EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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To be certain, Britain has a fair few problems. That said, they pale in comparison to those faced by other countries, many within the EU. Accordingly, having initial, intermediate and final say over the remedies to those problems is EXACTLY why sovereignty is, or should be, so important to Britons.

Like you, I see a fairly painful global reckoning coming, as the "Ponzi schemes" of which you speak cannot last forever. However, we may see a different path to that final outcome. From afar, I see a country that is becoming increasingly reliant on the social pact, rather than personal responsibility. As others have mentioned, it is obvious there are haves and have nots in Britain, both regionally and personally, but that excuse is just excuse. There are today, as there have always been, imperatives to "getting ahead." Some prefer to ignore them and simply blame society for their lot in life, while others dust themselves off and do what is necessary to make the best fist of it. In Britain I see to many of the former and not enough of the latter.

Yes, many of the heavy industry jobs (coal, steel and manufacturing) in Britain have been widely supplanted by services and other light industry. That tide waits for no man, so one either educates and trains or one falters and falls behind. It is a personal choice. THAT is somewhat that is seemingly missing from large swaths of Britiash society in 2016. There seems to be a mentality that "things are bad, someone needs to ... for me" rather than "things are bad, I need to ... for myself."

There is certainly a case to be made that I could have been that guy if I had stayed in th Manchester area, but I doubt it. After all, there was a time when I had $5 to my name in the U.S., and my parents had to file bankruptcy because of a dodgy accountant fucking them over on their taxes and Internal Revenue not caring a bit, but I survived and thrived.

Sad to say, I think the British disease, (which is rampant, especially amongst the lower working classes and unemployed (unemployable???)) is magnified by the "I will do whatever it takes to get ahead" mentality I find myself immersed in here in the U.S. Entitlement (believing you deserve/have something because of who you are), whether it is the silver spoons on the one end or the wooden spoons on the other, is a disease that needs eliminating.
I think that there are elements of truth to what you say but rather than being the fault of individuals it is the fault of society. We have increasingly seen us cut investment in the quality of education and training, of outside school support for kids and of investing in the future. Shallow consumerism and celebrity culture has been encouraged in the place of education and skills and giving everyone a chance and that hurts. The truth is this culture is a vicious circle, if one generation sets no example of work, attaches no importance to education and training it becomes endemic in the next. Yes with economic issues we should pull back some spending but it should never be spending on children, their health, their education and their training ax this is the future of the country and the whole basis for how we firm our place in the works.
Agree there is a huge lump in the carpet at Brussels and Westminster.

Remember the housing and debt bubble that led the 2008 crash well errr.........
I do a crisis that over the years was fought for by Britain as we pushed Europe to remove all controls on banking and allow to happen. A crisis made in New York and supported in London
The "Twatterverse" remainers are already rounding on that Emily lass who highlighted the difficulties in housing as a result of unvetted immigration. Commenting on her appearance, speculating her work ethic, employment status, welfare claims and number of children she may or may not have as a negative. Remainers are a lovely bunch; one minute lauding the benefits of...benefits yet rounding on those who they speculate must be claiming it.
I have seen those immigrants amongst other things called scum on here so I wouldn't be casting that stone
" 2014"

"Between 2000-2013 Norway implemented less than 10%"

Someone doesn't know how to count, or read, or provide links and sources to their claims.
Misrespresenting stats to bolster ones claims again? Naughty naughty.

What were the 627 regulations they implemented? What did it apply to? How did it affect sovereignty in Norway? How did they damage or promote the Norwegian economy? Or were they reasonable regulations such as "car exhausts should now exert 0.001% carbon monoxide less than last year" or something? You don't explain much.

Sorry I will be clearer for you

In 2010-2013 Norway vetoed 1 EU regulation. They implemented every other regulation, and if none of these were important then it's no problem for the UK either is it?

Assuming a similar level to 2014 that's 3000 regulations implemented,1 not implemented. That ok for you? I will add some umlauts if it is still a struggle
" 2014"

"Between 2000-2013 Norway implemented less than 10%"

Someone doesn't know how to count, or read, or provide links and sources to their claims.
Misrespresenting stats to bolster ones claims again? Naughty naughty.

What were the 627 regulations they implemented? What did it apply to? How did it affect sovereignty in Norway? How did they damage or promote the Norwegian economy? Or were they reasonable regulations such as "car exhausts should now exert 0.001% carbon monoxide less than last year" or something? You don't explain much.

Can you list the 10%? FWIW Norway has implemented around 75% of EU legislation, they don't apply many regulations domesically (somewhere between 15-20%) but any business in Norway trading with the EU is subject to exactly the same conditions as a respective business in the UK.
Some of the immigrants are scum.

The fellas going around sexually assaulting and raping women in Cologne on NYE were scum. Utter scum.
As are those who do this who are born and bred Anglo Saxons. There are terrible people of every gender, sex, colour and creed and I wouldn't blanket label any of them scum.
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