EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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The leavers still haven't got the f*cking message, they aint scare stories.
Soooo.... If we vote to leave we can look forward to WW3 and expect a punishment budget along with being £4K a year worse off with pensioners being £30k a year worse off?

If I wasn't already going to vote out I'd be minded to just to test these unsubstantiated scare stories.

Roll on 24th!
I hope you are right about Farrage. Regarding Gove and Johnson, if the South East of England want them they will be in power!

Brexit and the eventual independence of Scotland will lead to the North of England having very little influence in UK politics.

The first paragraph sounds like a conspiracy theory and the 2nd seems a bit fluffy with 'eventual independence.....'

I can't see how staying in the EU will benefit us the people in the next 5,10, 20years etc - more people coming in will put extra strain on our already underfunded public services and this cheap labour will keep wages down.

The EU/Eurozone, in my opinion just doesn't work. Look at the unemployment figures for countries like Greece, Spain, Italy etc. It has failed the people. The reason why the establishment want to keep us is because if we leave then other countries might want to follow suit. Nothing to do with security and the like, they are interesting in feathering thier nest and that of big business(I know this sounds like a conspiracy theory)
I wouldn't trust Johnson any further than I can throw him but it's not an election and I'm not voting on the basis of who supports either side. I've thought very carefully about what I believe is the bigger picture and I believe we're better out than in.

The two main party leaders pushing for Remain are both well known to be eurosceptics. So you could equally ask why people are voting for two politicians who clearly don't have the courage of their convictions and are asking people to do something they don't believe in themselves.

100% agree with every word.
I wouldn't trust Johnson any further than I can throw him but it's not an election and I'm not voting on the basis of who supports either side. I've thought very carefully about what I believe is the bigger picture and I believe we're better
I wouldn't trust Johnson any further than I can throw him but it's not an election and I'm not voting on the basis of who supports either side. I've thought very carefully about what I believe is the bigger picture and I believe we're better out than in.

The two main party leaders pushing for Remain are both well known to be eurosceptics. So you could equally ask why people are voting for two politicians who clearly don't have the courage of their convictions and are asking people to do something they don't believe in themselves.

Fair points PB plus Bojo Giggs is prepared to shag his own family (the Turks) for personal gain!
Soooo.... If we vote to leave we can look forward to WW3 and expect a punishment budget along with being £4K a year worse off with pensioners being £30k a year worse off?

If I wasn't already going to vote out I'd be minded to just to test these unsubstantiated scare stories.

Roll on 24th!

I am looking forward to the 24th a bit too, whichever way the vote goes!
I know one thing having watched this debate pan out on here, most of the nastiness, foam mouthed rhetoric and flawed logic has come from the remain campaign, getting desperate I think...
Well, there are sheep and there are Shepherds, on Thursday next week the Shepherds will prevail and out we will go..!!! Baaaaaaaaaa
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