Harry Kane

It’s not the same situation, especially politically, but Barcelona last year wouldn’t let Messi go and they definitely owe way more than Spurs and it certainly cost them. Ego plays a big part in all of this. And let’s be honest, FOR THEM, Kane or no Kane basically defines what their ambitions this season will be

I agree with that to some extent but Barca are defined by Messi while as you said, Kane or no Kane basically defines what Spurs ambitions this season will be.

The pressure on Barca is coming in part from Real Madrid and their acolytes in La Liga. less from the banks.

Spur are getting pressure to sell from their creditors.

Obviously this is only my opinion.
I get it. Haaland is a weird and rare combination of having City connections and being the modern generational talent complete with Raiola as an agent and all the hype that surrounds his clients. The kids are absolutely wet for him.
Complete tosh.

Haaland is a generational talent at this time, who his daddy used to play for is utterly irrelevant.

He is a beast and looks one hell of a player, and as a football fan you can't see that, says a lot about your opinions.

Getting him is another story, his motivation may well be money, he may not want to play for us, no problem.

But to question his ability and talent is plain wrong.
I'm sorry, but tough moments are where a player's true personality shows. Bernardo's alleged unsettled state has been since the Mendy/socials incident and he could not handle being called a racist. His form dropped that season as well, and what was his first response? I want out, I want Barcelona. Albeit, he stayed another season, had a good run for a couple months, and now, his state is, he still wants gone. That is pathetic behaviour. We are not the ones binning him btw, we know his quality, we kno what he's capable of, but where's his love for us? Change of scenery is the easiest way out of a club. He's challenging for everything he can possibly dream of at City, he won't be getting an upgrade elsewhere, he's loved and adored by the squad and Pep, but if he's still not satisfied, I'm sorry, fuck him. He can go, and anyone else sharing that sentiment can piss off as well. This is what I love about Pep, he wants his players to be fully committed, if they're not, he doesn't give a single fuck about their ego.
How do you know he wants to leave because of the tweet fiasco? To me it seems much more of a family/lifestyle decision than anything at all to do with the tweet. You have to put your happiness first sometimes. He’s a human just like the rest of us and has real emotions. I doubt being couped up indoors on your own in a pretty miserable city, in another country to your family (whilst they were largely unable to travel to you and vice versa), for over 18 months makes you keen to remain there. Different people will have dealt with lockdown differently. Maybe he’s just decided to re-prioritise a few things? We really don’t know. Im just saying it’s unfair to just say “fuck him”.
I think the club agree with your sentiments in regards Bernardo, but he's going nowhere unless a suitable bid comes in from another club, which at the moment, just doesn't seem to be happening.
It's a sad state of affairs. I genuinely love Bernardo, but where's the fight? I hope he's able to put aside his emotions and give his all again coming season. Him being in our side keeps us stronger.
It's nothing to do with "hype", it's to do with numbers, plain and simple. He's broken several CL goalscoring records and he has the speed of an olympic sprinter. He's clearly a better striker than Kane.

Irrelevant anyway as he's shown his main motivation is money. He'll end up at United.

Yes it's irrelevant as we're not signing him.
It's a sad state of affairs. I genuinely love Bernardo, but where's the fight? I hope he's able to put aside his emotions and give his all again coming season. Him being in our side keeps us stronger.
Where's the fight?

The guy has sweated blood for the cause since the day he arrived.

Manchester is not Utopia, it amazes me that a guy from Portugal could stand a week in Manchester never mind 3 years.
It's a sad state of affairs. I genuinely love Bernardo, but where's the fight? I hope he's able to put aside his emotions and give his all again coming season. Him being in our side keeps us stronger.
Hard to argue Bernardo has no fight. He hasn’t hit same heights as his first season in the last two but no one could argue he doesn’t give his all. If he does end up staying I’m certain he will as well.
If he does go, I would welcome him back with appreciation.
Clearly when Pep says 3 or 4 want to go, 4 players won’t leave. He’s said something similar before to ensure the squad is all fighting to secure a place in the side.
Someone said it yesterday, Jesus might play better as a support striker in the games he plays wide for example.
How do you know he wants to leave because of the tweet fiasco? To me it seems much more of a family/lifestyle decision than anything at all to do with the tweet. You have to put your happiness first sometimes. He’s a human just like the rest of us and has real emotions. I doubt being couped up indoors on your own in a pretty miserable city, in another country to your family, for over 18 months makes you keen to remain there. Different people will have dealt with lockdown differently. Maybe he’s just decided to re-prioritise a few things? We really don’t know. Im just saying it’s unfair to just say “fuck him”.
Fair enough. But he's not the first foreign player to play for Manchester City, how do players cope with such hardships at top clubs then? Do they simply just get an exit or move after a bad season? He does know getting a move isn't easy, so all I'm saying is, he should have all his focus on the club. If he goes, good luck to him, but it's would be a very disappointing exit to say the least, and the manner of it as well.
Dortmund aren't selling this summer, and we are buying a 9 this summer. For me it's that simple really. The key was them qualifying for the CL. Soon as that happened I think it became apparent that he wasn't going to be on the market.

Also notwithstanding that, its obvious that Pep personally wants Kane. So the club will focus on getting him (I think he ends the window a City player FWIW).
You constantly imply Pep prefers Kane over Haaland as if he told you that personally. And then you say Haaland isn’t available this summer. There is a contradiction there. It may be that Kane all along was the backup and like Chelsea we came to the conclusion financially the numbers wouldn’t work and decided for a plan B that still made sense.

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