General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 266 56.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 12 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 40 8.5%
  • Reform

    Votes: 71 15.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 51 10.9%

  • Total voters
Busy at our local polling station while voting a few minutes ago . Staff said it been really busy most of the day . Tactical vote for me to removing the useless sitting tory Mary Robinson .
Disagree in turn. Boris got us through Brexit negotiations and then forced Corbyn out of Labour with a big election victory.

Sunak was unknown when Cameron resigned.

She did, but was a symptom not the cause. This is on Boris Johnson, he is medacious, self serving and wholly incompetent. He wrote 2 reports about his stance on Brexit ffs, totally opposite ones. And then went with the one that personally suited his ambitions, then set a narrative of lies to fit it. Once in, he managed to royally fuck it up in no time and people have long memories about how they behaved during the pandemic, which will manifest itself tonight.
You are letting the other two before him off much too lightly.
Cameron and Osborne used the global financial meltdown as an excuse to unleash their attack on working people, and destroy public services (and that's before the idiotic and arrogant and lazy Brexit referendum.
Then May continuing to attack public services BEFORE the lying narcissist took over, the lettuce and now sunak
starmer seems to have alienated all of merseyside with his comments relating to the sun last night. seems daft coming out with a statement like that the night before a GE.
Starmer is confident that he has removed traditional Labour Values from the party, and will have enough support for three or four years to try and stem the destruction of our nation.
What will be interesting will be how the self-servatives react....I actually believe that they will further implode and will never recover.
Will the Lib-dems be effective opposition or will the Greens increase?
Interesting times ahead
Its more not knowing their job. They will have received the Electoral Commission handbook, if they valued democracy they should have known that something introduced in 2017 was not an ancient law and explained it to me rather than being flippant. Read it yourself and especially the section on how to treat disabled voters. i believe she was negligent in her democratic duty and whilst my choice of language was poor, it was more frustration at how stupid our voting laws have become. They are depriving people of their democratic mandate and that fucks me off.

As Albert Camus said

"be careful, when a democracy is sick, fascism comes to its bedside, but it is not to inquire about its health"
Have I got this right: you had ID, you were asked for your name and so you didn’t vote?
Or have I genuinely missed something‘cos if not, the only person depriving you of your democratic mandate would appear to No?
It is not about me, it is about the stupidity of electoral law denying people a democratic mandate

Have you ever read fat **** Eric fat **** Pickles report on electoral fraud? I had not until today, but wished i had, the fat **** is a fat fucking racist nutjob who was trying to gerrymander elections.
Nobody is stopping you from trying to vote.

On my way to vote today, a middle aged, 'portly' gentleman in an assistance mobility wheelchair, was struggling in making his vote. One of the polling staff assisted him, helped him to make his vote, whilst ensuring his vote was private, then carried the box over to him, lowered it, so he could place it in the box himself. He thanked them and went on his way. Held up the procession by a few minutes, but it was quiet so nobody minded.

If you need assistance making your vote, ask, it's there, it's what they expect.
You just went about things the wrong way and expect people to join your "it's a conspiracy to thwart democracy!" nonsense you always spout. Get over yourself.
Why are you bothered? A woman has asked a simple question, and you’ve shown your absolute arse like a toddler?
She didn't know her job. Do you think democracy is unimportant and should be left to amateurs to run our voting system.

I have voted in every election since 1983 and not once have i been asked that question, i found it to be discriminatory because what if i could not speak.

People have died getting us the vote and as a passionate believer in democracy, it appals me that because somebody who would not have been able to answer the question would have been denied a vote, whilst others were not questioned and allowed to vote.

If you think that makes me an absolute arse and toddler i couldn't give two fucks, i value democracy, you obviously do not.
Nobody is stopping you from trying to vote.

On my way to vote today, a middle aged, 'portly' gentleman in an assistance mobility wheelchair, was struggling in making his vote. One of the polling staff assisted him, helped him to make his vote, whilst ensuring his vote was private, then carried the box over to him, lowered it, so he could place it in the box himself. He thanked them and went on his way. Held up the procession by a few minutes, but it was quiet so nobody minded.

If you need assistance making your vote, ask, it's there, it's what they expect.
You just went about things the wrong way and expect people to join your "it's a conspiracy to thwart democracy!" nonsense you always spout. Get over yourself.
What if you can’t ask?!?!?

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