General / Mental Health Support Thread

Thank you, that's such a lovely thing to say.

I always knew my family would support me through anything because they always have.

Work has been a pleasant surprise though. I've always enjoyed my job and got on with the people I work with, which is good luck in itself - but I never really thought I'd find myself in this position and it's been such a relief to find them to be concerned, respectful of my privacy, keen to do anything they can to make things easier for me, and insistent all the way up the hierarchy that I put my health first and don't let work add anything to my stress. They're all about me being in charge of who knows what and taking whatever time or adjustments I need to get better.

I work for a huge company in a fast-paced industry, you hear such horror stories from some businesses about how employers treat people when they get ill but my experience couldn't really have been better.
All the best to you, and we are all rooting for you xx
Eat well. I’ve just had a big portion of carrots covered in vegetable gravy and now feel really energetic.
I am on low fibre for the prep , fuck knows what i can eat as i am a strict veggie who lives on everything i am not allowed lol, bread and cheese it is !
I am on low fibre for the prep , fuck knows what i can eat as i am a strict veggie who lives on everything i am not allowed lol, bread and cheese it is !
You have to have a bowl of water for breakfast. And lunch. Oh...a bigger bowl for tea. Save some water for supper :)) You can put salt and pepper in it. Mix with sugar for a dessert, though.
Been and collected my prep for sunday tests , my anxiety is creeping in , i will get answers sunday but do i want to hear it, no choice i guess
Chin up, @kaz7, at least you have a professional carrying out your proceedure!

Chin up, @kaz7, at least you have a professional carrying out your proceedure!

Ha, that made me laugh !

Starting the low fibre diet today after a huge white baguette with cheese salad and crisps ! Defo cant have the salad, not even lettuce and no crisps , just white bread and cheese , as a strict veggie i live on all the nuts and seeds , salad etc , none of which is allowed till after the tests on sunday afternoon, so i wont be eating much from now on, also have to stop the naproxen as that needs food with it , complicated this is
Ha, that made me laugh !

Starting the low fibre diet today after a huge white baguette with cheese salad and crisps ! Defo cant have the salad, not even lettuce and no crisps , just white bread and cheese , as a strict veggie i live on all the nuts and seeds , salad etc , none of which is allowed till after the tests on sunday afternoon, so i wont be eating much from now on, also have to stop the naproxen as that needs food with it , complicated this is
It’ll be done soon and then you’ll be armed with more info and hopefully good news.
I am on low fibre for the prep , fuck knows what i can eat as i am a strict veggie who lives on everything i am not allowed lol, bread and cheese it is !

Pizza, pies, chips etc. What we’d all like to eat and what tastes like heaven!

Soft then low fibre were my food options after I fell ill.

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