GMP Declare War on Cyclists

A couple of years ago my Sister-in-law was out walking with her husband when she was hit by a cyclist coming full pelt down a hill, he was one of these lycra clad racing types, anyway after smashing into her the c**t got up brushed himself down and rode the fuck off leaving her with two broken arms that required major operations having steel pins and rods to hold the bones together. She was self employed and was unable to do anything for herself for over 12 months. Her husband was also self employed and had to stay home to do everything for her and both their business's took the hit whilst she recovered. Whilst being hit by a cyclist isn't anywhere near as dangerous as being hit by a car there's still some twats who ride bikes who think they're always the victims.
There's was an article written recently about the way cyclists are treated in the States. Basically if you run one over you're pretty ok by the law. The writer then had a look at Holland where basically the cyclist is king, and somewhere in between is the right way. As a driver I fucking hate them, but it's only because they sometimes get in my way, especially on country roads - but that is purely down to my selfishness and fuck all to do with the cyclist doing anything wrong. It'll take time for us to co-exist on the road in peace!
Have no problem with cyclists in general, always give them a wide berth as I have done a bit of cycling myself in the past. What I really object to though are those idiots that ride at night on poorly lit roads in the rain, dressed totally in black, with no lights on the bike. Then they wonder why they have a near miss with a car.
I cycle a few miles to work every day and I'm a proper ****. Driving down the inside of slow stationary traffic, using the pavement, jumping red lights and such. TBH I should either be fined or killed as should the rest of the fuckers like me. It is fun and I do get to work quickly though.
BlueSniffer said:
I cycle to work most days and drive when I can't and at weekends. I see the worst of both drivers and cyclist unfortunately - both are as bad as each other. Cyclists seem to get the worst stick imo. I've seen cyclists take suicidle risks that have made me wince and drivers that have no regard for what's around them and think they own the road.

There's nobheads on both sides of the argument. People just need to realise everyone has a right to use the road and respect everyone's space.

Im glad gmp are doing something about it as I hate cyclists who jump red lights etc. However, with more cyclists on the road than ever, drivers also need educating. I've had so many close shaves on my bike its frightening and 99% of the time its down to piss poor drivers who are in a rush to get to work or get home. Touch wood, I've only been knocked off once in 15 years which wasn't my fault.

Between say the age of 14 and 27 i was hit i think 6 or 7 times and it was 100% down to bad drivers. Christ I've even had some fucker pull up next to me at the lights grab my handle bars then speed of like a maniac with me in tow. After all that fucked up shit i gave up riding a bike and got a car as its safer.

As you've said though there are wankers on both sides. As three times just in the last week or so I've had arseholes riding the wrong way down a duel carriageway right at me.
BlueBearBoots said:
TINY said:
Some people on cycles and motorbikes are fucking stupid and shouldn't be on the road. Their actions put many, themselves included, in danger. Most do not know how to ride on the road.

Hopefully in this instance everyone involved is unharmed z

Can't count the times I've nearly been run over by a cyclist in town, they ride through red lights , ride on feckin pavements blooming nightmare!!

Agreed. Wankers.
They should have test and they should pay road tax and insurance. I know some do but that's choice, should be compulsory. That would drive some of the cunts off the road, or should I say pavement.

I dread Christmas cos another batch of the fuckers get a fucking bike as pressies.

Dont me started on bike lanes, causes hold ups and are a waste of paint.
Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
Why don't cyclists contribute anything to the up keep of the road that they use.
They do. Everyone pays for the upkeep of the roads.

I remember seeing a news report about a cyclist who had been killed when a HGV driver didn't look before turning left and smashed into a bicycle, dragging them several metres down the road. The solution? A sign saying "beware of HGVs turning left." That kinda sums it up. It's not the responsibility of the lorry driver to check his mirrors properly, it's the responsibility of cyclists to not get run over.

Of course, there's another very important reason why cars shouldn't be given priority over cyclists, and that's that nobody wants more cars on the road. Every politician in the country will tell you that they want more people to cycle to work, so any policy on roads and traffic should have cyclists at the centre of their concerns, not as some afterthought, as is usually the case.

But just for clarity, because no matter how many times people are told, some idiot will still come out and say the opposite: THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS ROAD TAX!

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