Joke thread

My neighbour's daughter was asked by her English teacher to use the word 'judicious' in a sentence to show that she understood it's meaning.
She replied, 'Hands that judicious can be as soft as your face with mild green fairy liquid.'
My mate moved to America and went to view a house for sale on an old Indian reservation.

When he asked if it had running water, the estate agent told him that he'd have to find his own wife.
A Red Indian family living in Cheyenne in a tepee, son says to to his Dad " why am I called Sitting Bull instead of Tyler or Johnny?"

Dad says "well son, it's Red Indian tradition, when a child is born we look out of the tepee and what we see is what a baby is named after so obviously when you arrived we saw a bull sitting down"

Kid is suitably impressed, "ah right Dad, that clears it up, I'm off out to meet my mate"

Dad, "where are you off to son"

"I've arranged to meet my pal, Two Dogs Fucking".

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