Insanity work-out

Hoping to start this in the next few days. Can somebody please pm me link for download and diet plan?

Need to loose this 'daddy fat!

Robbo. said:
philinho said:
Think im gonna have to lay off this for a few days as I did a walking half marathon last night, and me feet are destroyed, 6 blister in total, each over an inch!

just make sure you get back on it fella asap.

Will do, will give the recover vid a go tomorrow, then pick it up again.
Did my Fit Test this aft.

Switch kicks 107
Power jacks 48
Power knees 70
Power jumps 28
Globe jumps 9
Suicide jumps 16
Push up jacks 21
Low plank oblique 30

I has a right bead on afterwards! After a shower I'm now sat in the yard chilling out and feel quite pleased with myself.

I'm 5'7, 36 years old and the only other exercise i do is an hours 5 a side on a Tuesday night. My weight today is 12st 5/79kg. I don't smoke and drink very little but my diet isn't the best. I will be cutting out most of the shit.

A couple of Qs.

Protein - I've read that I should take in 1g of protein for every kg I weigh (79kg). Is his correct?

I play footer one night a week and it will fall within the six day workout period. Do just skip whichever workout it would normally be on that day? This would make Saturday my rest day.
Can anyone post me a copy. Il pay whatever costs are and a little extra. Dvd burner is knackered and having a newborn means cant afford a new one for a while.
Any help appreciated
bobmcfc said:
He's just trolling. Why he gives a toss about what other people do is a mystery. Everyone has their own excersise that they enjoy doing. If you like it then you will do it, if you don't then you won't simples

Correct girlbob, always my advice when asked "what is the best type of cardio", simply the answer is the one you like doing most because you're more likely to do it.

This is a fad and a repackage/restructure of stuff that's all been done in the past numerous times, there a re plenty of other ways but who really cares as long as it gets people out there and gets them the results they're happy with.
bobmcfc said:
Are you jim beam in disguise ?
Nope. No need for disguise. And I'm sorry to everyone I may have offended. But the fact of the matter is, wake up, exercise, eat god stuff, go to bed, do it again. Not that hard.
bobmcfc said:
T_Bone said:
bobmcfc said:
Are you jim beam in disguise ?
Nope. No need for disguise. And I'm sorry to everyone I may have offended. But the fact of the matter is, wake up, exercise, eat god stuff, go to bed, do it again. Not that hard.

That's basically what we are doing.
I know. ANd I was a right twat for dissing it. I am sorry.

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