It's quiet 10, no apologies! (continued)

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de niro said:
The Goat 10 said:
So is Sinclair nailed on?

just seen him at coms.

-- Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:28 pm --

fatbloke said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Tevez out??????
He's a ****, a fucking good player when he's not practising his golf swing but still a ****.
agreed. i'd have him over van persie though.

Did you really see him at the stadium Bill? Or am I guilty of a clarkie?
Seosa said:
City Raider said:
so all the clues, the hundreds of pages - did anyone call sinclair? or has it come from the mirror?

Tolm this morning gave a big hint then confirmed it.

Looks like he may have jumped the gun again though.
I think Sinclair is not that bad as someone pointed out, but from De Rossi and Harzard to Sinclair, I think the club will end up with too many average midfielders in the squad and will find it hard to move them elsewhere later on if this news is true. If compare to the Arsenal's midfield this season (apart from the starting 11), I think they have better quality and variety in depth than us who has only quantity and too many similar type of players who can be categorized as 'Jack of all trades but master of none'.
Mister Appointment said:
The interesting thing for me is that Brian Marwood isn't in the country. Very surprising coming into the final few weeks of the window. I would suspect he's trying to do deals elsewhere in Europe rather than just off on his holidays!

Hopefully he's in Italy pulling out the stops to get a certain midfielder Bobby seems keen on.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... refresh_ce</a>
Strikes me as a similar kind of signing to that of that diver Young to rags last year, but younger, more professional and less of a dick. Could end up being a decent squad purchase, especially for cup games, we'll have to wait and see.
ForzaMancini said:
If AJ spent last season on loan at Swansea he would have done better than Sinclair did, thats for sure.

100% disagree, johnson wouldnt of fitted in with swansea's good style of play.
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