EU Referendum Thread

Mëtal Bikër said:
You don't. You've leapt to an assumption that Churchill was a Europhile when there is nothing to suggest that.

"We have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked but not combined. We are interested and associated but not absorbed."

Ok, fine. Thanks for the contribution
roaminblue said:
Mëtal Bikër said:
You don't. You've leapt to an assumption that Churchill was a Europhile when there is nothing to suggest that.

"We have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked but not combined. We are interested and associated but not absorbed."

Ok, fine. Thanks for the contribution
Any time.

I't's just that quite recently i'm often seeing people in favour of Britain remaining in the EU by using Churchill's quote about a United Europe claiming it "proves" that Churchill, undoubtably the symbol of patriotism for many Brits, was for Britain being part of a Federal Europe. He said nothing about the UK being a part of it. He even declined Britain being a member of the ECSC.
Mëtal Bikër said:
Any time.

I'm just that quite recently i'm often seeing people in favour of Britain remaining in the EU by using Churchill's quote about a United Europe claiming it "proves" that Churchill, undoubtably the symbol of patriotism for many Brits, was for Britain being part of a Federal Europe. He said nothing about the UK being a part of it.

It was just a flippant quote that I like the sound of, and one that I believe is pertinent regardless of who said it and the meaning behind. I wanted to quote the words, not the sentiment.

As I'm sure you well know Churchill's opinion on a lot of things has been debated over endlessly, and its all reductio ad absurdum to be honest.
roaminblue said:
Mëtal Bikër said:
Any time.

I'm just that quite recently i'm often seeing people in favour of Britain remaining in the EU by using Churchill's quote about a United Europe claiming it "proves" that Churchill, undoubtably the symbol of patriotism for many Brits, was for Britain being part of a Federal Europe. He said nothing about the UK being a part of it.

It was just a flippant quote that I like the sound of, and one that I believe is pertinent regardless of who said it and the meaning behind. I wanted to quote the words, not the sentiment.

As I'm sure you well know Churchill's opinion on a lot of things has been debated over endlessly, and its all reductio ad absurdum to be honest.
Of course. That's why I prefer the other quote. :)
chabal said:
smudgedj said:
chabal said:
Ich denke, es hängt alles von welchem Fortschritt hängt "Rufen Sie mich Dave" macht in den Verhandlungen. Ich mache mir Sorgen, dass wir am Ende alle deutschsprachigen Raum in der Zukunft.

Bollocks to that.

I'd rather decline two drinks than one German adjective

Anyway English is the single currency of communication.

Wir werden alle bald sprechen Chinese sowieso

Not a chance. No Tower of Babel. Global communication in business, science, and numerous other fields, oral and written, is already conducted in English.

English will be lingua franca of the globe.
smudgedj said:
chabal said:
smudgedj said:
Bollocks to that.

Anyway English is the single currency of communication.

Wir werden alle bald sprechen Chinese sowieso

Not a chance. No Tower of Babel. Global communication in business, science, and numerous other fields, oral and written, is already conducted in English.

English will be lingua franca of the globe.

chabal said:
smudgedj said:
chabal said:
Wir werden alle bald sprechen Chinese sowieso

Not a chance. No Tower of Babel. Global communication in business, science, and numerous other fields, oral and written, is already conducted in English.

English will be lingua franca of the globe.


Wúshù niánlái, rènhé yīfāng
What is gradually becoming clear – albeit far too slowly – is just what a dictatorial, law-breaking scam the European
Union is. At its heart are two institutions: the European Commission – an organisation so steeped in corruption,
nobody will sign off its accounts; and the European Central Bank.The European Union has added nothing to the quality of life in our continent. However, it has added an enormous layer of pointless, busybody bureaucracy, a single currency that let Germany out of its richly-deserved cage, unimaginable
levels of debt encouraged by Trichet’s ECB, former Soviet States whose ability to undercut the Western members is frightening, and – above all – moved the supreme source of power away from legislatures to fractional reserve banker criminality. Many voted to stay in the EEC as it then was in the 1970s because they believed it possible to take the best from all cultures, and meld them into one Rule of Law. But since then, the most obvious (if that’s the right word) tactics of the EU have involved subterfuge, laws passed under the radar, voter rejections ignored, Nation objections bullied into
submission, and now (under Draghi) blatant mobsterism in pursuit of the ends of unfeeling currency blocs.
If you want to be ruled by Brussels and, ridiculously for a few days of the month, Strasbourg then vote to stay. (The whole circus travels once a month at a mouth watering cost of £93 million pounds per year).

If you want a European army vote to stay.

If you want a European police force vote to stay.

If you want Europe to make our laws and our MPs to be nothing more than glorified councillors vote to stay.

Otherwise in 2017 you have a choice. And don't let the trade argument sway you. If we make it attractive for companies to invest in the UK they will.

I would like all of what you suggest plus an elected EU president. A full federal Europe with a single currency. I like free movement of people as well.

An EU army and police force is logical as is an EU navy and airforce. An EU wide level of tax, health care etc is also logical. Whilst individual governments still have power the EU can never be properly democratic and reflect the wishes of the people. It is ridiculous that seperate parts of the EU have different laws, it is ridiculous that seperate parts of the EU operate so differently. Economies od scale dictate that an EU superstate would serve the people better and be more efficient for all.

However as none of this will happen im voting OUT.
I would like all of what you suggest plus an elected EU president. A full federal Europe with a single currency. I like free movement of people as well.

An EU army and police force is logical as is an EU navy and airforce. An EU wide level of tax, health care etc is also logical. Whilst individual governments still have power the EU can never be properly democratic and reflect the wishes of the people. It is ridiculous that seperate parts of the EU have different laws, it is ridiculous that seperate parts of the EU operate so differently. Economies od scale dictate that an EU superstate would serve the people better and be more efficient for all.

However as none of this will happen im voting OUT.

Is that a fait accompli?

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