Looks or Personality?

I don't know how old you are but here is some sterling advice when dealing with women

Women despise and I mean despise weakness in a man, nothing turns them off more, it's been the downfall of many a man, in fact they will often test you to see if your strong enough, by strong I don't mean become a Neanderthal, but you have to have a enough balls to stand up to them, from their biological point of view what use is a weak man? You will be the farther of her baby, she wants someone who is able to protect her and look after her

The old adage is true, if you can't stand up to me, how are you going to stand up for me!

Be a gentleman they love that (despite what some say) but be strong resist talking about any problems you may have especially in the first few years of a relationship. Never mistreat her, treat her like a princess but always be strong and decisive

It sounds like your current girlfriend has put you in the friend zone father than the lover zone, even if you were to carry on with the relationship she will cheat on you eventually
samharris said:
2sheikhs said:
mcfc1894 said:
cheers everyone. I'm definitely being taken for granted and like one said I need to bite the bullet and just say forget it im off. was a stupid mistake of mine getting back with her but lifes all about learning I suppose. personally I don't think she'll find someone like me again, I don't mean looks wise, but someone who will bend over backwards for her. the amount of times I been there for her when even her parents haven't isn't worth thinking about. marks right though she might turn out to be a nice person one day and thats what I've been holding on too but I just can't carry on in the hope she'll one day change, I've had enough. just rang her and said look I'm not being funny and I'll always care for you regardless but give me a yes or no answer please as I think its the least I deserve, do you want a future with me? and she put the phone down! haha. anyway in London so gonna let off some steam by singing my heart out for the boys. thank you
You've done the right thing mate.
I suspect she'll try ringing you, crying and promising to change. Just ignore her.

yeah just ignore her..after giving her my number ;)
She won't ring it mate. She's too busy downstairs making me a brew and a couple of bacon butties.
mcfc1894 said:
cheers everyone. I'm definitely being taken for granted and like one said I need to bite the bullet and just say forget it im off. was a stupid mistake of mine getting back with her but lifes all about learning I suppose. personally I don't think she'll find someone like me again, I don't mean looks wise, but someone who will bend over backwards for her. the amount of times I been there for her when even her parents haven't isn't worth thinking about. marks right though she might turn out to be a nice person one day and thats what I've been holding on too but I just can't carry on in the hope she'll one day change, I've had enough. just rang her and said look I'm not being funny and I'll always care for you regardless but give me a yes or no answer please as I think its the least I deserve, do you want a future with me? and she put the phone down! haha. anyway in London so gonna let off some steam by singing my heart out for the boys. thank you

The truth is we women (especially us younger women) don't actually want a man who is going to bend over backwards, or be there for you in a way a friend would. There is nothing worse than being with a man who you don't respect or who you know you can treat however you want and they will still stay like a lap dog, you end up treating them worse and worse just so they will fuck off.

Sorry it's true.
intheknow! said:
mcfc1894 said:
cheers everyone. I'm definitely being taken for granted and like one said I need to bite the bullet and just say forget it im off. was a stupid mistake of mine getting back with her but lifes all about learning I suppose. personally I don't think she'll find someone like me again, I don't mean looks wise, but someone who will bend over backwards for her. the amount of times I been there for her when even her parents haven't isn't worth thinking about. marks right though she might turn out to be a nice person one day and thats what I've been holding on too but I just can't carry on in the hope she'll one day change, I've had enough. just rang her and said look I'm not being funny and I'll always care for you regardless but give me a yes or no answer please as I think its the least I deserve, do you want a future with me? and she put the phone down! haha. anyway in London so gonna let off some steam by singing my heart out for the boys. thank you

The truth is we women (especially us younger women) don't actually want a man who is going to bend over backwards, or be there for you in a way a friend would. There is nothing worse than being with a man who you don't respect or who you know you can treat however you want and they will still stay like a lap dog, you end up treating them worse and worse just so they will fuck off.

Sorry it's true.

Says a lot about women then. Such women dont deserve a good husband/partner.
Ragnarok said:
intheknow! said:
mcfc1894 said:
cheers everyone. I'm definitely being taken for granted and like one said I need to bite the bullet and just say forget it im off. was a stupid mistake of mine getting back with her but lifes all about learning I suppose. personally I don't think she'll find someone like me again, I don't mean looks wise, but someone who will bend over backwards for her. the amount of times I been there for her when even her parents haven't isn't worth thinking about. marks right though she might turn out to be a nice person one day and thats what I've been holding on too but I just can't carry on in the hope she'll one day change, I've had enough. just rang her and said look I'm not being funny and I'll always care for you regardless but give me a yes or no answer please as I think its the least I deserve, do you want a future with me? and she put the phone down! haha. anyway in London so gonna let off some steam by singing my heart out for the boys. thank you

The truth is we women (especially us younger women) don't actually want a man who is going to bend over backwards, or be there for you in a way a friend would. There is nothing worse than being with a man who you don't respect or who you know you can treat however you want and they will still stay like a lap dog, you end up treating them worse and worse just so they will fuck off.

