Mancini to Juventus speculation

The obvious question is.

If Bobby Manc is happy at City and he has a three and a half year contract(?), why would he make those statements? Surely it would have been easier for him to say I'm happy at City and I intend to or I will see out my contract. End of story.

All he has done is ad to the uncertainty about his future. Perhaps it's brinkmanship on his behalf and he's trying to force City's hand over that three and a half year contract he hasn't got yet, by not so subtly putting himself in the Managerial shop window.
jrb said:
The obvious question is.

If Bobby Manc is happy at City and he has a three and a half year contract(?), why would he make those statements? Surely it would have been easier for him to say I'm happy at City and I intend to or I will see out my contract. End of story.

All he has done is ad to the uncertainty about his future. Perhaps it's brinkmanship on his behalf and he's trying to force City's hand over that three and a half year contract he hasn't got yet, by not so subtly putting himself in the Managerial shop window.

Lost in translation?
I have heard this rumour from coaches in Italy I know, he is a juventus fan and would like to manage the club he support and has done since he was child.

I can confirm that juventus has made a profile each manager/coach it considers most valuable to the a current reinvention project. Mancini is one of people. As are certain others, he is top of the list.

As I understand it contact regarding the job was initiated between Mancini and Juventus officials during Fulhams game against Juventus, if he going it has been sorted with Juventus by now.

It is in Mancinis hands, I dont want him to leave he is an exremely good coach, him leaving will be the worst thing for the club. The best thing we can do is give him time and the money that hughes had and let him build his own squad.
PrestwichBlue said:
That's what I believe happened. I also think that Mancini's behaviour means he's either not happy managing in the Premiership or that, after a bit of dithering, JM has finally agreed to take the job this summer.

well, it's possible, but as you say, it would mean we had got ourselves in a mess already.

BUT... as Khaldoun let it be known off the record that he would carry the can if Mancini's appointment didn't work out, Mourinho always being on the cards doesn't seem the most likely explanation to me.

Much of what's being debated depends on how much faith you put in the rumours and speculation. As I am biased against speculation, I have always thought the scenario was for both parties to see how it worked out. Personally, I look at him and think he's someone who is genuinely disappointed with some of his players, because that's how I feel. Some of them gave him 3/4 good games before going back into their shells. However, if you believe City have been pursuing another manager then I guess you'd see that in his eyes. but, really, we're projecting. Mancini's demeanour could just be that of a man who has been working 16 hour days.

And as for his motives in this interview... well, hang on a minute, let's rewind. The quotes do not mention him joining inter at all. They are general remarks on Juventus' predicament. The story that he would be open to the possibility comes from a story from a agnelli-friendly outlet, that had no quotes, rather a reported confirmation of his interest in the job if it had been offered to him back in december, attributed to 'someone close to Mancini'. in other words the headline 'mancini expresses in joining Juve' is a definite case of 2+2=5.

as for his 'dithering' I am skeptical that we are being offered an exact translation of his time frame for returning to italy. find me an italian speaker not looking to write a story, and ask them exactly what his words mean. I think city dithered unduly in their initial presentation of Mancini's role at the club, and have failed to address matters.

not to say that I am dismissing this whole story as without any basis. the perception has always been that uncertainty exists on all sides. and the Juve job is extremely attractive, and will be available. and I have to believe he took this interview with eyes wide open.

What I believe is that he is letting the story develop, perhaps in response to city letting the mourinho story develop. that is not the same thing as him responding to a genuine pursuit of mourinho. I can't rule that out totally but I just don't have any evidence beyond a back page splash on the back of the NOTW and the usual ITK whispers. The lack of communication from city IS a fact however, and that would be enough to warrant a subtle response from a manager who is meeting his targets.

I would prefer to think that he is sending a message to city, reminding them of his marketability, and letting them city consider the risks inherent in allowing people to believe they might be pursuing mourinho... let alone the risks involved in an actual, failed pursuit. by meeting his targets, Mancini holds some of the cards now

someone else drew the parallel with the sven/thaksin situation.

even if that is not what is happening (and I would hate to think the club had seen fit to repeat that episode), it would be demeaning and undermining to Mancini to allow that perception to go unchallenged.

and if it is what's happening, then I think it's a high risk strategy, especially with a wily fox like mourinho, who plays the media like no-one else. he also strikes me as someone who knows that he doesn't need any one club, he knows he has options. he's the prettiest girl at the dance and he knows how to make the most of it. IMO you'd have to be a fool to risk everything on pursuing someone like that, you could end up used and spat out without ever getting a peck on the cheek.

if the club think they have found a way to hedge their bets, then I'd be amazed. It would really be something to go home and shag the wife after she's seen you flirting with this other girl so brazenly, so needily.... is this how good relationships work? I doubt it.

