Insanity work-out

philinho said:
Robbo. said:
philinho said:
How far in are you Robbo? Thought you'd only just started?

It would be interesting to know with these videos how closely they followed the nutrition stuff

Yeah Im on the last week, been eating ok.

Weetabix (two) in the morning
Tuna salad, on a brown muffin for lunch
and a chicken breast and whole grain rice for tea

snacks through the day banana, apple and tangerine plus yogurt

oh and a protein shake after the work out

Not happy with the results? What results have you seen?

I started off at 12 stone 3, now I am 10 stone 13. im starting to show signs of a six pack. Im over the moon about the way i feel. I am going to start the whole programme again, its the best thing I have done.
morning all,
6 days in, plyo cardio done by 9:30am this morning and i feel FANTASTIC. the legs aches are all but gone, its still a killer but deffo gave a much better account of myself on this second round as this dvd wiped me out on day two!
Can visably see progress. finding the diet to be fine. kinda gutted that i have a day off tomorrow, prob goin for a walk in the peaks if the weather keeps up.

Nice one for this thread Robbo, Goin to the Caribbean in December in what will hopefully be the best shape ever.

The beach is that way!
Fantastic achievement Robbo, going to start this on Mon ad the Mrs is up for it as well which will help!

Can't wait to try it after failing to stick to so many tedious routines in the past, atleast everyday is different.
Very motivational all of this lads and lasses , it's not very often that i read all 33 pages of a topic .
My girlfriend has just taken delivery of zumba fitness for the wii but i've got to say i like the sound of the insanity work-out , so if anyone would be kind enough to P.M me i think i'm going to give this a bash . Hopefully i'll be able to share some results with you . Good luck
I've only dropped a few kg (68 down to 66) but I did have a blip after the first month was complete. Damn you mini doughnuts!

But I have definitely seen improvements when it comes to push-ups. Much easier for me to do now.

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