Sorry it's true.

Says a lot about women then. Such women dont deserve a good husband/partner.

You can still be a good husband/partner but 'be a man' and not be weak, if you know what I mean. I'm not saying every woman wants a man to dominate or be abusive but at the same time we don't want weaklings or lap dog types. It's a balance.
Ducado said:
I don't know how old you are but here is some sterling advice when dealing with women

Women despise and I mean despise weakness in a man, nothing turns them off more, it's been the downfall of many a man, in fact they will often test you to see if your strong enough, by strong I don't mean become a Neanderthal, but you have to have a enough balls to stand up to them, from their biological point of view what use is a weak man? You will be the farther of her baby, she wants someone who is able to protect her and look after her

The old adage is true, if you can't stand up to me, how are you going to stand up for me!

Be a gentleman they love that (despite what some say) but be strong resist talking about any problems you may have especially in the first few years of a relationship. Never mistreat her, treat her like a princess but always be strong and decisive

It sounds like your current girlfriend has put you in the friend zone father than the lover zone, even if you were to carry on with the relationship she will cheat on you eventually

Completly and utterly disagree with one part don't talk about the problems for the first few YEARS!? what the fuck is this?

I'm sorry but the way you painted that to me was advice given to someone maybe 30-40 years ago on how to get into a relationship with someone become married have kids ect then find out your not compatable later on and then it's too late to change please don't follow this advice mate as someone who has seeked advice before this is the worst i've seen.

sorry duc that isn't a personal attack at you just the advice you have offerd here i don't agree at all.
intheknow! said:
Ragnarok said:
intheknow! said:
The truth is we women (especially us younger women) don't actually want a man who is going to bend over backwards, or be there for you in a way a friend would. There is nothing worse than being with a man who you don't respect or who you know you can treat however you want and they will still stay like a lap dog, you end up treating them worse and worse just so they will fuck off.

Sorry it's true.

Says a lot about women then. Such women dont deserve a good husband/partner.

You can still be a good husband/partner but 'be a man' and not be weak, if you know what I mean. I'm not saying every woman wants a man to dominate or be abusive but at the same time we don't want weaklings or lap dog types. It's a balance.

This is true. I hate it but it's true.

i was everything my ex girlfiend claimed she wanted and really what happend is she didn't really want it and she did start to treat me worse and worse and then one thing happend which fucked me off so much not only did i do something about it i made it so there was a point of no return and career wise and life, future wise the BEST decision i ever made. what i would say to this female poster though is that you can't blame a man always for this relationships are meant to be 50/50 for example in my case it was 90/10 for effort and that was the problem before anything else secondly i would expect a girl to want to make things work as much as me and that never happend so it was always ticking to the point where i would do what i did.

As for you mate it seems your phone call to your now ex is exactly what you need to find your life and i'm just sorry for you it didn't happen 2 years ago my only saving grace in my relationship was that it ended so early i didn't waste years of my life on something that was never ever going to be anything positive for me or fun and what's the point in life if you're not moving forwards or happy or hopefully both?
Ducado said:
I don't know how old you are but here is some sterling advice when dealing with women

Women despise and I mean despise weakness in a man, nothing turns them off more, it's been the downfall of many a man, in fact they will often test you to see if your strong enough, by strong I don't mean become a Neanderthal, but you have to have a enough balls to stand up to them, from their biological point of view what use is a weak man? You will be the farther of her baby, she wants someone who is able to protect her and look after her

The old adage is true, if you can't stand up to me, how are you going to stand up for me!

Be a gentleman they love that (despite what some say) but be strong resist talking about any problems you may have especially in the first few years of a relationship. Never mistreat her, treat her like a princess but always be strong and decisive

It sounds like your current girlfriend has put you in the friend zone father than the lover zone, even if you were to carry on with the relationship she will cheat on you eventually

It's a persuasive arguement you put forward Ducado and I agree in the main with it.

But I disagree with the part about not sharing problems with your partner for the first few years. I think the opposite is true and women like it when you open up and admit when things are getting on top - and reveal what it is that is troubling you.
The key thing though is they then expect you to deal with the problem/s. As long as you do that all is well.

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