Just heard DeNiro on Talksport

Well said De Niro! It's us v them and whilst Hughes is our manager everyone should be supporting him because he's going to come in for criticism from all corners. The moment a result doesn't go our way then he will be in the spotlight and the rag tabloids will be jumping on his back! He has already changed a lot of negativity at our club. We are now professionally run, and I'm proud of the direction we are heading in.

I know the results need to follow but we need top get behind the team AND the manager!
I've got to say that Hughes has impressed me with his dealings and his pure self belief and desire to prove that he is the right person for the job.

As a City fan I'm all to aware of how easily we let our passion interfere with our judgement.

I will be honest and say that Hughes's position is a very unenviable one, in the fact that the Press will pick out as much negativity as possible and this added with the HIGH expectations of some fans and the poor form of last season will be his downfall.

I like Hughes as a man and want the guy to do well because I'm a sucker for the underdog, but I think that anyone in his position would struggle with the pressure which will unfold after a couple of bad games. Possible boiling point being Oct with Villa away followed by Wigan away and Jan with two back to back away games also.

I HOPE Hughes does well, but I just can't see it...........In the mean time he will get my respect and my support.
Blue Mooner said:
If you jump on a Hughes Out bandwagon after 4 5 6 or even 10 games - irrespective of form - then you are just playing into the media's hands who see this as the best way of derailing our challenge to the top 4.

Just to be pedantic, he had 50+ games last season if I remember correctly, good at home, crap away, so it would hardly be jumping on a bandwagon.

He's now (rightly) under huge pressure to succeed quickly, and we should ALL have very high expectations after the money that has been spent in the last 12 months. There can be no doubt now that its his team, a very expensive one, lets see if his coaching team are up to the job.
cleavers said:
Blue Mooner said:
If you jump on a Hughes Out bandwagon after 4 5 6 or even 10 games - irrespective of form - then you are just playing into the media's hands who see this as the best way of derailing our challenge to the top 4.

Just to be pedantic, he had 50+ games last season if I remember correctly, good at home, crap away, so it would hardly be jumping on a bandwagon.

He's now (rightly) under huge pressure to succeed quickly, and we should ALL have very high expectations after the money that has been spent in the last 12 months. There can be no doubt now that its his team, a very expensive one, lets see if his coaching team are up to the job.

Although I agree with what you say if we're being pedantic, but Hughes comfort blanket will be....The players need time to gel.
Blue Mooner said:
If you jump on a Hughes Out bandwagon after 4 5 6 or even 10 games - irrespective of form - then you are just playing into the media's hands who see this as the best way of derailing our challenge to the top 4.

You can guarantee that what all our rivals to the top six will have including Spurs, Everton, Villa and the usual suspects is managers who are rock solid in their position.

I've always thought that City fans historically have always tended to make our managers job harder by creatin unnecessary addtional pressure on the players and manager which is not going to help anyone.

Its about time that we rallied together stuck steadfast behind our manager and not allow ourselves to be manipulated.
Looks like people are trying to prepare there excuses if MH is struggling at begining of the season.
As someone who still has grave doubts about MH
Here's hoping for a really unbelieveble season

de niro said:
Neil McNab's Tash said:

I was listening to talksport and all I heard was some bloke saying he will support Hughes but wanted Van Gaal or next best Mourinho.

Was that De Niro?
no, i followed him, he was the reason i rang up, going on air all negative spouting about other managers, he did my head in so i rang up to defend not only hughes but our club.
city fans should pull together not go on the radio slagging hughes before a ball is kicked. sure we can debate things on here, thats why we have a forum, but you dont hang your dirty linen out in public. the media are gunning for us as it is.as i have said before i like the stability of hughes i just hope he can gel these players and shove it down our detractors throats. if by xmas we are struggling around 10th then i'm sure our owners will act, bear in mind at that point we'd still have 2 cups to go for.
either way we have hope, for the first time in friggin decades we have real hope, lets just enjoy it.

Whilst i agree regarding backing the Manager, come Xmas, if he has struggled and gets the Boot, we will be left with the 21 Members of the welsh Mafia, He/ Cook have appointed behind the scenes and Jim Cassell, Alex Gibson and Paul Power shipped out and sweating their Bollocks off in Abu Dhabi, with our Academy, the one thing we did get right in the hands of yet another of his mates.
The whole Hughes / BOWEN !!!!! plan will be up the creek if Barry picks up a bad injury.
God i hope it works out. Just be aware, everythings not always as it seems. Thats me thanks !
The first two games will not be the barometer for the season ahead. It will be a huge surprise to me if we get off to a flyer. Yes we have spent money and improved significantly as a squad. But it is more likely that it will be a stuttering start as the team gels and adapts. There are those out there who seemingly want him to fail and will be on his back at every opportunity as usual. I believe the majority support him and will give him the chance he deserves after the business he has conducted close season and the way he has conducted himself representing our club.

I'd say Christmas is the better barometer but look where we were at Christmas last season and we could have still easily qualified for Europe. Remember the rags having bad starts and being down amongst the dead men early doors and then recovering to win the title yet afriggingain?! You don't write off a good team or its manager after one or two defeats. Football wouldn't be half as interesting if it was as simple as throwing money at the team and watching them beat all before them. We will still have some shockers I am sure. But I am equally sure that we will see significant improvement and success in the coming seasons if we stick with MH.
If we have a great start, which I hope we will, then I believe other clubs will become under pressure from their fans.
They all know what our squad could possibly do if they gel as a unit quickly.

Media expects us to do well (they secretly want it to go tits up tho) and if we dont, they will make sure it is documented.

We are possibly on the verge of upsetting a lot of people, people must take notice now, whether they like it or not. Some managers will find they are no longer in a comfort zone, big 4 or sky 4 to be broken up by us very soon.

It is nice listening to nervous fans of the top 4, an we havent kicked a ball yet.
Balti said:
The first two games will not be the barometer for the season ahead. It will be a huge surprise to me if we get off to a flyer. Yes we have spent money and improved significantly as a squad. But it is more likely that it will be a stuttering start as the team gels and adapts. There are those out there who seemingly want him to fail and will be on his back at every opportunity as usual. I believe the majority support him and will give him the chance he deserves after the business he has conducted close season and the way he has conducted himself representing our club.

I'd say Christmas is the better barometer but look where we were at Christmas last season and we could have still easily qualified for Europe. Remember the rags having bad starts and being down amongst the dead men early doors and then recovering to win the title yet afriggingain?! You don't write off a good team or its manager after one or two defeats. Football wouldn't be half as interesting if it was as simple as throwing money at the team and watching them beat all before them. We will still have some shockers I am sure. But I am equally sure that we will see significant improvement and success in the coming seasons if we stick with MH.

Absolutely right Balti.

Hughes has already done great things for this club, along with Cooke and our owners.

We need to manage our own expectations for next season, and I also expect a stuttery start but finishing with a good improvement on last year.

There will be many on Hughes back from all quarters this season, but while he's part of the City family he should get everyones full support.

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