Corbyn embodies everything you strive for, he propounds the socialist mantra constantly, what was his problem
then, why was he roundly rejected? You are, of course, correct in your assessment that Brexit dominated, yet there
are millions of remainers, many, if not most, staunchly so, and if many of these people want socialism, the result
would probably have seen Johnson win, but by no landslide. Why didn't all these kids join forces with the hordes of
socialists desperate for this style of government?
The answer is all around you, most folk are in work, unions are irrelevant now, worker/management participation
is commonplace, nobody has this 'Bosses against the workers' mindset any more, there are now no strikes, no pickets,
flying or otherwise. It's no good constantly preaching radical change is needed when facing these facts, it's no good
calling for everything to be swept away along a tide of social justice, the country is in pretty good shape, not perfect,
nowhere is, but doing OK by any yardstick. The philosophy of socialism is now becoming some quaint anachronism in most
prosperous western nations, 'Populism' used as a derogatory term by the losing left, is actually the will of the people, who
were not, and are not, being brainwashed by Russia, hoodwinked by anyone, or simply not in possession of the truth,
they know what is needed, and it ain't socialism.