everton scum

steve.mansfield@live.co.uk said:
I'm just not gonna sing 'if you are a munich fan surrender of you'll die' then 2 mins later pretend be be outraged by a harold shipman chant, not for me all that.

We're getting a bit of kicking again, metaphorically of course, on here again it seems.

Fairly pleasant day, regardless of the score for me, walked to and from the ground, had a few pints and a bit of banter. I'll never sing the Harry Shipman chants, not particualry for any moral reasons(does anyone really get offended by them?) but because it's a Kopite chant.

Man City is not usually a fixture I associate with crowd trouble, it's always been Man Utd where I've felt like I need to keep voice down.
shackattack said:
singing stand blue said:
I am desperately trying to refrain from generalising as i agree it is not all of the Everton fans; throwing bottles, singing Harold Shipman songs and punching random city fans. The word minority has been branded about in this topic and I'm afraid to say its clear to anyone looking into their crowd at the game it was unfortunately the MAJORITY of Everton fans acting like complete and utter dicks!

They are the worst fans i have ever experienced bar United fans. I cant work out whether its the complete lack of education or their inbreeding which makes them such vile sub humans! - Again this is only the MAJORITY of Everton fans there will be a few decent football fans who work and educate their siblings!
are you trying to make yourself seem educated by using such words as siblings?..would like to hear your evidence and statistics on the interbreeding of our fans? someone from warrington as well ha ha will not even comment. as for punching random fans whilst i would never condone it, have not heard that it actually happened. most football fans in general at games act like dicks.its escapism from mundane jobs and lives. fuelled with alcohol and the power in numbers it creates an atmosphere. we sing non pc songs eg the shipman song, just as a minority of yours sing about munich. all fans sing similar songs as it riles the away fans.

Ha, quite the opposite! The word sibling makes me appear educated? Wow you really are as thick as i thought! I reside in Warrington i wasn't born there, just before you get carried away with your scouse humour! I know my grammer is hardly the worlds best but before you come on OUR forum trying to pick holes in my intelligence, you should at least learn to use capital letters.
Breadsnapper said:
shackattack said:
the myth of holding memorial services is in the main just that a myth. hillsborough was something that any city would remember. the only other memorial which stands out is the rhys jones one. a young everton fan who attended matches with his family tragically shot by someone , was remembered with a high profile service. i see nothing wrong in that, and if it had been a city fan would you have the same resentment?
Two of the worst tagedies in footbal had one common denominator...Liverpool, Jamie bolger...Liverpool. The kiddie that was shot was an appaling tragedy, but mancunian kids have been shot in similar circumstances. The city of liverpool as a whole can't fucking wait to jump onto the martyrs band wagon. Whenever something happens in Liverpool they are all up in arms about it, they do fuck all mind but they lll have a good old moan ie council cuts, firemen, ambulance blah blah blah. All Cities, towns have tragedy, we just don't all fucking bleat on about it, especially when most of yours is of your own doing.
Might seem harsh, but the truth often is.

Full of shit, you are. Was it Liverpool who splashed it all over the papers? There were memorials for people who died, like any other place, but they weren't publicised by Liverpool it was the fucking media who did that? As for Heyself, I fully agree Liverpool fans and Liverpool FC were responsible but don't tar a city with that brush, would you like it if you got tarred with whatever Manchester United did? As for Hillsborough, can't really get with slagging off the Kopites there, same would have happened had any club had so many fans and the police opened a gate leading to an already crammed terrace.

Personally I love being from a city which is close knit and cares about what happens to people within it, if people think that makes us mawkish then more fool them. Shame Manchester seems to have developed this almost southern stuck upness now, you can polish your city centre as much as you like but the majority of Manchester is as poor and crime ridden as Liverpool.
toffeetom said:
Breadsnapper said:
Two of the worst tagedies in footbal had one common denominator...Liverpool, Jamie bolger...Liverpool. The kiddie that was shot was an appaling tragedy, but mancunian kids have been shot in similar circumstances. The city of liverpool as a whole can't fucking wait to jump onto the martyrs band wagon. Whenever something happens in Liverpool they are all up in arms about it, they do fuck all mind but they lll have a good old moan ie council cuts, firemen, ambulance blah blah blah. All Cities, towns have tragedy, we just don't all fucking bleat on about it, especially when most of yours is of your own doing.
Might seem harsh, but the truth often is.

Full of shit, you are. Was it Liverpool who splashed it all over the papers? There were memorials for people who died, like any other place, but they weren't publicised by Liverpool it was the fucking media who did that?

Personally I love being from a city which is close knit and cares about what happens to people within it, if people think that makes us mawkish then more fool them. Shame Manchester seems to have developed this almost southern stuck upness now, you can polish your city centre as much as you like but the majority of Manchester is as poor and crime ridden as Liverpool.
Maybe so but we don't dwell on it half as much as you lot.
mancitygaz said:
toffeetom said:
Full of shit, you are. Was it Liverpool who splashed it all over the papers? There were memorials for people who died, like any other place, but they weren't publicised by Liverpool it was the fucking media who did that?

Personally I love being from a city which is close knit and cares about what happens to people within it, if people think that makes us mawkish then more fool them. Shame Manchester seems to have developed this almost southern stuck upness now, you can polish your city centre as much as you like but the majority of Manchester is as poor and crime ridden as Liverpool.
Maybe be so but we don't dwell on it half as much as you lot.

Do we though? I'm really bewildered to where this stereotype has come from, from what I read on this forum you'd think that everyone from Liverpool is constantly breaking down into floods of tears and mourning golden years.

Maybe it's our Celtic heritage eh, violent and sentimental at the same time.
toffeetom said:
mancitygaz said:
Maybe be so but we don't dwell on it half as much as you lot.

Do we though? I'm really bewildered to where this stereotype has come from, from what I read on this forum you'd think that everyone from Liverpool is constantly breaking down into floods of tears and mourning golden years.

Maybe it's our Celtic heritage eh, violent and sentimental at the same time.
Yes you do, but you wont see it through robbed glasses.
mancitygaz said:
toffeetom said:
Do we though? I'm really bewildered to where this stereotype has come from, from what I read on this forum you'd think that everyone from Liverpool is constantly breaking down into floods of tears and mourning golden years.

Maybe it's our Celtic heritage eh, violent and sentimental at the same time.
Yes you do, but you wont see it through robbed glasses.


Can't beat the downbeat Manc humour, you're the real upkeepers of true dry wit it seems.

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