Forum suggestions and feedback

Of course people are fairly negative about the team at the moment, that's to be expected with the way we are playing. Constructive criticism is fine. The issue is more to do with overreactionary nonsense after a defeat. People calling the manager "an old ****", for instance, doesn't really add to the debate. Maybe negativity was the wrong word. It's more to do with respect, or rather the lack of it, towards the manager, players, and indeed fellow posters. Obviously it's a football forum so there are going to be strong, forthright views. It'd be a pretty dull place if there weren't. We're not trying to sanitise the forum, just want to encourage considered debate rather than users venting their spleen.
Abusing fellow members should of course be an offence which is dealt with by the moderators. I'm not too sure that passing comment on staff or players after constant frustrating performances should be dealt with in the same manner. Surely that would be a bit like Showsec stewards showing three quarters of the Etihad the exit after yet another Bony miss?

It's a football forum where we come to vent with a bit of anonymity so we don't have to do so in front of the missus, family, friends, etc.

There are times for debate, but there are also times to vent. I don't think Manuel should be called this or that X amount of days after a loss, although on the day of the loss/morning after, I can understand why some people might post it.
Lack of respect towards the players and managers is the sort of thing you see written by the mods on RAWK and not something I thought I'd see on here.

But it's your forum at the end of the day. If not calling Pellegrini a senile old prick keeps the new members joining up then I can understand why you'd want that to be the case. But the forum has always been a war zone after a loss, we are just seeing more of it now as whilst we used to lose games, we were very rarely outplayed, out thought and out fought week after week.
Also, I really would love to be able to make some sort of donation (be it a monthly fee or yearly fee) in order to browse without ads. The ads on this forum can really slow it down at times. I feel guilty doing so however there are times when I enable AdBlock because it's just too slow.

I don't want any badge or note on my profile to say that I'm some sort of paid member. No bells or whistles. Just peace of mind to browse with no ads without feeling guilty.
Of course people are fairly negative about the team at the moment, that's to be expected with the way we are playing. Constructive criticism is fine. The issue is more to do with overreactionary nonsense after a defeat. People calling the manager "an old ****", for instance, doesn't really add to the debate. Maybe negativity was the wrong word. It's more to do with respect, or rather the lack of it, towards the manager, players, and indeed fellow posters. Obviously it's a football forum so there are going to be strong, forthright views. It'd be a pretty dull place if there weren't. We're not trying to sanitise the forum, just want to encourage considered debate rather than users venting their spleen.
I'm quite saddened by this post Ric.
The sort of posts I'm talking about are things like this, from the post-match thread on Wednesday:

Fuck that! Fuck the old **** off NOW. He is is ruining all the hard work that Mancini did! Absolutely disgraceful once again. Fuck off Manuel!

I don't think things like that add anything to the debate. It's just hysterical nonsense. Slate him for his tactics, or team selection, or inability to motivate the players by all means.
The sort of posts I'm talking about are things like this, from the post-match thread on Wednesday:

I don't think things like that add anything to the debate. It's just hysterical nonsense. Slate him for his tactics, or team selection, or inability to motivate the players by all means.

This is going to go down like a lead balloon but what about some kind of swearing filter to block the post being posted? Even if you just tie it into match threads (if technically possible).

It would be immensely unlikely people would vent in the example you have posted without profanity, unless they were proper posh like.

It would also be amusing to see what people could come up with and see the extent of their venting vocabulary.

People love a good deluge of swearing and find it impossible to get their point across without calling someone a **** so I'm sure this idea won't go down very well.

It would get rid of posts you used in your example however.

And everyone calling Manuel a doddery old sponge would amuse me.
Abusing fellow members should of course be an offence which is dealt with by the moderators. I'm not too sure that passing comment on staff or players after constant frustrating performances should be dealt with in the same manner. Surely that would be a bit like Showsec stewards showing three quarters of the Etihad the exit after yet another Bony miss?

It's a football forum where we come to vent with a bit of anonymity so we don't have to do so in front of the missus, family, friends, etc.
No one wants to stop people venting but we're getting concerned about the way people interact with each other and the general tone of the forum. It's putting people off who might want to make a more reasoned contribution. There's plenty of anecdotal evidence that posters are put off by the tone on here and that's not healthy as we could potentially end up with a situation where the forum is populated mainly by the people who shout the loudest.
That's tosh Colin and this is the usual navalgazing that this forum seems to go through every 18 months.

And a swear filter like 'fecking' red cafe or 'word removed' Villatalk whilst talking of not sanitising the forum.... I think you'd lose far more posters if you child proofed the forum like that.

Simple question, and I'm sure @Damocles will have the answers, is the website traffic down now on 12 months ago? On three years ago? The forum is no different from how it was at any time since I've know it at least.

And if I went off anecdotal evidence of posters being put off posting on here (off topic) and going to join another forum, you'd be right up there as a main culprit if I listened to them, which I don't.
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No one wants to stop people venting but we're getting concerned about the way people interact with each other and the general tone of the forum. It's putting people off who might want to make a more reasoned contribution. There's plenty of anecdotal evidence that posters are put off by the tone on here and that's not healthy as we could potentially end up with a situation where the forum is populated mainly by the people who shout the loudest.

you've (the mods) always been "getting concerned". It was the same when we had the Cellar, it was the same when we had the likes of GSC and NF being dominating presences and there were plenty of accusations of it being too aggressively blokish and unfriendly to women on here, to the point where off-topic might as well have been an X-Factor/What are you having for dinner exclusive forum because of the "readjustments", until the politics threads were allowed to spiral out of control and the cycle repeated itself. It was the same 6 months ago when newbies whinged because they didn't feel welcomed enough, to which post counts were removed and regular users are now complaining again about other club's fans and newbies getting preferential treatment, as they regularly do. It's the same old cycle and nothing ever changes because sometimes, that's just the way it is.

If people aren't moaning about the stuff on the pitch, they're moaning about people moaning about the stuff on the pitch. People love a moan.

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