Hughes tactically Naive?

Didsbury Dave said:
ArabFan12 said:
Well, its not really being ungrateful or anything like that. I think he is an OK manager and his strengths are bringing people in thats for sure. I like the way he emphasizes training. However tactics aren't his best of traits. I hope he sees this thread and thinks maybe I should add a tactician on the team. Someone who has experience and can advice me when we come up sides where tactics is all that is needed.

I am not saying sack him, I am saying he is tactically inept and to answer that join add another advisor/assistant to the team.

Whoever thinks that Hughes' tactics and substitutions in the game ever pull off must be deluded.

You talk about tactics, yet the nearest you get to dicuss "tactics" is saying "we got our ass kicked"

If you want to talk tactics, let's hear what you would have done...

And if you could post a copy of your UEFA A coaching licence as evidence of your qualifications; that would be good too.
I didn't start a thread with the hackneyed cliche "tactically naive" in there.

But, as it goes, I am happy to discuss tactics with anyone with some sort of understanding of them.

"We should have taken off Zableta" is not a tactic.
Didsbury Dave said:
I didn't start a thread with the hackneyed cliche "tactically naive" in there.
To be fair, neither did the guy you quoted (although his post was along the same lines).

And I think Stockportblue was actually backing you up.
Dubai Blue said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I didn't start a thread with the hackneyed cliche "tactically naive" in there.
To be fair, neither did the guy you quoted (although his post was along the same lines).

And I think Stockportblue was actually backing you up.

I was.
this place, for all it's nonsense views, knee-jerk criticism and arsehole opinion (some may say mine included) is just a microcosm of why football is the most talked about and fanatically followed global phenomenon ever encountered (other than religion of course).

If it wasn't for such hysteria there would be no constant opinion and counter opinion, no tv hype, no sky money, no premier league, no wealthy arabs, no investment, no hughes in/hughes out, no adebayour knee slide hilarity one week to criticised lazy-arse the next, no welcome to manchester marketing genius, no constant scrutiny of city and no chance for us of winning anything ever again.

I, too was disappointed that I wasn't being tucked up in bed last night with third place in the bag and a game in hand... but for goodness sake. Most of the squad have been globe-trotting all week for internationals and many have picked up knocks on the way.

We're fifth, we've got some serious talent... I for one am enjoying the ride more this season than for many decades and suggest that all the bluemoaners do the same.

rant over (for now... but I'm watching you!)
Dubai Blue said:
citoeast said:
Who evaluates the manager for Khaldoon Al Mubarak?
Thankfully not you.

What do you want Hughes to say? "We were shit, I'm a shit manager, and a draw with 10 men against a team that recently humped Chelsea and in a stadium we've never previously won at is simply not acceptable. I hereby tender my resignation for delivering such a pathetic result and will consider suicide if it helps appease the bunch of spoilt moaning twats currently throwing their toys all over the place on Bluemoon."
Real class reply.
stockportblue said:
Dubai Blue said:
To be fair, neither did the guy you quoted (although his post was along the same lines).

And I think Stockportblue was actually backing you up.

I was.

sorry SB, just reread that and I see what you meant.

I thought it was the original poster having a dig.
The OP has a valid point which makes for good debate, which is why we have a forum.

Does anyone actually think Hughes is a good tactician? I also rate him highly for most aspects of management but for the 90 mins of a game i think he needs to improve. I'm not claiming to be a master tactician myself, but i expect the manager of my club, with all its riches and resources to be.

I cant remember a game this season where we have looked convincing - in spells yes, but not consistently for 90 mins. Every team seems to be able to change their approach when it is not working, get on top and we just carry on until they score and our hand is forced. I would just like him to react sooner to change the game when it is not going our way - it seems this doesnt happen until we get scored against.

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