Insanity work-out

My mate is doing this, not a City fan and not a member but I told him I'd seen this thread a while ago and therefore could pose his question:

If he's doing the exercise but not following the diet plan, eating averagely I suppose, will the results still be good and noticeable?

Thanks in advance.
Tragic meat van guy said:
How's everyone doing y'all?

Sunday was sposed to be my last day but due to a 3 day bender last week I'm repeating the final week this week.
The end is nigh!!
Overall I'm very pleased with it, happy with result and look better than I have in years.

I've been in touch with a mate of a mate who is a personal trainer who has done me a 4 week training plan which looks good (good as in it might actually kill me) so will see how that goes.
I've also been thinking seriously about boxing training, not to fight (well maybe a bit of sparring) for in the future.

All in all, massive thanks to Robbo for putting this on here. I wouldnt say it has changed my life BUT it has added a new dimension to it which will probably make me live a good few years more and has finally got me to be able to see some result from exercise, rather than flogging myself without a plan and ultimately giving up because of no end product.

If anyone is thinking of doing this then I would really recommend it.

Yes I'm sure there are a billion other better training programmes BUT its a great way to get started, sort your diet out, no matter where your fitness is now, in the comfort of your own home, without feeling like others are judging you, without knowing all the fitness jargon, and all the other things that can put you off getting fit / fitter.

Oh, and some of the birds in it are quite tidy (month 2, Mandy anf the blonde with the pointy tits)

cheers matey!!

So happy that you feel good and tbh thats what its all about :)

I had a month off from it and just now started it again from the start and good god its hard, i struggled the warm up lol
I've been reading this thread for awhile now, and after a long hard think.....

It's time to give it a try (After Xmas of course )

Would anyone be so kind to P.M the link ałso ?
Going to give this a go in january. Keep eachong the adverts on tv late at night

Would like a pm too please for the link

Cheers Robbo, See I was even to lazy to even do that, guess things have to change!!

I'll check it out from the beginning again. Cheers Bud

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