Mancini/Pellegrini rumours (10/05/13) (cont)

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hallstreetblue said:
RMancini said:
If Mancini is sacked the club is dead to me.

Dear, dear me! Obviously haven't been on a ride such as and as long as most of us.

Never thought it humanly possible, but you are talkin through your ring piece R kid.

Am I goin against my policy of "never slag another blue"?
bluemoon32 said:
RMancini said:
Syth said:
Good riddance then! I don't get all of this, let's wait and see what happens first. He may have told the board he wants to leave and is not being sacked. Is the club still going to be dead to you if that was the case?

If he wants to leave then no, also it won't be dead to me but the best era of the club will and anything after will be poorer for Mancini not being part of it. Fucking hate the people who are getting rid of Bobby so much. Then ***** on here start questioning my loyalty to Mancini.


Haha, fcuking kills me
RMancini said:
stony said:
RMancini said:
If Mancini is sacked the club is dead to me.

Don't be such a fucking mard arse. I don't know about you but I support City and not Mancini. If you're only here to support an individual rather than the club you should just fuck off now. Nobs like you give football fans a bad name.
In fact you're probably not even a Mancini fan but a shit stirring rag who distraught at the thought of Gollum taking over at the swamp has come on here to shit stir. Either way fuck off somewhere else.

You mother fucking ****, fuck you how dare you question my loyalty to Mancini. Mancini is the club, if he is fired then it makes the club look shit and pathetic. Fuck u u small time ****, fucking ****, nobs like you give people a bad name fucking wanker.

If you'd care to read my post properly, you would see I never questioned your loyalty to Mancini. I questioned your loyalty to the club. Thanks for confirming that you are not a true fan of Manchester City.
You're either a rag or an utter fucking moron. Although the two aren't mutually exclusive so you could in fact be both.
I hope your arsehole starts itching and never fucking stops.
RMancini said:
Syth said:
RMancini said:
If Mancini is sacked the club is dead to me.
Good riddance then! I don't get all of this, let's wait and see what happens first. He may have told the board he wants to leave and is not being sacked. Is the club still going to be dead to you if that was the case?

If he wants to leave then no, also it won't be dead to me but the best era of the club will and anything after will be poorer for Mancini not being part of it. Fucking hate the people who are getting rid of Bobby so much. Then ***** on here start questioning my loyalty to Mancini.


Go and see a doctor you fucking nutcase.
zeven said:
nashark said:
IanBishopsHaircut said:
Is this the type of fan we attract these days?

The new breed really sadden me..they talk like rags

I love winning trophies..but at what cost?

Is our fanbase going to decline into expectant dickheads?

I don't give a fuck who manages..I don't give a fuck who owns us..I'm 40 next week..32 of them years a match goer

I'll always support my team..even if the sheikh didn't leave us with a pot to piss in

I'll never 'expect' anything..I will always be grateful at what comes along...

By the same token, you'd describe the Sheikh as an expectant dickhead?

Okay then, take his investment out of the club, or better still, go and start your own club, taking all of the losers who think like you and expect nothing from 100s of millions of pounds of investment (have Mancini as the manager if you like) and then we'll see who's running the better, more successful club.

You say you've been going to City for 32 years, how many trophies did we win before an expectant dickhead like the Sheikh came to the club and bought all those players?

Exactly. Please do me a favour and start following League One with your League One mentality.
You just dont understand do you? the majority of us would rather end up 10th we are grateful for small steps and just by the fact of winning more games than losing.

I would rather se city as the everton than have your attitude.

Good for you however that is clearly not the mentality of the people who now own and run this club.
hallstreetblue said:
RMancini said:
If Mancini is sacked the club is dead to me.

Dear, dear me! Obviously haven't been on a ride such as and as long as most of us.

Never thought it humanly possible, but you are talkin through your ring piece R kid.

Am I goin against my policy of "never slag another blue"?

Slag who you want, don't give a shit if its me. Slag Mancini then that's fucking too far! Mancini picked this club up from the gutter Hughes left it in and secured a Prem with a couple of years - but hey ho the cunts that be want rid, well I want rid of them. Fucking cunts, come in dont say a thing just stay silent plotting Mancinis downfall.

Fucking sly sneaky Spanish cunts, what fucking twats!
Fair enough but like i asked in a previous post.....what exactly has Pellegrini done to warrant us going after him as i seem to be missing something that his career isn't showing ?[/quote]

Maybe nothing in terms of trophies won but he is a class manager

Got Villereal from 8th to 2nd
Malaga to the champs league Q/F
At madrid he had a win % of 76 points and finished on 96 points (barca had 99 haha) yet sacked him.
Lot's pf thread pages to catch up on this morning but I assume the thing that got you all messaging was this.. VVVVVVV

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... rie-return</a>

It's just specualtion, No hard facts.
RMancini said:
hallstreetblue said:
RMancini said:
If Mancini is sacked the club is dead to me.

Dear, dear me! Obviously haven't been on a ride such as and as long as most of us.

Never thought it humanly possible, but you are talkin through your ring piece R kid.

Am I goin against my policy of "never slag another blue"?

Slag who you want, don't give a shit if its me. Slag Mancini then that's fucking too far! Mancini picked this club up from the gutter Hughes left it in and secured a Prem with a couple of years - but hey ho the cunts that be want rid, well I want rid of them. Fucking cunts, come in dont say a thing just stay silent plotting Mancinis downfall.

Fucking sly sneaky Spanish cunts, what fucking twats!
You're a bit angry, aren't you..
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