Manuel Pellegrini (cont)

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Mister Appointment said:
Just so we're clear. Who thinks a 3rd place finish and no trophy will get him sacked and who do those people propose the club approach to replace Pellegrini?

I think so.

Who would you like if and as you say at the moment it is an if Pellegrini does go?
cleavers said:
strongbowholic said:
In last season's CL we had some bad moments but you'd hope he would have learned from the experience and pushed us on; he hasn't as results have painfully shown in that comp this season.
Lets not exagerate, we had one bad game (well 80 minutes) in last years CL, at home to Bayern, the rest of the games in the group we won. We then drew Barcelona, who whilst not at their very best, beat us twice, but we put up decent shows in both, particularly away, when we were somewhat robbed by officials, and only lost in injury time, and played with 10 men for long periods of both matches.
What has he learned from that and put into practice in this season's comp for us to progress then as from where I'm sitting I don't think we're going to get out of the group this time around?
Mister Appointment said:
Just so we're clear. Who thinks a 3rd place finish and no trophy will get him sacked and who do those people propose the club approach to replace Pellegrini?

I've no idea if it will get him sacked, as unfortunately im not the guy with the big bucks who makes the calls

What I do know, is that a 3rd place finish and no other trophy, after being kicked out of the CL and League cup in November, would represent a truly embarrassing season given the quality of our squad, and on the back of a double winning season

To me that kind of season would tell me he has lost the dressing room, or at least lost their faith in him
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Mister Appointment said:
Just so we're clear. Who thinks a 3rd place finish and no trophy will get him sacked and who do those people propose the club approach to replace Pellegrini?

I think so.

Who would you like if and as you say at the moment it is an if Pellegrini does go?

Ancelotti is probably out as he is supposed to close to a new contract with Madrid.
chris85mcfc said:
Mister Appointment said:
Just so we're clear. Who thinks a 3rd place finish and no trophy will get him sacked and who do those people propose the club approach to replace Pellegrini?

I've no idea if it will get him sacked, as unfortunately im not the guy with the big bucks who makes the calls

What I do know, is that a 3rd place finish and no other trophy, after being kicked out of the CL and League cup in November, would represent a truly embarrassing season given the quality of our squad, and on the back of a double winning season

To me that kind of season would tell me he has lost the dressing room, or at least lost their faith in him

Interesting. I don't agree on your conclusion although I can't argue that it'd be a backwards step.

I simply don't see a pool of candidates who would represent realistic options as even managers on a par with Pellegrini let alone ones obviously better/more successful than him.
blueparrot said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Mister Appointment said:
Just so we're clear. Who thinks a 3rd place finish and no trophy will get him sacked and who do those people propose the club approach to replace Pellegrini?

I think so.

Who would you like if and as you say at the moment it is an if Pellegrini does go?

Ancelotti is probably out as he is supposed to close to a new contract with Madrid.

Wasn't aware of that so thanks. I am sure the powers that be will have discussed the what if scenarios at some point already this season.
strongbowholic said:
What has he learned from that and put into practice in this season's comp for us to progress then as from where I'm sitting I don't think we're going to get out of the group this time around?
What has he learned from what ? The Bayern home game, the rest of the group, the barca games ?

I'd say he's gone about it in exactly the same manner as he did last year when it was largely successful, not many thought we'd get past barca, even though we did put up some fight it ultimately wasn't enough, but what did you want him to change ?

Team performances just haven't been good enough, I'm not sure how that is solely the managers fault.
OB1 said:
strongbowholic said:
Mister Appointment said:
Poor argument. He's a manager who won the premier league last season. In his first season in the league. Who has taken far worse sides than ours much further in the CL than we've ever been. He may not be Pep, but nor is he simply some fancy foreign version of Pardew or Keegan, no matter how many times you try and characterise him in that manner.

His pedigree deserves much more respect than "i don't see what he had (sic) in his locker to turn it around".
Bloody phone!

His pedigree also includes being the manager during one of Real Madrid's most embarrassing ever defeats.

That really is a pointless comment when it is countered by the fact he that he, rather more significantly I would suggest, produced the club's then record points haul for a season.

That season will be remembered for barca's la liga title not pellergrini's points haul.........
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