Genuine, Genuine Question...

Josh Blue said:
Seosa said:
Josh Blue said:
This one is probably the best one for you Seosa.

Just chill out for half an hour and have a listen and a read of this thread.


This one stands out. Tbf, all 3 videos are superb, and the man talks a lot of sense, a serious lot of sense.

Cheers Josh, :)

No probs man, hopefully you will not start posting some sense :P

Hope you're feeling a bit better man.
Quick edit;)
Good to hear things are looking a bit brighter Seosa.

As others have said it's important not to take people's anecdotes as one-upmanship. I would never for a second rank my problems as better or worse than anybody else's. In so many ways I am one of the luckiest people I know. The stories people have told in this thread are just a way for them to relay their experiences and most importantly let you know that you're not alone. Even if at times you might feel that you are.

Oh, and if you're getting first classes in first year then it shows you could perhaps spend more time doing some extra-curricular stuff. Maybe find a new hobby? That's always a good way of opening doors and meeting new people.
SkyBlueFlux said:
Good to hear things are looking a bit brighter Seosa.

As others have said it's important not to take people's anecdotes as one-upmanship. I would never for a second rank my problems as better or worse than anybody else's. In so many ways I am one of the luckiest people I know. The stories people have told in this thread are just a way for them to relay their experiences and most importantly let you know that you're not alone. Even if at times you might feel that you are.

Oh, and if you're getting first classes in first year then it shows you could perhaps spend more time doing some extra-curricular stuff. Maybe find a new hobby? That's always a good way of opening doors and meeting new people.

I'm no good with people, SBF. Never have been.
SkyBlueFlux said:
In so many ways I am one of the luckiest people I know.

That resonates with me Fluxy too.

Im fortunate i have a great family, some very very good understanding friends and a medical team that look after me like i am there own.

My life could have been so much different to what i have now. I was born the bastard son of a hooker who worked Salford docks who could not look after me and gave me up to my to be grandparents. My now mother was pregnant at the time and her first born died of rubella and they decided to adopt me. Fate opens many doors in ones life.

By that fate i grew up in a warm loving family but well aware of my past yet so thankful for the opportunities my life opened up for me. I think the confidence that i have in myself is a direct consequence of being welcomed and being so loved by a family of what were initially basically strangers.

Life throws so much shit at us at times i can understand why people cant cope, i saw my Uncle John go through some horrendous times as he was schizophrenic but marvelled at some his paintings that he produced when he was in his dark places. As a young boy i would watch him paint, it was dark dark stuff, but after he died i spoke to his brother who was an art lecturer at Huddersfield Uni about his paintings and we disscussed them at length and the theme for many was the light in the distance, the dark at the front. He was searching for the light through his art.

I dont really know where im going here but this thread has so moved me and so touched so many i just thought i would add this and hope that people can see how ever bad things are there is always the light my Uncle craved.
Seosa said:
SkyBlueFlux said:
Good to hear things are looking a bit brighter Seosa.

As others have said it's important not to take people's anecdotes as one-upmanship. I would never for a second rank my problems as better or worse than anybody else's. In so many ways I am one of the luckiest people I know. The stories people have told in this thread are just a way for them to relay their experiences and most importantly let you know that you're not alone. Even if at times you might feel that you are.

Oh, and if you're getting first classes in first year then it shows you could perhaps spend more time doing some extra-curricular stuff. Maybe find a new hobby? That's always a good way of opening doors and meeting new people.

I'm no good with people, SBF. Never have been.

That can always be learnt. what skyblueflux has said is very salient, find an output for your energy, and you will feel a great deal of fulfillment<br /><br />-- Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:04 pm --<br /><br />Very powerful post rascal. I don't know anything about you, or what you do, but you strike me as being very strong. Good on you
Seosa said:
SkyBlueFlux said:
Good to hear things are looking a bit brighter Seosa.

As others have said it's important not to take people's anecdotes as one-upmanship. I would never for a second rank my problems as better or worse than anybody else's. In so many ways I am one of the luckiest people I know. The stories people have told in this thread are just a way for them to relay their experiences and most importantly let you know that you're not alone. Even if at times you might feel that you are.

Oh, and if you're getting first classes in first year then it shows you could perhaps spend more time doing some extra-curricular stuff. Maybe find a new hobby? That's always a good way of opening doors and meeting new people.

I'm no good with people, SBF. Never have been.

Well that's fair enough. And I know, it's easy for me to suggest things and sit here pontificating about the best way to get through how you're feeling. When it comes down to it, if you want to make a change, or you want to make a difference to your life it has to come first from within you.

This is a bit metaphorical but think of it this way, life is like a labyrinth. You can twist and turn in every direction and not get anywhere, people can recommend ways for you to go, people can suggest they've been to a similar place before. But only you can remember the places that you've been before. And thus, the only way of finding your way out the other side is to learn from your own experiences and avoid the mistakes of the past.

You'll find your way mate, trust me. But more importantly, trust yourself.
Sometimes I think I waste too much time on here but this thread has just reiterated the fact its actually time well spent.

Good luck Seosa, and anyone else asking the same question at the minute
Seosa said:
SkyBlueFlux said:
Good to hear things are looking a bit brighter Seosa.

As others have said it's important not to take people's anecdotes as one-upmanship. I would never for a second rank my problems as better or worse than anybody else's. In so many ways I am one of the luckiest people I know. The stories people have told in this thread are just a way for them to relay their experiences and most importantly let you know that you're not alone. Even if at times you might feel that you are.

Oh, and if you're getting first classes in first year then it shows you could perhaps spend more time doing some extra-curricular stuff. Maybe find a new hobby? That's always a good way of opening doors and meeting new people.

I'm no good with people, SBF. Never have been.
Look I mostly hate people, it's only mates that have known me for 40+ years that get me on this, anyway my offer from the other night stands, an afternoon flying some birds of prey can take your mind off a lot, killing small animals is not required

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