Everton V City Post Match Thread

blueinsa said:
IcriedwhenTueartleft said:
Victoria-bahs said:

well if you cannot tell the differance you should rind a new job ! rasist comment ?? what did Rodney Marsh have to leave sky for a daft comment-

Complaints should be sent ?

Does my head in this, people getting shot to death in Paris, .unemployment, poverty and some people feel the need to complain over a totally innocuous comment with no racist/malice intended....good bloody grief....would anyone seriously give a shit if a black football person said he couldn't tell the difference between 2 white players, watching a live match in the heat of a studio? It's pathetic.

Agreed. Nothing to apologise for. Unfortunately, facebook and twitter will smell blood in the water now and we all know how that goes!

Don't think that knob Stelling helped the situation. This is a nonsence story blown out of all proportion.
prestonibbo_mcfc said:
Armaan said:
Matt The Blue said:
So you are now basically saying City is a one man team?
No we're not, but for those type games you need a player in midfield that can dictate the game and grab it by the scruff of the neck. Chelsea will piss on the two ferns and we all know how terrible we are at defending (and taking) set pieces so would be suprised to see Terry leap like a salmon and head in. Its the toughest ground in the league, we can win but it's not very likely.

I think the return of Kompany will be a big bonus. I think some of the problems we have defensively with Mangala and Demichelis together,
is they do not communicate or organize well. Kompany grabs the defense by the scruff and puts it in its place. As your point about the 2 ferns.
Well that's your opinion and has no fact atttached. I'm quietly confident about Chelsea, this was ALWAYS the dodgy match for me.

It's only a week or so ago that many were claiming this is the best partnership. Vinnie is not a pannacea
argyle said:
prestonibbo_mcfc said:
How we go again. Haven't won so every player we have is dogshit,wank etc.
Some people need to grow up a bit. Good 1st half poor finishing. Thought we
dropped off 2nd half and to concede to THAT goal so soon after leading is criminal.
The 2 defenders watching Naismith run off them should shoulder as much blame as Hart.
But overall it's a point and nothing is dead and buried yet. Plus we're still in the FA cup
and Champions League. Chill FFS.

You and those like you are the ones who need to chill. No one has said every player is crap. People have however criticised those who had a bad game.

Your'e spot on Argyle lad. No one said crap. They used Shite, Wank, Pathetic, Liability etc. Go back and read a few pages, you wil flush them out
lasereyes said:
Paulpowersleftfoot said:
Mangala played really well in the first half up against a real handful in lukaku,he did seem to lose a bit of confidence after the booking but the hare he gets on here and in the media is disgusting. He's a young lad ffs in his first season in the premier league

Agree to an extent, but he doesn't look a 32 mill quid central defender either now or in the future (and yes, I am making a call on how he will evolve which can be dangerous). If he had cost 20 then fair dos.

He didn't price himself at £30+m.
I know it's a very simplistic way of looking at things but with our previous record against Everton, if you'd have said to me at the start of last season that our next 4 games against them would yield 3 wins and a draw I'd have taken it.
For me on this occasion the glass is half full. A point away at Goodison is a positive.
mancity1 said:
Balti said:

would you accept a point away at Everton?


happy with that

Always disappointing when you concede a lead though but at least we keep our unbeaten run in the league going.

Win the next two games are we are back on track and big wins they will be if we can pull them off.

The main aim will be to stay in touch until Yaya returns and still be in the FA Cup.

With Kun , VK and Dzeko fresh it will help our chances to achieve this.

Don't buy into this "lets just hand in there till Yaya gets back". Only a few weeks ago, Yaya was having his dolls out the pram moments again, now all of a sudden he wears his underpants on the outside. We are a team, and a bloody good team at that whether Yaya is playing or not.
Blumers Bloomers said:
Vienna_70 said:
Disappointing to draw after taking the lead so late in the game and considering our recent record at Goodison.
It's a shame all our pressure in the first half couldn't produce a goal and when we finally scored, I thought we'd go on and win the game. Great header from Dinho, but a shame we couldn't build on it and take all three points.

That's the title race over now, I suppose, considering Chelsea won today.

Great to see Sergio back on the field, but he did look a little rusty. I doubt the time he had on the pitch today will do him any harm, though.

Honestly, I despair.

We've just caught up on them after being 8 points behind, despite having key players out injured.....but you're happy to throw in the towel in January?!!!

Have you taken the hook out yet:)
BlueAnorak said:
warringtonblue said:
The amount offree kicks we give away around the box (Zabba. MDM & Mangala) and with someone with a delivery like Baines, its always likely that we will concede.
To be honest I'm surprised we've conceded so few from these areas this season
Got to agree with this. Why do we try and take the ball away when it really isn't on - it simply leads to a free kick and an attempt on our goal.

As part of their preview of the Arsenal v Stoke game the Sunday Times have a table showing the number of set piece goals scored and conceded since 10/11 by the 11 clubs that have been in the PL during that time.

City have scored the most (101) and are tied with Chelsea on conceding the least (46)

Obviously it doesnt show if there's a deteriorating trend, but I think we're generally better in these areas than many Bluemooners seem to think. And its likely that mid to lower table teams will try to engineer set pieces against us as its their most obvious means of creating chances.
argyle said:
prestonibbo_mcfc said:
How we go again. Haven't won so every player we have is dogshit,wank etc.
Some people need to grow up a bit. Good 1st half poor finishing. Thought we
dropped off 2nd half and to concede to THAT goal so soon after leading is criminal.
The 2 defenders watching Naismith run off them should shoulder as much blame as Hart.
But overall it's a point and nothing is dead and buried yet. Plus we're still in the FA cup
and Champions League. Chill FFS.

You and those like you are the ones who need to chill. No one has said every player is crap. People have however criticised those who had a bad game.
Page 1 of this thread says otherwise fella..and for good measure try page 4.
Given the number of decent chances we created in the first half it was a bit disappointing not to be at least 2 up at half time. Our lack of a real goalscorer was evident.
I'd like to see our back line a little less 'flappy' when under pressure and that's when we miss Vinny.
All in all a decent game and performance under the circumstances and definitely a decent point.

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