Everton Thread - 2023/24

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Why are Manchester City Media team Just letting the Media walk all over us? This Everton FFP ruling has nothing to do with Manchester City and the so-called Charges, The Media are calling City guilty and saying the Charges are going to be found as Cheating,

Sick of All these 115 Charges that keep getting brought up by the media to mud our fantastic club name, All the hard work Pep and the Board have put into this project is getting rubbished every single time any sort of FFP news get's brought up

Come City lets have this lot of scum Media reporters banned from the Etihad or reporting on any of our games

Its sooo boring mate. Every tweet is "what about City", "but City".... Being accused and convicted are 2 seperate things. Its trial by media at the minute with you.

Im not having that all these clubs kicking off are squeaky clean. No way. Every club is up to shady shit. Tapping up youngsters, dodgy owners, paying players off the books. I bet if you dig deep enough, every club will have skeletons. Its a multi billion pound industry.
Rather than trying to drag us and others down with them by bitching about monitoring other cases, wouldn’t Everton be better served trying to get other clubs like us and Chelsea on side?
Yes they would. But then again they’re scousers. So thick as pig shit!
I think we can all rejoice that another step on the road to relegation, as well as to the title and the top four being decided by a PL committee sitting in judgement has been taken. At the moment they are sorting out the title in 1995 ... and have just found they can't apply the regulations retrospectively ... because "ManU" broke them.
Yes they would. But then again they’re scousers. So thick as pig shit!

Also, let's not forget this points reduction was held back from last season and kept them up, Let's see what the 3 clubs that went down will do now, Court action could follow and Questions about Why the Premier League let Everton get away with it,

It stinks, Why now the points deduction it gives them a great deal of time and games 26 to get them up to safety in the table,
Premier league have opened a can of worms by finding Everton guilty and the punisment they have issued , there will several clubs now considering court action against the Premier league and Everton FC , they will go to court for loss of revenue for being unfairly releagated by a club who basically cheated for years.
Burnley , Leicester and a few others will be getting their legal teams to work , the Premier league have royally f*cked up and all to please their masters ........the redshirt 'istree clubs , this is going to be fun
I would have more sympathy with Everton but I don't remember their fans giving a toss when we got knocked down two divisions back in 1990 (reduced to one on appeal).

I could go on but when it seems that one of our scrupulously honest former Chairmen was lent a significant amount of money by Abramovitch in 2017 for no obvious reason so who knows how that one's going to finish up?
You're getting a bit precious there. Im not interested in the City reference. In fact its completely boring that all the responses are "what about City".

I was posting that to show the commission point of only a points deduction will hurt us due to having a wealthy owner. Which seems absurd. If your owner wasnt a billionaire then we would give you a fine, but sorry points deduction for you.
My point was that all day I’ve been hearing much about how city should be punished and very little about how we have to be found guilty of any wrong doing first.
That so-called professionals are complicit in this makes it worse, in that some think that they are, by the nature of their profession, some kind of purveyors of truth and insight.
Anyhoo good luck to your lot in getting this stupidity stopped.
Its sooo boring mate. Every tweet is "what about City", "but City".... Being accused and convicted are 2 seperate things. Its trial by media at the minute with you.

Im not having that all these clubs kicking off are squeaky clean. No way. Every club is up to shady shit. Tapping up youngsters, dodgy owners, paying players off the books. I bet if you dig deep enough, every club will have skeletons. It’s a multi billion pound industry.
It’s worth noting that Leicester are one of the clubs rumoured to be looking to sue. That’s the same Leicester who breached Championship FFP in 2014 and were fined for it but not deducted points. That same season they won promotion to the Prenier League. If they do try to sue your club then I’m sure they’d welcome being sued by those clubs they were promoted at the expense of ;)
Leeds planning on suing Everton. Suspect Leicester will, too.

This will get messy. Meanwhile our club will prove its innocence, charges dropped and we will haul in another load of trophies, boiling more and more piss as we go. Love it.
My point was that all day I’ve been hearing much about how city should be punished and very little about how we have to be found guilty of any wrong doing first.
That so-called professionals are complicit in this makes it worse, in that some think that they are, by the nature of their profession, some kind of purveyors of truth and insight.
Anyhoo good luck to your lot in getting this stupidity stopped.

I can imagine. This has nothing to do with you, yet for some reason you are becoming the bigger story, with people frothing to see you banished to the conference tomorrow, the ground demolished and all the trophies handed over.

An owner of a team ahould be allowed to spend whatever they want of their own cash to run a club. Whether thats in League 2 or the PL. Newcastle are finding it difficult now. Leicester had to cut back due to revenue, even though they had just won the PL. Yet Utd's owners can leverage the club to make themselves rich, be shit for years but can throw £100m at one player to improve because they built up a fanbase 15/20 years ago? Its basically a 'know your place' rule.

Anyway its beside the point, but I hope between a few clubs, these absolute farcical rules get binned.

I agree there has to be fairness but there must be another way
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