Funniest thing you have heard at a match

MCfcBOB said:
I was at an FA Cup Preliminary game between Buxton FC and Blyth Spartans -
before kick off the blyth fans were singing at the buxton fans about "shagging sheep". and the buxton fans repeating back at the blyth fans...
half way through the game there was dead silence... and a blyth fan - all on his own sang to the bxuton fans..

i actually cannot stop laughing
I took my bird to her first City game a few years back (Ericssons first home game) and she seemed to be quite enjoying it....

About 20 minutes into the second half, after she appeared to actually be paying attention, she uttered the gem "Oh, have they swapped ends?"

I was ashamed....
mcfc_nick said:
MCfcBOB said:
I was at an FA Cup Preliminary game between Buxton FC and Blyth Spartans -
before kick off the blyth fans were singing at the buxton fans about "shagging sheep". and the buxton fans repeating back at the blyth fans...
half way through the game there was dead silence... and a blyth fan - all on his own sang to the bxuton fans..

i actually cannot stop laughing

glad i made you laugh. ;D
Tom_mcfc said:
Sat in my mates seat last season, an old guy who was hillarious shouting random shite throught the game at one point he goes " wing it fcuking wing it" the ball then went infield and the man shouted "you should have fcuking wung it" to which his son said calm down dad, and what the fuck is a wung??

"What the fuck is a wung?"

Classic, lmao!!!
2,000+ City fans chanting 'saggy arse, saggy arse, saggy arse' to a groundsman at Notts County whose jeans exposed his builders' bum. The poor sod had only come onto the pitch at half time to replace a few divots and he got absolutely slaughtered. Giving the 'V's to a stand of away fans wasn't his best move, it had to be said...
About three or four seasons ago we we're playing Chelsea at CoMS and one of the aways was being particularly vocal to us City Fans and a bit excitable with his hand gestures to boot, unfortunately for him he Gnashers like Bugs Bunny, half the South Stand suddenly started to sing

Where did you get those teeth?
Where did you get those teeth

Even his own mates were laughing at him. I still piss myself at that one to this very day

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