Looks or Personality?


Listen to the words of this trailer.
Ducado said:
The strange thing I have found is that people really know the answers that seek they just want someone else to reinforce the answer
Exactly if you start asking yourself the question, should I be with this person, you already know the answer.
cheers everyone. I'm definitely being taken for granted and like one said I need to bite the bullet and just say forget it im off. was a stupid mistake of mine getting back with her but lifes all about learning I suppose. personally I don't think she'll find someone like me again, I don't mean looks wise, but someone who will bend over backwards for her. the amount of times I been there for her when even her parents haven't isn't worth thinking about. marks right though she might turn out to be a nice person one day and thats what I've been holding on too but I just can't carry on in the hope she'll one day change, I've had enough. just rang her and said look I'm not being funny and I'll always care for you regardless but give me a yes or no answer please as I think its the least I deserve, do you want a future with me? and she put the phone down! haha. anyway in London so gonna let off some steam by singing my heart out for the boys. thank you
mcfc1894 said:
if I look at it like that, I can't see myself being happy with the current girlfriend. in my eyes shes stunning but maybe I should just grow a pair and end it. she won't break up with me because she knows how easy she has it, I treat her like no one ever will. I bought her a £175 marc Jacobs purse for Christmas as well as many other presents like pandora and clothes etc over the years and also everytime we go out I pay. I just keep thinking that we could be happy together and that's what's keeping me with her. It's annoying cos I really don't know what to do. I love my girlfriend to bits but I'm fed up of being treated like something on the bottom of her shoe
Get out now and man ff's ,GROW A PAIR OF BOLLOCKS.
mcfc1894 said:
cheers everyone. I'm definitely being taken for granted and like one said I need to bite the bullet and just say forget it im off. was a stupid mistake of mine getting back with her but lifes all about learning I suppose. personally I don't think she'll find someone like me again, I don't mean looks wise, but someone who will bend over backwards for her. the amount of times I been there for her when even her parents haven't isn't worth thinking about. marks right though she might turn out to be a nice person one day and thats what I've been holding on too but I just can't carry on in the hope she'll one day change, I've had enough. just rang her and said look I'm not being funny and I'll always care for you regardless but give me a yes or no answer please as I think its the least I deserve, do you want a future with me? and she put the phone down! haha. anyway in London so gonna let off some steam by singing my heart out for the boys. thank you
You've done the right thing mate.
I suspect she'll try ringing you, crying and promising to change. Just ignore her.
Ragnarok said:
You need to look at it in this manner. Imagine yourself spending the rest of your life with that person. Now if you went in just because of looks, those looks will be gone in 10-15 years and you will be forced to spend your life with someone whose company/personality/outlook you dont really enjoy. If you went in with someone who had a decent personality, someone that you can get along with very well, that will last the rest of your life. Ideally, there should be a good combination of both, but if thats not the case, personality over looks every time.

This post just about sums it up ....

personality , warmth , loyalty and friendliness are a winner over looks every time in my book ..... there are plenty of truly sexy girls around who aren't 'stunners' , and there are plenty of 'stunners' about who are as 'cold as ice' .
2sheikhs said:
mcfc1894 said:
cheers everyone. I'm definitely being taken for granted and like one said I need to bite the bullet and just say forget it im off. was a stupid mistake of mine getting back with her but lifes all about learning I suppose. personally I don't think she'll find someone like me again, I don't mean looks wise, but someone who will bend over backwards for her. the amount of times I been there for her when even her parents haven't isn't worth thinking about. marks right though she might turn out to be a nice person one day and thats what I've been holding on too but I just can't carry on in the hope she'll one day change, I've had enough. just rang her and said look I'm not being funny and I'll always care for you regardless but give me a yes or no answer please as I think its the least I deserve, do you want a future with me? and she put the phone down! haha. anyway in London so gonna let off some steam by singing my heart out for the boys. thank you
You've done the right thing mate.
I suspect she'll try ringing you, crying and promising to change. Just ignore her.

yeah just ignore her..after giving her my number ;)

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