Austerity was a pile of shite sold to a public who don't understand public finances, though to be fair, I don't expect them too. This whole shite about comparing the nations finances to household finances, and how we need to 'tighten our belts' is a load of bollocks. A household can't suddenly decide "fuck it, I'm going to print some money". And it was only ever austerity for the working people of this country, the capital owning class have done very nicely thank you very much. The fact that people voted for it doesn't mean it was a good idea. As for brexit, that's even fucking stupider but at least it's going to happen now. Bit like my Corbyn supporting friends who will now finally get to shut the fuck up telling me I'm wrong about Corbyn and he'll come good, the same will be happening with the brexit crowd soon enough. On the bright side, if Brexit hadn't have happened, I'm afraid I'd have ended up punching someone for telling me I hated democracy which is another load of horseshit. I don't hate democracy, just people who think they know a lot but haven't made the effort to find out if their assumption on that matter is true or not.
*Note: that wasn't aimed at you, just a general fuck you to all i feel it should be flung at. Tired of people thinking they're experts on things because they've read a couple of articles they liked on facebook.