himself playing second, or third, fiddle under 2 separate, accomplished managers then...
I recall a great deal of negativity towards Mancini near the end of last season from Dzeko fans for his misuse and in their minds active hatred of Dzeko. This was followed by eager optimism on their part for the incoming Pellegrini as he would obviously allow Dzeko to flower as the best forward at City. Seems that optimism has evaporated and another manager is the enemy du jour.

For my part, I'm incredibly disappointed with the player giving that interview. I want him to succeed. I want all City players to succeed. Running to the press like that isn't the path to success.
Dzecko was given the starting birth by Pellegrini and played his was out by missing chances and not competing well in the air.

Negredo took is chance and is there on merit.
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