Gillingham v Manchester City 1999

In the corner the opposite side from where Dicky scored the winner. We couldn't see the 4th official from where we were and had no idea how much injury time there was, so every time the ball went out of play we were thinking "that's it, we've had it, he's gonna blow the whistle now". Dickov's goal will always be the greatest moment of my football supporting life (way more so though than Kun's in 2012). There was utter carnage in the City end when it hit the back the net
Remember getting to Corley services on way home and everyone walking around like Zombies , think the day had drained most of us!

That was what "Les Battersby" said on the club video, and it was the same queuing for the train back into Marylebone. Hundreds of people just stood in complete silence. It's a cliche, but we really did leave everything in that stadium. Everyone was completely drained mentally
First trip to Wembley. Left after they went ahead, legged it back in when dickov scored. Missed both his and Horlocks goals. Got back in, what happened, happened and the supposed and instructed dry train home was Infact utter chaos. Good chaos but chaos nonetheless.

A truly unforgettable day and as I posted in another thread in the week, our signings should be made to watch this game so they see where we were, and where they’re taking us as a result.

The end of this season is 20 years since City won at Wembley against Gillingham. For the 15th Anniversary, I wrote this - Looks Like Scunny Next Season - after interviewing all of the team and the manager from that day.

It's still available from my website for £10 (plus P&P), which is cheaper than you'll find it new anywhere else:

If you want a copy as a Christmas present for someone, I can still get them to you if you're in the UK and you order through my website. If you're ordering first class you've until close of play on Wednesday or second class is by close of play on Monday - and they'll make the post before the Christmas cut off. :-)

It also looks like it's still not going to be in the Official Store for the anniversary, unfortunately.

There's also going to be a special Blue Moon Podcast documentary for the 20th anniversary next May. :-)
I was on a school trip in Anglesey and my dad drove from Manchester to Anglesey to pick me up. Then he drove on to Wembley for the game - and because of extra time and penalties, we drove back to Manchester for the night. He then took me back to Anglesey and headed home...

He did about 800 miles across two days...

Years later, I interviewed all the team from that day for a book:

If you want a copy as a Christmas present for someone, I can get one to you before the 25th if you order by close of play on Wednesday (first class) or close of play Monday (second class) in the UK.

Already got it mate, fantastic read and something for the new generation of blues to drink in and give us old blues high fives for being there.
I'd recommend it for every city fan out there as it was a monumental part of our history.
Already got it mate, fantastic read and something for the new generation of blues to drink in and give us old blues high fives for being there.
I'd recommend it for every city fan out there as it was a monumental part of our history.
Kind words, thank you! :-)
Behind the goal, can still see the water coming off the net when Dickov scored. Sat with my brother who was absolutly adamant we were going to score two goals in injury time against QPR.
I was in our dining room listening on the wireless! I must admit that at 2-0 99% of me had chucked in the towel. It was that 1% that I always keep safely stashed away that got us over the line. Same in the Haringey cup tie! And the QPR game. It's just fuckin amazing what that 1% can turn up!
Mate drove down. Parked up at Harrow. Piss up before the game in a pub between Wembley Central and ground. As with most blues it was in seats with 5/10 mins to kick off when the Gillingham fans looked like they had been sat there for 2 hours. Game was a blur as I was pissed. Left seat at 2-0 down, went for a piss before I was going to leave and Horlock scores. Went back up and stood right near an entrance with loads of others. Went mental when dickov scored and then again at end! Great day out...

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