Kiev ban over turned

Flying Monday, back Friday. Staying in Hotel Rus. Speculatively booked on the Thursday Chernobyl tour too (Goat27). First Euro away, travelling alone so pointers about where blues will be gathering will be appreciated, especially on the day of the game. Crossing my fingers the team turns up....

Really don't see the appeal there.

People will say there's not an immediate risk to your health, and there likely isn't, the background radiation alone in most places isn't that great a threat to your health. It's elevated, but nowhere near what it was. The real threat to your health is posed by ingesting or inhaling particles contaminating the zone. You don't know that the air that you breathe in from a single gust of wind wouldn't contain particles that could lead to a cancer in several years time. So while it's not an immediate threat to your health, i.e you're not going to drop dead from exposure to the elevated background levels, it's still far from without risk.

If you do go ahead with it wear old clothes you don't mind binning, shoes in particular. Because make no mistake, there will be residual contamination on your clothing.

Wouldn't want to bring that home on your clothes and expose your kids to it, spread it around the house etc.

You'll probably pass through some kind of radiation detector on your way in/out of the zone, but be aware that the detector is trying to find contamination that gives off a recording above a certain threshold, there's every chance you could pass through it with alpha emitting or beta emitting particles on your clothing and still get the green light as their radioactivity is much harder to detect - albeit they pose a much greater risk to your health if they're ingested or inhaled given they decay so intensely with a much higher RBE than gamma particles (which is what the scanners detect).

I saw an utterly fucking ridiculous stunt some drunken idiot pulled on a TV show a while back, where this halfwit climbed inside an intensely radioactive crane bucket, caked in contamination as it was directly exposed to the burning core during the emergency reponse decades earlier. And this idiot was covered head to toe in this fallout, everywhere he went he was spreading it, the car you'll use to be transported to the zone etc. He gets to the detector to be buzzed out and he gets a red light and is locked out.

They didn't show how they decontaminated him, but that's an extreme example of the redistribution of the contamination. And you'll have to physically pass through the full body scanner that morons like him have, not sure if they clean it down etc.

If you go ahead with it a priority should be to bin your shoes after, at the least.
Really don't see the appeal there.

People will say there's not an immediate risk to your health, and there likely isn't, the background radiation alone in most places isn't that great a threat to your health. It's elevated, but nowhere near what it was. The real threat to your health is posed by ingesting or inhaling particles contaminating the zone. You don't know that the air that you breathe in from a single gust of wind wouldn't contain particles that could lead to a cancer in several years time. So while it's not an immediate threat to your health, i.e you're not going to drop dead from exposure to the elevated background levels, it's still far from without risk.

If you do go ahead with it wear old clothes you don't mind binning, shoes in particular. Because make no mistake, there will be residual contamination on your clothing.

Wouldn't want to bring that home on your clothes and expose your kids to it, spread it around the house etc.

You'll probably pass through some kind of radiation detector on your way in/out of the zone, but be aware that the detector is trying to find contamination that gives off a recording above a certain threshold, there's every chance you could pass through it with alpha emitting or beta emitting particles on your clothing and still get the green light as their radioactivity is much harder to detect - albeit they pose a much greater risk to your health if they're ingested or inhaled given they decay so intensely with a much higher RBE than gamma particles (which is what the scanners detect).

I saw an utterly fucking ridiculous stunt some drunken idiot pulled on a TV show a while back, where this halfwit climbed inside an intensely radioactive crane bucket, caked in contamination as it was directly exposed to the burning core during the emergency reponse decades earlier. And this idiot was covered head to toe in this fallout, everywhere he went he was spreading it, the car you'll use to be transported to the zone etc. He gets to the detector to be buzzed out and he gets a red light and is locked out.

They didn't show how they decontaminated him, but that's an extreme example of the redistribution of the contamination. And you'll have to physically pass through the full body scanner that morons like him have, not sure if they clean it down etc.

If you go ahead with it a priority should be to bin your shoes after, at the least.

Granted, its not for everyone and can see why it doesn't appeal to some. But I think it will be really interesting, and I have no idea if I'll ever be in Kiev again so I'm taking the opportunity to do this tour.

Without wanting to be too blasé, pretty much everything these days is a 'health risk', so I'm happy to take my chances.
There was heavy rainfall the week after in the North West they linked to Chernobyl, two people I know were exposed to it died in their twenties in 1999 and 2001 both of Liver Cancer, and both very short notice after diagnosis. Probably unconnected but I have never discounted the possibility as they both got drenched in the same place.
Granted, its not for everyone and can see why it doesn't appeal to some. But I think it will be really interesting, and I have no idea if I'll ever be in Kiev again so I'm taking the opportunity to do this tour.

Without wanting to be too blasé, pretty much everything these days is a 'health risk', so I'm happy to take my chances.

Does sound blasé. You're free to do what you want, but be responsible and don't expose other people to risks you've taken of your own accord: i.e wear some old clothes and shoes you don't mind binning.

I've made my point, as long as you understand the risks then you can make an informed choice either way at least. Have a safe trip.
Does sound blasé. You're free to do what you want, but be responsible and don't expose other people to risks you've taken of your own accord: i.e wear some old clothes and shoes you don't mind binning.

I've made my point, as long as you understand the risks then you can make an informed choice either way at least. Have a safe trip.

I'm 28 and feel more than comfortable making my own decisions, long gone are the days when I need someone to decide for me! I've read up on it, and nothing I've seen deters me in the slightest. Quite the opposite actually. It's something that has mildly intrigued me for a couple of years, and this is a great opportunity to tick that box.

Maybe it's just my outlook on life, but the bacon sarnie I have tomorrow might increase my risk of getting cancer, the bus I catch to work might mount the kerb and hit me. I appreciate your concern, genuinely, but I'm happy to go to Chernobyl and step back in time to 1986, hopefully on the back of a City win :)
Was reading up about Ukraine in general today in light of the last few posts. Interesting to see some of the pictures of where I'm staying in Independence sq (Hotel Ukraine) and the situation there just over 12 months ago. Thankfully looks a lot more hospitable now!




No longer available on the web site - is this just because I've already bought them or have they stopped selling now? Be interested to now how many have gone, I reckon about 600.

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