EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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Doesn't it strike people as rather ironic that the Leaver in the street, who has FUCK ALL say in how the country is run, is so offended by his/her loss of sovereignty (not that they have any) that they do want out. Utterly bonkers. Yet another example of how and why the Leave campaign makes no sense and is simply a frenzy of ill-thought out jingoistism, carrying people with it who know no better.

This is the sort of 5-star arrogance that has seen the "remain" vote move from an assumed landslide to even stevens. And a demonstration of how the liberal left despise the man in the street while claiming to be inclusive.
Yes perhaps the people who wish to leave could tell people in which decade over the last one hundred years the UK was a land of milk and honey.
The answer to that question is very simple.... None.

Especially over the last four decades.

If you were to ask for a decade when was Britain strong and a leader in world politics, well outside of the last four decades.... go fill yer boots!
Sadly its taken an MP the ugly, racist

Farage is a fraud he cracks on he's a man of the people when in actual fact he's a bigot and out and out racist in the same sense of Nick Griffin and Tommy Robinson. This was proven yesterday with that poster stunt. He might as well have come in jack booted supported by his storm troopers donning a swastika flag performing a facist salute.

Interesting that he's the only leading political figure to have remained constant and also the one almost solely responsible for key issues like immigration no longer being suppressed by the establishment. I can see why you are upset.
This is the sort of 5-star arrogance that has seen the "remain" vote move from an assumed landslide to even stevens. And a demonstration of how the liberal left despise the man in the street while claiming to be inclusive.

No, it's just that you can't stand to hear the truth.
But we can vote them out if we(as a country) think they are doing a poor job or feel future plans are not in our best interests
And Farage, will never have 'power' at a national level

That is worse, in that he has power at international level and he has deliberately chosen to not exert it by failing to turn up at EU meetings and then acting a dick when he was there.
He has been elected to represent the UK in Europe for about 10 years and has failed to do anything of the sort.
He whines about the failing influence of the UK in the EU and yet it is him being the problem.
That is worse, in that he has power at international level and he has deliberately chosen to not exert it by failing to turn up at EU meetings and then acting a dick when he was there.
He has been elected to represent the UK in Europe for about 10 years and has failed to do anything of the sort.
He whines about the failing influence of the UK in the EU and yet it is him being the problem.

Agree completely. It's a total disgrace that him and his cohorts have been banking their MEP salaries for years and doing absolutely fuck all work to earn it.

And he wonders why we lose friends in Europe when he goes around saying ""all the charisma of a damp rag and the appearance of a low-grade bank clerk" or whatever it was he said to that van rumpoy bloke. How fucking embarrassing.
That is worse, in that he has power at international level and he has deliberately chosen to not exert it by failing to turn up at EU meetings and then acting a dick when he was there.
He has been elected to represent the UK in Europe for about 10 years and has failed to do anything of the sort.
He whines about the failing influence of the UK in the EU and yet it is him being the problem.

What he/they do or don't do whilst in power is another debate, we can still vote them in/out

I would like us to leave but that doesn't mean I want Johnson or any Tory leading the country. And whilst I am talking about political parties, I am appalled by the Labour Party's actions during the debate - summed up by that pathetic interview Hilary Benn did with Andrew Niel a few pages back
[QUOTE="Prestwich_Blue, but it's not an election and I'm not voting on the basis of who supports either side. [/QUOTE]

This point is continually overlooked by people that want to personalise politics.
Milliband lost the last election because people didn't like HIM not because of his policies. It's pathetic. And now some people on here are going to vote in a referendum on the basis of personalities rather than on the issues. Democracy has many faults and this tendency to personalise it is one of them. Sturgeon is a twat but I wouldn't vote her down because she's a nagging pain in the arse. Amber Rudd was a disgrace attacking Boris in a personal way on national prime time TV but I wouldn't vote her down because she is a personal disgrace to her party. You have to detach yourself from the irritating twats and vote on the issues. This referendum is not party political and you need to look at the veracity of the statements not who is making them.
So yes you are spot on there.
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