Manchester's Characters

The Ox said:
Manchester1894 said:
There's also a man that's dressed as a woman that looks exactly like Justin Hawkins from the darkness.


I cringe everytime I see him. Worst tranny ever. haha
Is this the same he/she who walks round the Trafford Centre in thigh high boots ?
If it is he is fucking weird.

I've seen him in Sainsbury's in Sale. Fit.
gaudinho's stolen car said:
The Ox said:
Manchester1894 said:
There's also a man that's dressed as a woman that looks exactly like Justin Hawkins from the darkness.


I cringe everytime I see him. Worst tranny ever. haha
Is this the same he/she who walks round the Trafford Centre in thigh high boots ?
If it is he is fucking weird.

I've seen him in Sainsbury's in Sale. Fit.

Did you finger his bumhole?
I'll tell you who else I've seen knocking about - a guy who cut his own bollocks off. He was on a programme called 'no sex please, we're eunuchs' on channel four a while back where they got a load of weirdo's who cut their back wheels off for various reasons. this guy was form southport but I see him in the tesco express on oxford road. Pretty sure it's him anyway. Always seems quite happy to be fair to him
The Fat el Hombre said:
Manchester1894 said:
There's also a man that's dressed as a woman that looks exactly like Justin Hawkins from the darkness.


I cringe everytime I see him. Worst tranny ever. haha

Hahaha pretty sure I know who you mean, I see him walkinh up and down oxford road fairly regularly. Very dodgy teeth

I've seen it on Oxford road.

Also, old guy with a crutch tells you very eloquently about needing to be back for his curfew at his hostel, he needs bus fare or something. Fleeced me the prick. Seen him a few hours later, fucking jogging.

Also, there's some old woman who gets the buses around town but never actually goes anywhere and never pays. Screams about the illuminati killing her son and the police locking up her husband. Buzzer with tits.
Anyone else know if this guy still knocks about in Picadilly station?

Well built and tall black bloke. Always used to go up to you saying "alright mate?" in the station like he knows you, grabs hold of your hand and doesn't let go so he can give you this shitty story about how he's just got out of Strangeways and needs money for the bus/taxi home. If you say no he keeps hold of your hand and looks like he'll leather you one. Had to push him away on one occasion, the nutter.
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
anyone remember the 2nd hand record stall in the Underground Market?
I only used to go there as there was a right fit MILF working it.

A few years after the UM closed, went to Blackpool and she had opened up a shop / stall there. I still would have then!

I remember the Tattooist in the underground market I had my first one done there.
BlueMoon_1987 said:
Anyone else know if this guy still knocks about in Picadilly station?

Well built and tall black bloke. Always used to go up to you saying "alright mate?" in the station like he knows you, grabs hold of your hand and doesn't let go so he can give you this shitty story about how he's just got out of Strangeways and needs money for the bus/taxi home. If you say no he keeps hold of your hand and looks like he'll leather you one. Had to push him away on one occasion, the nutter.

Is that not Purple Aki?
strongbowholic said:
Dunno if a thread already exists on this, so apologies if it does, however....

Hit my 20's in 1990 and Manchester was cracking. Always remember 2 mad characters from then:

1) Deaf, mute punk - always after 10p for the bus, be it the Ritz on a Monday night or countless gigs.

2) Seafood Salesman - bloke that traipsed round the boozers in a white apron with a basket selling cockles, whelks and crabsticks at 10:00 at night. He'd walk in and bellow "heeyair voryenny zeevood yair?" (care for any seafood here?) in the most gravelly, ludicrous voice!

Happy days. Wonder where they are now? Hope they are both ok.

What other Manchester characters do you remember? I'm sure lots remember the punk, anyone else remember Seafood Man?

1) lived in alty - well, he was often on the train and always around... particularly loved giving thumbs up and trying to "chat" to the few of us who were punkish and shared the train on the way to town - most definately a ritz regular and was always scabbing cash....

2) the seafood y'all! chap was also all over - particularly recall him from the boozers round oxford road etc.... his voice was indeed more gravelly than Barry White - with a cough!

there was also the bloke who was ALWAYS there no matter which corner you turned...... on your shoulder and asking if you would be ever so kind, sir, as he was lost, sir, and trying to find his way to the salvation army hostel, sir, and if you would be ever so kind, sir, and perhaps lend him some money so that he could perhaps purchase a cup of tea, sir!

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