I learned a long time ago not to judge unless you were there as an eyewitness, or have walked a mile in a players' boots so fully understand why he did what he did. There's so many scenarios to Denayer's 'booting' someone in the head, it's impossible to make a proper informed comment.
Did professional athlete Denayer pick on a 7 stone weakling just acting the hard-man bully?
Was the fella on the floor already sparked out & Denayer booted him merely to look like a hard man?
Was the "bootee" armed?
Did the "bootee" have a mob with him?
Who started the scrap? Denayer or the bootee?
Was the boot in the head proportional to the argument?
Is there a physical difference in trauma between a punch to the head, a headbutt, an elbow to the head, a standing kick or a kick whilst on the floor?
Was Denayer in fear of his own life, & if so was the boot in the head needed for him to make a getaway?
Was Denayer standing when the boot was flung, or on the floor?
There's two reasons I ask connected to two scenarios I know of. It was reported in a newspaper that there was an altercation between several males after a night out. One assailant was witnessed stamping on a man's head. HOWEVER CCTV footage showed the man who was stamped out was slashing after the stampee with a broken bottle, slipped & fell & the assumed assailant stamped on him twice before running off & it was only the final stamping action that was seen by witnesses & reported.
A fella I used to work with years ago was jailed for murder. The fella hadn't got as much as a parking ticket in his life, but got into an altercation with a neighbour over parking.
The neighbour came over to his home banging on his door & arguing with him. The neighbour pushed him, he pushed the neighbour back, the neighbour punched him in the face, so he punched the neighbour back.
Unfortunately the neighbour lost his footing, tripped, banged his head on the curb & later died in hospital. The murder charge was controversial & based mostly on the fact the accused practiced martial arts. Was that murder or manslaughter?
My point is unless any of us were there as an eyewitness & knew everything surrounding Denayer's situation leading up to the boot, how can an accurate conclusion be drawn without the full detail of the whole event, something that seems to be missing in this exchange? \0/