Mike Dean

cookster said:
Welshit and Looney could have gone but he could have also ruled out the first for offside.

Take it, Take it!
^^ Ha Ha Love it You fucking legend
We did get one decision - Sergio touches the ball on with his hip and it goes out. Sergio appeals and the liner gives us the throw. The grin from Sergio was the third best thing of the night!
Ric said:
Made a couple of dubious calls, but on the whole I thought he was very good, as he always is. The best referee in the Premiership by a distance for me.

He let the game flow which improved the spectacle.
Clubber said:
Must agree that he probably is the best ref around, but thought a couple of things that I thought he got wrong.

Thought he was right to book Rooney for the lunge, but why Giggs didn't get booked for his late challenge on Kompany or Welbeck didn't get one for his two footed lunge, I'm a bit mystified.

Also, at the end of the first half, pretty sure I've never seen a game stopped when some one is just about deliver a attack. But suppose when times up its up.

To be honest, it annoys me when refs let the play go on after the time's up, just because one team's on the attack. According to the rules, when it's time, it's time.

However, I thought we got a good deal when he only played a total of 5 minutes at the end given all the subs (including in added time) and stoppages.
Mr. Aguia said:
ChicagoBlue said:
Thought he had a good game overall, but Rooney's two footed tackle only got a yellow, as did Welbeck's!! Tevez yellow was an absolute joke, but I'll take it, especially considering I expected about SEVEN minutes of injury time after the all the subs and nonsense in injury time!

Lot of yellows to stop it from boiling over, IMHO.

He was awful. Yellow for Silva? WTF? No yellow for Giggs. No red for Rooney. No red for Wellbeck.

He was NOT awful!

I think Silva was pushed. BUT, he put his arm out and got a yellow. Big deal! Penalty or yellow for Silva...which did you THINK was going to happen?

I agree on all the things you said about the rag players. HOWEVER, if you thought a two footed tackle that did not have a City player rolling around in agony was going to get a red today, then you are simply not thinking straight. I AGREE United players get away with murder, especially the language/histrionic dissent from Rooney EVERY TIME something goes against him. That is a given in this league, unfortunately!

For the size of the game, and how tetchy it got towards the end, he did a good job OVERALL and I think he is PROBABLY the best referee in the Prem.

Sorry, mate. I've played professionally and reffed. He is the best we've got!
Just watching the handbags in the 90th minute when he books Barry for trying to defend himself from Giggs constantly pushing and goading him. How the fuck he only booked Barry and not Giggs was a joke. Then you've got Jones goading Aguero and when Aguero pushes Jones the mard arsed c**t turns immediately to the linesman shouting 'look what the nasty man did he pushed me'' fucking tart. Ferdinand wants his fucking nose rearranging on the other side of his ugly fucking face stood over Aguero pointing as gesticulating. Fucking Cockney wannabe hard man fuck off home and tweet the result you wobbly lipped prick.
How Rooney didn't walk for his tackle is beyond me. Had that been a City player against a rag he would have gone and Fergie would have been asking for a 12 match ban plus a £17m fine.

But granted, the first could've been ruled our for offside, so I'll take it.
Good performance from Mike Riley, they were at him from the first second to the last. Every decision was appealed,questioned and he stood firm.

They usually influence the ref a lot more but not tonight, their frustration grew as they chased the ball.

Great performance from our boys tonight.
A decent performance.

Rooney should have walked(waddled....)

Giggs should have been booked at least once

Silva needs to stick to football,an embarrassing attempt at 'gaining an advantage'.

Strange time to blow the whistle in first half.

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