Sometimes you have to forget about 'the ideal' and concentrate on making the absolute most of what you already have. And as it happens, you might always want the prettiest girl, but what you actually need, can turn out to be something very different indeed.

sincere apologies for going on so long.
cleavers said:
Sorry PB but its still speculation, and you are now adding a rider to your opinions.

A few weeks ago its was rumoured to be "done deal" (incidentally there's no such thing unless a contract was signed, which is very unlikely because if it ever got out we'd be done for tapping up), but since recent Mourinho stories have suggested he's touting himself around, its interesting that those "itk" have suddenly started adding ifs and maybe's.

As for Mancini "not looking happy" I didn't see him today so can't comment, but he's looked happy enough to me when I have, but even if you say he looks unhappy, it could be many things, things like he's not getting the best from the players, who knows ?

Its all speculation unless.....

Someone actually knows Mourinho and what he's done/said/agreed, well if they do they should make it known properly without hinting.

Someone actually knows Cook and has had it confirmed that the true story is......

Someone knows Mancini and he has personally said he's off to Juve, in which case they should make it known as above.

Until someone actually admits to "knowing" the facts its all speculation and its my opinion that ist doing the club NO GOOD at all, in the current circumstances.

All we as fans should be worrying about now is getting enough points to be able to play in the qualifying round of next seasons champions league (and I think some forget that 4th place means only that - ask Everton)...

Exactly. Its now got to the point where we are analysing Mancini's pre match interviews for signs of...well for signs of god knows what but its getting a tad desperate to say the least.

No one on here has a bleeding clue where Mourinho will be managing next season because judging by his recent interviews I don't think Jose himself knows for certain where he will be next season.

If Mancini is an interim appointment then the club should and would have said so at the time. Giving Mancini a 3.5 year contract with every intention of letting him go at the end of the season is stupid beyond words because it makes every other contract you offer a manager meaningless.

The Mark Hughes 'back me or sack me' theory is also bollocks. The board would have had no problem reminding Hughes that he had been handsomely backed already to the tune of £200m and would he kindly get on with producing positive results where it mattered on the football pitch. As to finding out the club was talking to other managers well the world, his wife and his dog pretty much knew contact had been made with Mourinho in the summer and there was speculation every other week about other managers including Mancini. And do you seriously think Hughes was going to risk his one big chance to hit the big time by issuing ultimatums to ADUG? Like where the hell is Hughes going to go after City? Hughes would have clung to this job like grim death knowing that after this its downhill all the way unless he pots some serious pots on his CV whilst at City.

I have no insider knowledge or evidence to say what the board or even Mancini will or will not do in the summer. Much may depend on how we do in the next 7 games but like it or not Mancini has gone on record saying he has a 3.5 year contract with no 6 month break or review and that his stay is not determined by whether we get a top 4 spot or not.

Make of it what you will but so far Mancini is the only one who has made any statement about where he will be next season with Jose yelling 'gizza job' to any passing UK camera crew which if he is sitting on a fat contract offer from Sheikh Mansour is f**king odd behaviour in anyones book.

In short I ain't buying.
the_special_one said:
I have heard this rumour from coaches in Italy I know, he is a juventus fan and would like to manage the club he support and has done since he was child.

I can confirm that juventus has made a profile each manager/coach it considers most valuable to the a current reinvention project. Mancini is one of people. As are certain others, he is top of the list.

As I understand it contact was initiated between Mancini and Juventus officials during Fulhams game against Juventus, if he going it has been sorted with Juventus by now.

It is in Mancinis hands, I dont want him to leave he is an exremely good coach, him leaving will be the worst thing for the club. The best thing we can do is give him time and the money that hughes had and let him build his own squad.


The italian press was full of denials that any contact was made during the fulham game. In the same interview that the Juve quote was cherry picked Mancio also says that he knows he is still an enemy of the Juve fans due to his time at Inter. He also states in that interview that he has a contract till 2013 at city.
Gelsons Dad said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
I didn't negotiate it so can't answer that question but what if you didn't want people to think he was a caretaker? If they do then they think you've got someone lined up for the summer plus would the players really give their all? They knew Sven was going and look what happened.


That was Guus Hiddink,a great manager despite half of this board not rating him!
selim said:
Gelsons Dad said:

That was Guus Hiddink,a great manager despite half of this board not rating him!

It was clear throughout that it was an interim appointment. If it worked for them why would city choose to pretend Mancini isn't an interim appointment?

Ans. The wouldn't and the rest is just idle title tattle by those who feel let down by the sacking of Hughes.
Gelsons Dad said:
selim said:
That was Guus Hiddink,a great manager despite half of this board not rating him!

It was clear throughout that it was an interim appointment. If it worked for them why would city choose to pretend Mancini isn't an interim appointment?

Ans. The wouldn't and the rest is just idle title tattle by those who feel let down by the sacking of Hughes.

I agree,most of the Mourinho inners were coincidentally Hughes inners!

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